Did Ben Carson lie about assaulting kids before finding The Lord?

Ben Carson is angry because people are skeptical about his story that he attacked his mother with a hammer.

Take a moment to think about that.
Just normal human beings manifesting normal human reaction at the vicious ankle-biters, race-baiters and shit-stirrers in the Liberal Wing of the Lamestream Media. MEH.
Yeah sure whatever ...still not addressing the Birth certificate issue....Ben "Kenyan" Carson

Is there a point in there somewhere?
It's not even close to a wash, latest polling shows Carson at the top with respect to "honest and trustworthy" (I think he's +34% in that regard) and Clinton at the bottom (at around -25% if memory serves). Obviously the public believes Carson is FAR more honest than Clinton and it's not difficult to see why, after all Hillary is a serial liar that isn't really very good at telling lies (she's constantly getting caught telling lies because her lies are so fucking ridiculous that only the most ignorant would believe them in the first place).

So you've had 25 years of a Right Wing Smear Machine saying that Hillary has lied, even though dozens of congressional committees and Ken Starr's 70 million dollar panty-sniffing investigation proved nothing of the sort.


A guy with an inspiring story that no one has bothered or dared to scrutinize until now.

Yes, public perception would be different if you had 25 years of attacks on Dr. Carson's veracity.

I think it will probably only take a few weeks, though. And probably the people who will be causing most of it will be the Republican establishment, who are happy to PANDER to the religious nuts, but don't want one anywhere near making important decisions.
Carson is out selling books while the rest of the field is campaigning.

That's the Jesus way!!
Jesus did Signing Appearances?

I'll bet the Judean Barnes & Noble coffee shop was burnin' up the latte machines with all those Apostles and Pharisees and Centurions and the rest of that riff-raff...

Jesus never existed... but I do find it amusing that people will hijack his name to justify the most awful things.
Carson is out selling books while the rest of the field is campaigning.

That's the Jesus way!!
Jesus did Signing Appearances?

I'll bet the Judean Barnes & Noble coffee shop was burnin' up the latte machines with all those Apostles and Pharisees and Centurions and the rest of that riff-raff...

There's probably about as much truth in Carson tales as in the new testament anyway. Both a giant load of shit!! They guys who wrote the new testament read the old testament and VOILA!!! They knew exactly what to say they saw. All religion is bullshit and it never has slowed down. Look at Joseph Smith and the book of Mormon. Look at L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. It just keeps on keeping on. There's no limit to the bullshit people will make up and swear to for money! It started over 2000 years ago with the required tithe and it never has slowed down. 'Course these televangelists have to get a little more to cover the cost of their airtime but who's counting?
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...Clinton will win on the issues.
After 8 years of spendthrift behaviors and failed foreign policy and Rule by Imperial Decree, by the Magic Negro, I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Trump's not the answer... Carson's probably not the answer... but neither is Shrillary.

So essentially, what you are admitting is that the dumber than shit rednecks that make up the GOP Base like Trump and Carson because they validate their bigotries, but even they wouldn't want either one of htem in the White House.

But you'll finally settle on one of the also rans that 90% of you have no use for, and hope you get the country behind him.
Jesus never existed... but I do find it amusing that people will hijack his name to justify the most awful things.
Josephus Flavius said otherwise. He was a jew just like you. It is safe to assume then that it is not just a goyim old wives' tale.
It's not even close to a wash, latest polling shows Carson at the top with respect to "honest and trustworthy" (I think he's +34% in that regard) and Clinton at the bottom (at around -25% if memory serves). Obviously the public believes Carson is FAR more honest than Clinton and it's not difficult to see why, after all Hillary is a serial liar that isn't really very good at telling lies (she's constantly getting caught telling lies because her lies are so fucking ridiculous that only the most ignorant would believe them in the first place).

So you've had 25 years of a Right Wing Smear Machine saying that Hillary has lied, even though dozens of congressional committees and Ken Starr's 70 million dollar panty-sniffing investigation proved nothing of the sort.
LOL, Well I see we found at least one of the people that believes her lies........

"There's a sucker born every minute" -- David Hannum
left-wingers are crybaby morons. do they want Carson's tale of assualt to be true??

of course they do!!

they think this "lie" comes close to negating hillary's serial criminality in the email server scandal

too bad the public doesnt share that view
I wonder if these people who hate Carson have always been racists or if they became racists over time.

Nobody would have ever hated Carson if he had just continued to lead his know nothing, do nothing life and had not started going public with his adventurous made up lies. If that guy is worthy of consideration for the office of president of the United States I'm an astronaut.........and I can't stand heights.
I wonder if these people who hate Carson have always been racists or if they became racists over time.
Nobody would have ever hated Carson if he had just continued to lead his know nothing, do nothing life and had not started going public with his adventurous made up lies. If that guy is worthy of consideration for the office of president of the United States I'm an astronaut.........and I can't stand heights.
Wow, such racism.
True Story: Progressive have to wear they Robert Byrd KKK autographed sheet whenever they write an anti-Carson post. He's one of them "Uppity Negroes" that refuses to stay in his place

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