Did Ben Carson lie about assaulting kids before finding The Lord?

I think you must have suffered some form of severe brain trauma or something, I don't have a "side" and if I did I certainly wouldn't stand for it blowing a $100 million on something as stupid as partisan parlor tricks, I know Hillary is a lying, criminal because unlike you I haven't sold my brain to partisan masters and thus can still discern reality from fiction.

How do you know she is "lying' if people who have spent 100million dollars plus and have engaged hundreds of investigators can't prove the same?

Talk about brain damage. Then again, it's the kind brain damage you get when you spew right wing shit and claim to be "independent".

LOL, I don't have to prove anything to you because frankly I don't really care what you believe, your cognitive dissonance and blind faith in your political masters is a source of amusement nothing more.

Now run along and get back to your politician worship before your mistress gets cross with you.

In short, you just want to believe she's lying, not that you have any proof she lied about anything. Got it.

The Right Wing, never burdened by the weight of evidence. Just worship your imaginary sky man and bend over while the rich fuck you in the ass.
In his book, Ben Carson explains that religion saved him from a path of violence against others. But interviews with 9 of his former classmates have found that these classmates don't remember any of those incidents happening, including 1) punching a classmate in the face with his hand wrapped around a lock,
2) leaving a bloody three-inch gash in the boy's forehead;
3)attempting to attack his own mother with a hammer following an argument over clothes;
4) hurling a large rock at a boy, which broke the youth's glasses and smashed his nose;
5) thrusting a knife at the belly of his friend with such force that the blade snapped when it luckily struck a belt buckle covered by the boy's clothes.

If someone gets a 3 inch gap on the forehead, people will remember. It looks like Carson has an authenticity problem. He will say anything to make himself look like religion is an awesome life-changer.

Did Carson make up those incidents? How likely is it for nobody but him to remember?

This is more liberal stupidity and dishonesty, and you obviously haven't read any of the responses from Carson and his campaign on this issue.

I had a rough time as a teen and hurt some people, but few of the people who knew me back then knew anything about it. If you were to go back and talk with people who knew me at the time, they would say I was a nice guy who would not hurt anybody.

Seriously, I am surprised that even the liberals on this board are running with this flimsy, ridiculous story. Use some common sense and read the other side.

It's interesting to note how liberals gobble up the flimsiest attacks on Carson but take a very different approach to the very solid evidence that Hillary Clinton lied about the Benghazi attacks, lied about not knowing of Stevens' security requests, lied about her conversations with Stevens in relation to his hundreds of unmet security requests, and lied about her private e-mail usage.
It's interesting to note how liberals gobble up the flimsiest attacks on Carson but take a very different approach to the very solid evidence that Hillary Clinton lied about the Benghazi attacks, lied about not knowing of Stevens' security requests, lied about her conversations with Stevens in relation to his hundreds of unmet security requests, and lied about her private e-mail usage.

You've had 8 congressional investigations into Hillary and Benghazi and came up with- NOTHING.

Do you really want to have 8 congressional investigations into Uncle Tom and his embellishments on his autobiography? Will his ghostwriter take the fifth?
In his book, Ben Carson explains that religion saved him from a path of violence against others. But interviews with 9 of his former classmates have found that these classmates don't remember any of those incidents happening, including 1) punching a classmate in the face with his hand wrapped around a lock,
2) leaving a bloody three-inch gash in the boy's forehead;
3)attempting to attack his own mother with a hammer following an argument over clothes;
4) hurling a large rock at a boy, which broke the youth's glasses and smashed his nose;
5) thrusting a knife at the belly of his friend with such force that the blade snapped when it luckily struck a belt buckle covered by the boy's clothes.

If someone gets a 3 inch gap on the forehead, people will remember. It looks like Carson has an authenticity problem. He will say anything to make himself look like religion is an awesome life-changer.

Did Carson make up those incidents? How likely is it for nobody but him to remember?

This is more liberal stupidity and dishonesty, and you obviously haven't read any of the responses from Carson and his campaign on this issue.

I had a rough time as a teen and hurt some people, but few of the people who knew me back then knew anything about it. If you were to go back and talk with people who knew me at the time, they would say I was a nice guy who would not hurt anybody.

Seriously, I am surprised that even the liberals on this board are running with this flimsy, ridiculous story. Use some common sense and read the other side.

It's interesting to note how liberals gobble up the flimsiest attacks on Carson but take a very different approach to the very solid evidence that Hillary Clinton lied about the Benghazi attacks, lied about not knowing of Stevens' security requests, lied about her conversations with Stevens in relation to his hundreds of unmet security requests, and lied about her private e-mail usage.
You don't understand.

It's how Carson is responding to the questions and news reports that demonstrates he's not qualified to be president.

This in conjunction with his other bizarre statements, his ignorance of the law, of sound public policy, of responsible governance, and his other lies – such as the lie that 'the media' are trying to 'shut him down' or the lie that Christians in America 'aren't allow to speak openly about their faith.'

Carson further demonstrated he's not fit to be president during his Friday news conference, attempting to advance an idiotic red herring fallacy about how 'the media' didn't subject Obama to the same level of scrutiny, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth, and indeed is another one of Carson's lies.

