Did Ben Carson lie about assaulting kids before finding The Lord?

LOL, Well I see we found at least one of the people that believes her lies........

"There's a sucker born every minute" -- David Hannum

Guy, the burden isn't on me to prove she told the truth, the burden is on you to prove she lied.
LOL, if Hillary herself showed up at your door and admitted she was a bald face liar you'd still run around claiming how honest she is, so I wouldn't waste my time trying to "prove" anything to you, after all what's the point in attempting to demonstrate reality to a brick wall?

It's pretty clear you prefer the lies of your partisan masters to the truth, I'm glad it makes you happy. :)
In his book, Ben Carson explains that religion saved him from a path of violence against others. But interviews with 9 of his former classmates have found that these classmates don't remember any of those incidents happening, including 1) punching a classmate in the face with his hand wrapped around a lock,
2) leaving a bloody three-inch gash in the boy's forehead;
3)attempting to attack his own mother with a hammer following an argument over clothes;
4) hurling a large rock at a boy, which broke the youth's glasses and smashed his nose;
5) thrusting a knife at the belly of his friend with such force that the blade snapped when it luckily struck a belt buckle covered by the boy's clothes.

If someone gets a 3 inch gap on the forehead, people will remember. It looks like Carson has an authenticity problem. He will say anything to make himself look like religion is an awesome life-changer.

Did Carson make up those incidents? How likely is it for nobody but him to remember?
someone probably asked, but it's not in the op or on the first page

would you link these claims plz

not his, but yours
True Story: Progressive have to wear they Robert Byrd KKK autographed sheet whenever they write an anti-Carson post. He's one of them "Uppity Negroes" that refuses to stay in his place

Um, no, he's just kind of a phony who claims to be something he isn't.

Kind of like Herman Cain- presented himself as one thing which fell apart under the smallest amount of scrutiny.

The "If you like your Plan, Benghazi was a planned terror attack spontaneously caused by a video nobody saw" Party talks about lying


Just nuked the Irony Meter
left-wingers are crybaby morons. do they want Carson's tale of assualt to be true??

of course they do!!

they think this "lie" comes close to negating hillary's serial criminality in the email server scandal

too bad the public doesnt share that view
Why don't his classmates remember the 3 inch cut in the kid's forehead? Did it heal with a bandaid?

you're embarrassing yourself. do you think people care more about a tale from childhood than emails with information AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT being handled loosely by the Secretary of State????
you're embarrassing yourself. do you think people care more about a tale from childhood than emails with information AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT being handled loosely by the Secretary of State????
Well it would appear that a lot of hyper-partisan Democrats do since her Majesty's malfeasance doesn't appear to give them pause at all, I like to call it the "You can fool some of the people all of the time" effect. :)
left-wingers are crybaby morons. do they want Carson's tale of assualt to be true??

of course they do!!

they think this "lie" comes close to negating hillary's serial criminality in the email server scandal

too bad the public doesnt share that view
Why don't his classmates remember the 3 inch cut in the kid's forehead? Did it heal with a bandaid?

you're embarrassing yourself. do you think people care more about a tale from childhood than emails with information AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT being handled loosely by the Secretary of State????
You dodged my question. Answer it.
LOL, Well I see we found at least one of the people that believes her lies........

"There's a sucker born every minute" -- David Hannum

Guy, the burden isn't on me to prove she told the truth, the burden is on you to prove she lied.
LOL, if Hillary herself showed up at your door and admitted she was a bald face liar you'd still run around claiming how honest she is, so I wouldn't waste my time trying to "prove" anything to you, after all what's the point in attempting to demonstrate reality to a brick wall?

It's pretty clear you prefer the lies of your partisan masters to the truth, I'm glad it makes you happy. :)
Good news for Carson is allegations he fabricated stories from his past has shifted attention away from pyramids
In his book, Ben Carson explains that religion saved him from a path of violence against others. But interviews with 9 of his former classmates have found that these classmates don't remember any of those incidents happening, including 1) punching a classmate in the face with his hand wrapped around a lock,
2) leaving a bloody three-inch gash in the boy's forehead;
3)attempting to attack his own mother with a hammer following an argument over clothes;
4) hurling a large rock at a boy, which broke the youth's glasses and smashed his nose;
5) thrusting a knife at the belly of his friend with such force that the blade snapped when it luckily struck a belt buckle covered by the boy's clothes.

