Did Ben Carson lie about assaulting kids before finding The Lord?

where is the birth certificate ...long form

Evangelicals like Ben Carson because he admits things most candidates would never own up to like, "I am Ben Carson."
In his book, Ben Carson explains that religion saved him from a path of violence against others. But interviews with 9 of his former classmates have found that these classmates don't remember any of those incidents happening, including 1) punching a classmate in the face with his hand wrapped around a lock,
2) leaving a bloody three-inch gash in the boy's forehead;
3)attempting to attack his own mother with a hammer following an argument over clothes;
4) hurling a large rock at a boy, which broke the youth's glasses and smashed his nose;
5) thrusting a knife at the belly of his friend with such force that the blade snapped when it luckily struck a belt buckle covered by the boy's clothes.

If someone gets a 3 inch gap on the forehead, people will remember. It looks like Carson has an authenticity problem. He will say anything to make himself look like religion is an awesome life-changer.

Did Carson make up those incidents? How likely is it for nobody but him to remember?
Doctoe Demento is delusional, much like most of the nutters on this board where facts and reality are just things to be ignored.
Boy, I can really understand how the PC Police became so dependent on screaming "racist" for any freakin' reason.

This is fun!
Birth certificate where is it ...we demand the long form
NEW STUDY: Republican voters are nearly as uninformed about history as Republican front runners.
Jesus never existed... but I do find it amusing that people will hijack his name to justify the most awful things.
Josephus Flavius said otherwise. He was a jew just like you. It is safe to assume then that it is not just a goyim old wives' tale.

1) Not Jewish. Trust me, go to the Israel forums and ask, "Hey, is that JoeB131 guy Jewish?"

2) Flavius Josepus did not write about Jesus. The passages in Josephus bout Jesus were inserted later by Christian Scholars or were about someone else named Yeshua (a common name) who wasn't Jesus.
Internal e mail show that Ben Carson was trying to get Internet activists "Anonymous" to name him as a KKK member in order to increase his poll numbers with Republican voters ...
Boy, I can really understand how the PC Police became so dependent on screaming "racist" for any freakin' reason.

This is fun!
You have to mix in a few cries of sexism! and homophobia! though otherwise you're not doing it right, I understand that you're amateur at this whole PC Shock Troop thing, don't worry you'll get better with practice, once you've mastered the basics you get into the advanced techniques like "innuendo as truth" and "completely delusional rants". :)
Boy, I can really understand how the PC Police became so dependent on screaming "racist" for any freakin' reason. This is fun!.
You have to mix in a few cries of sexism! and homophobia! though otherwise you're not doing it right, I understand that you're amateur at this whole PC Shock Troop thing, don't worry you'll get better with practice, once you've mastered the basics you get into the advanced techniques like "innuendo as truth" and "completely delusional rants". :)
You fucking sexist homophobe racist!


Okay, I'm working on it, give me time here...
LOL, Well I see we found at least one of the people that believes her lies........

"There's a sucker born every minute" -- David Hannum

Guy, the burden isn't on me to prove she told the truth, the burden is on you to prove she lied.

Your side has spent millions of dollars investigating her and her husband over the last 25 years, nd the worst thing you could come up with was he lied about a blow job because he didn't want his wife to know.

Which kind of puts him with the 50% of men who commit adultery.
True Story: Progressive have to wear they Robert Byrd KKK autographed sheet whenever they write an anti-Carson post. He's one of them "Uppity Negroes" that refuses to stay in his place

Um, no, he's just kind of a phony who claims to be something he isn't.

Kind of like Herman Cain- presented himself as one thing which fell apart under the smallest amount of scrutiny.
I wonder if these people who hate Carson have always been racists or if they became racists over time.

Nobody would have ever hated Carson if he had just continued to lead his know nothing, do nothing life and had not started going public with his adventurous made up lies. If that guy is worthy of consideration for the office of president of the United States I'm an astronaut.........and I can't stand heights.
Where's the loser button?

This BS coming from someone who supported a friggen Community-Troublemaker for president.
Boy, I can really understand how the PC Police became so dependent on screaming "racist" for any freakin' reason.

This is fun!
Birth certificate where is it ...we demand the long form
NEW STUDY: Republican voters are nearly as uninformed about history as Republican front runners.
Do you believe Carson is an idiot for believing Obama was born in America?
left-wingers are crybaby morons. do they want Carson's tale of assualt to be true??

of course they do!!

they think this "lie" comes close to negating hillary's serial criminality in the email server scandal

too bad the public doesnt share that view
Why don't his classmates remember the 3 inch cut in the kid's forehead? Did it heal with a bandaid?
Hillary is losing badly to Ben Carson....so once again.....liberals are attacking the black man.

i would be willing to bet my life savings that IF Ben had a giant sized "D" behind his name all would be well and good.

LOL.....I notice that there's not too many of you conservatives who keep the casinos open 24/7. Now I see why...you people want to bet on things which are impossible to prove and ridiculous!
2) Flavius Josepus did not write about Jesus. The passages in Josephus bout Jesus were inserted later by Christian Scholars or were about someone else named Yeshua (a common name) who wasn't Jesus.
Yeah...cool... Either the name was inserted by "Christian Scholars" or it was a common name "Yeshua" who wasn't Jesus. Double whammy. If the first assertion is rejected then falling back to the second assertion. That speaks for itself. So, here is this guy Yeshua brought in front of the Sanhedrin...but the guy wasn't Jesus but his name was Jesus what was a common name and it did not mean the name Jesus...

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