Consequently, the issue isn't whether Carson lied or not, or if he's been untruthful, or whether or not he's made misleading statements – the issue is Carson's failure to respond appropriately and effectively to the accusations, failing to communicate as to why he should be president, and instead reinforcing the argument that he in fact has no business being president at all.
Granny wantin' to know...

... if it's true...

... an' now dat dey know who he is...

... how come dey ain't suin' him?
I think you must have suffered some form of severe brain trauma or something, I don't have a "side" and if I did I certainly wouldn't stand for it blowing a $100 million on something as stupid as partisan parlor tricks, I know Hillary is a lying, criminal because unlike you I haven't sold my brain to partisan masters and thus can still discern reality from fiction.

How do you know she is "lying' if people who have spent 100million dollars plus and have engaged hundreds of investigators can't prove the same?

Talk about brain damage. Then again, it's the kind brain damage you get when you spew right wing shit and claim to be "independent".

LOL, I don't have to prove anything to you because frankly I don't really care what you believe, your cognitive dissonance and blind faith in your political masters is a source of amusement nothing more.

Now run along and get back to your politician worship before your mistress gets cross with you.

In short, you just want to believe she's lying, not that you have any proof she lied about anything. Got it.

The Right Wing, never burdened by the weight of evidence. Just worship your imaginary sky man and bend over while the rich fuck you in the ass.

Ahhh,, such a spirited and vigorous defense of your mistress, I'm sure such blind loyalty will one day be amply rewarded as her Highness is at this very moment hard at work on the details of her free cookies & milk for useful idiots program, so just hang in there your reward is comin'.
Ahhh,, such a spirited and vigorous defense of your mistress, I'm sure such blind loyalty will one day be amply rewarded as her Highness is at this very moment hard at work on the details of her free cookies & milk for useful idiots program, so just hang in there your reward is comin'.

So essentially you don't have an argument.

Here's the thing, guy. I used to be one of you right wing nuts. And in 2008, I was stuck with a 20% pay cut, an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K. And Bush lied about much more serious things than anything you've ever accused Hillary of lying about.

Every time your side gets in charge, they fuck up the economy. Every. Fucking. Time. As Ian Fleming said "
Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action"

Not a fan of Hillary necessarily- But if she keeps you guys from fucking it up again, I'm all for it.
Ahhh,, such a spirited and vigorous defense of your mistress, I'm sure such blind loyalty will one day be amply rewarded as her Highness is at this very moment hard at work on the details of her free cookies & milk for useful idiots program, so just hang in there your reward is comin'.

So essentially you don't have an argument.
Nope, just making fun of you, I've long ago realized that there is no point in arguing with partisans since they invariably find objectivity, reason and evidence which run contrary to their strongly held beliefs repugnant. Nothing personal, you're probably a nice person you've just had your mind so warped by politicians and the media you can't tell the truth from lies anymore and think that defending corrupt miscreants like Hillary Clinton equates to rational behavior.

I find it rather unjust that after all your spirited defense of the Dark Queen that the reality is; she wouldn't deign to piss on you if you were on fire, where's the gratitude with these people?
Nope, just making fun of you, I've long ago realized that there is no point in arguing with partisans since they invariably find objectivity, reason and evidence which run contrary to their strongly held beliefs repugnant. Nothing personal, you're probably a nice person you've just had your mind so warped by politicians and the media you can't tell the truth from lies anymore and think that defending corrupt miscreants like Hillary Clinton equates to rational behavior.

I find it rather unjust that after all your spirited defense of the Dark Queen that the reality is; she wouldn't deign to piss on you if you were on fire, where's the gratitude with these people?

NO, guy, you aren't making fun of me.

You are deflecting from the obvious point that I've asked you repeatedly for proof Hillary "lied", and you keep coming back with "I think she's a liar' and "you worship her".

Now, I'm going to try to talk to you like a grownup...

All the politicians are LYING to us. That's practically in the job description. Any fool who says, "A politician lied to me" is like someone who goes to a whorehouse and complains he didn't feel loved. Or he went to Denny's and food sucks.

I expect them all to lie to us. I expect them to tell us what we want to hear, to tell their life stories with a lot of embellishment, and so on.

And then I ignore all that and I look at, what will be the net result of this person being president.

The net result of Hillary being president is that she will keep the GOP in Congress in check from doing any of the crazy things you know they are going to try to do - ban abortion, give huge tax cuts to the rich, deregulate and deunionize. It's not a matter if whether or not she lied about being shot at by snipers in Bosnia. It's a matter of what kind of people will she put on the Supreme Court, ones that look out for working folks or ones that look out for the Corporations.

Any GOP candidate, you are going to see an avalanche of crazy. Dismantling the ACA without anything to replace it with, something even the insurance industry doesn't want. Voting to bloat the military and getting us into more foreign misadventures because Jesus said so.

I'm looking out for my own self interest. No GOP candidate has convinced me that he's going to much to make my life better. Hillary at the very least won't make it worse.

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