If someone gets a 3 inch gap on the forehead, people will remember. It looks like Carson has an authenticity problem. He will say anything to make himself look like religion is an awesome life-changer.

Did Carson make up those incidents? How likely is it for nobody but him to remember?
I guess, that is between him and the lord. Everything else is just speculation...
Yeah...cool... Either the name was inserted by "Christian Scholars" or it was a common name "Yeshua" who wasn't Jesus. Double whammy. If the first assertion is rejected then falling back to the second assertion. That speaks for itself. So, here is this guy Yeshua brought in front of the Sanhedrin...but the guy wasn't Jesus but his name was Jesus what was a common name and it did not mean the name Jesus...

Okay, I guess i had to understand I was dealing with a retard.

There are two "references" to Jesus in the bible.

The first one reads-

About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if indeed one ought to call him a man. For he was one who performed surprising deeds and was a teacher of such people as accept the truth gladly. He won over many Jews and many of the Greeks. He was the Messiah. And when, upon the accusation of the principal men among us, Pilate had condemned him to a cross, those who had first come to love him did not cease. He appeared to them spending a third day restored to life, for the prophets of God had foretold these things and a thousand other marvels about him. And the tribe of the Christians, so called after him, has still to this day not disappeared.

Almost all scholars today admit this was added in by later Christian writers. It would make no sense for Josephus- a devout Jew who didn't think Jesus was the messiah, to claim he was. No mention of this passage is made by Christian writers until the middle ages.

Josephus on Jesus | Forgery and Fraud? | Flavius Testimonium

The second reference to Jesus is a discussion of "James brother of Jesus" in book 20.

But the younger Ananus who, as we said, received the high priesthood, was of a bold disposition and exceptionally daring; he followed the party of the Sadducees, who are severe in judgment above all the Jews, as we have already shown. As therefore Ananus was of such a disposition, he thought he had now a good opportunity, as Festus was now dead, and Albinus was still on the road; so he assembled a council of judges, and brought before it the brother of Jesus the so-called Christ, whose name was James, together with some others, and having accused them as lawbreakers, he delivered them over to be stoned.

Now, a whole lot of problems with this passage. the first is the translation of "Jesus the Christ" . This might refer to a Yeshua who was appointed high priest, who had a brother named James who was stoned. In the larger context of the section, they discuss a religious conflict between the Pharisees and Sadducees, neither of which would have had Christians in their ranks.

Oh, and obviously, none of the Gospels say that James was Jesus' brother.
LOL, if Hillary herself showed up at your door and admitted she was a bald face liar you'd still run around claiming how honest she is, so I wouldn't waste my time trying to "prove" anything to you, after all what's the point in attempting to demonstrate reality to a brick wall?

It's pretty clear you prefer the lies of your partisan masters to the truth, I'm glad it makes you happy.

Uh, guy, your side has spent well over 100 million dollars trying to prove Hillary lied about something, and you can't pull it off. So it isn't a matter of what she comes to my front door and says. It's a matter of what you can PROVE.

I don't worry about whether or not Hillary has lied. I worry about what the REpublicans might do if they get the Presidency and Congress and the ability to appoint more SCOTUS judges. I worry about new ways the rich might find to fuck over working people if the Bush Crime Family appoints some of their cronies to the agencies that are supposed to keep them from doing that sort of thing.

Now, Carson, on the other hand, has been caught in a bunch of lies in the past few weeks, now that people are actually taking him seriously. No need to spend hundreds of millions of dollars... a few questions like "Did you ever apply to West Point" solves this problem.
You almost gotta laugh. The radical left wing media seems determined to prove that Ben Carson wasn't a street punk. Meanwhile the radical media seemed just as determined to ignore evidence that Hillary's husband was a rapist. We still don't know what Barry Sotoro Hussein's freaking birth certificate looks like and the liberal media isn't interested in his school records (locked in a freaking vault) or his connection with a known domestic terrorist.
you're embarrassing yourself. do you think people care more about a tale from childhood than emails with information AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT being handled loosely by the Secretary of State????

Compared to who? Government Servers were breached 56,000 times by hackers last year.
Okay, I guess i had to understand I was dealing with a retard.
Typical jew Übermensch response. You jews are above everybody aren't you?

Hey, go ask J'Roc (the guy who flies a Zionist flag) if he thinks I'm Jewish. That would be funny.

I'm an atheist. Was raised Catholic, but figured out that there were no sky pixies a long time ago.
You almost gotta laugh. The radical left wing media seems determined to prove that Ben Carson wasn't a street punk. Meanwhile the radical media seemed just as determined to ignore evidence that Hillary's husband was a rapist. We still don't know what Barry Sotoro Hussein's freaking birth certificate looks like and the liberal media isn't interested in his school records (locked in a freaking vault) or his connection with a known domestic terrorist.

Okay- let's take a look at that.

The radical left wing media seems determined to prove that Ben Carson wasn't a street punk.

I think it has more to do with the fact that Carson (or more likely, his ghostwriter) embellished claims about his life that aren't true. He's the one who put the whole "Street Punk" thing out there. Not the Media.

Meanwhile the radical media seemed just as determined to ignore evidence that Hillary's husband was a rapist.

Really? It seemed to me the media spent a lot of time letting every woman who Clinton looked at funny have her say on TV. The problem is, all of these women had credibility problems. Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars investigating Clinton's sex life... and came up with - nothing.

We still don't know what Barry Sotoro Hussein's freaking birth certificate looks

Sure we do. It was published.

and the liberal media isn't interested in his school records (locked in a freaking vault) or his connection with a known domestic terrorist

When was Professor William Ayers convicted of Terrorism? Oh, that's right. He wasn't.
In his book, Ben Carson explains that religion saved him from a path of violence against others. But interviews with 9 of his former classmates have found that these classmates don't remember any of those incidents happening, including 1) punching a classmate in the face with his hand wrapped around a lock,
2) leaving a bloody three-inch gash in the boy's forehead;
3)attempting to attack his own mother with a hammer following an argument over clothes;
4) hurling a large rock at a boy, which broke the youth's glasses and smashed his nose;
5) thrusting a knife at the belly of his friend with such force that the blade snapped when it luckily struck a belt buckle covered by the boy's clothes.

If someone gets a 3 inch gap on the forehead, people will remember. It looks like Carson has an authenticity problem. He will say anything to make himself look like religion is an awesome life-changer.

Did Carson make up those incidents? How likely is it for nobody but him to remember?

Maybe he wants us to think he's a child molester.
LOL, if Hillary herself showed up at your door and admitted she was a bald face liar you'd still run around claiming how honest she is, so I wouldn't waste my time trying to "prove" anything to you, after all what's the point in attempting to demonstrate reality to a brick wall?

It's pretty clear you prefer the lies of your partisan masters to the truth, I'm glad it makes you happy.

Uh, guy, your side has spent well over 100 million dollars trying to prove Hillary lied about something, and you can't pull it off.
I think you must have suffered some form of severe brain trauma or something, I don't have a "side" and if I did I certainly wouldn't stand for it blowing a $100 million on something as stupid as partisan parlor tricks, I know Hillary is a lying, criminal because unlike you I haven't sold my brain to partisan masters and thus can still discern reality from fiction.

So it isn't a matter of what she comes to my front door and says. It's a matter of what you can PROVE.
LOL, I don't have to prove anything to you because frankly I don't really care what you believe, your cognitive dissonance and blind faith in your political masters is a source of amusement nothing more.

Now run along and get back to your politician worship before your mistress gets cross with you. :cool:

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