Did Biden Call All Republicans, White Supremacists??

Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405

President Trump opined that his wife was more attractive than Cruz's old lady. I don't see the problem.

Trump also pointed out that people say that Cruz's dad was involved in the Kennedy assassination. True. Trump didn't say it, he just pointed out that some did.

Right - Trump's "many people are saying" was AWESOME! - Many people were also saying that windmills cause cancer. :laughing0301:

" Joe Biden took the oath as the 46th President of the US on Wednesday, January 20. In his inaugural address, Biden said 'we will defeat' white supremacy and extremism. According to a tweet by CNN's Ryan Struyk the senator told Fox News: "If you read his speech and listen to it carefully, much of it is thinly-veiled innuendo calling us White supremacists, calling us racists, calling us every name in the book, calling us people who don't tell the truth."
View attachment 446348

Now I will be the first to admit that after reading Biden's speech, it definitely wasn't a unifying uplifting and positive speech like Trump's American Carnage inaugural speech...but did Biden call all Republicans, white supremacists like some on the right has claimed? And isn't it clear that Biden himself is the white supremacist?? In fact, aren't all Democrats are white supremacists, right? Even the non-white Democrats are white supremacists because they are just slaves on their plantation, right??

Truth is, Biden never called all Republicans white supremacists, so I guess a hit dog will holler -- and it is very telling that simply saying "we will denounce racism, nativism, demonization, lies and fear" made Rand Paul have a sad and whine about him being called a lying white supremacist....it's almost like if Rand Paul was watching Indiana Jones and upon hearing Harrison Ford's character say "I hate Nazis" -- Rand Paul would clutch his pearls and cry out "Why is Indiana Jones calling me a Nazi?"

Liberal partisans have been smearing mainstream republicans as ws for years.

For Biden to use such language in that context, with no effort to distinguish his intent, from their intent, by itself is at least very concerning.

He is either purposefully supporting that divisive behavior, OR so unaware that he is not aware it is going on.

It is worth noting that ws, as a serious political force was defeated and rendered completely moot, back in the early 60s.
There is a radio program called "The Black information Network"
BIN: Black Information Network - Because Truth Matters

On that program, they routinely call Trump supporters and Republicans racists.

Today I was listening as one of their anchors blatantly called Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) "a racist"

Now, it may be true....but if they can't actually PROVE it, why isn't her legal team filing a defamation lawsuit immediately?

i mean, if they say this publicly and she doesn't, isn't she agreeing with them that she also believes she is a racist etc?
Last edited:
Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405



Just because Senor Cruz and Mr. Trump have a different opinion on the issue of whether Cruz's old lady is attractive doesn't mean they can't be political allies. That's really not a major issue in this country, you know.
Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405



Just because Senor Cruz and Mr. Trump have a different opinion on the issue of whether Cruz's old lady is attractive doesn't mean they can't be political allies. That's really not a major issue in this country, you know.

What Trump said went far beyond a simple differing of opinion. Cruz should have decked him.
Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405



Just because Senor Cruz and Mr. Trump have a different opinion on the issue of whether Cruz's old lady is attractive doesn't mean they can't be political allies. That's really not a major issue in this country, you know.

What Trump said went far beyond a simple differing of opinion. Cruz should have decked him.

Maybe Cruz did, back in the dressing room? In any event, the men got by their differences, and that shows adult like behavior.
Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405



Just because Senor Cruz and Mr. Trump have a different opinion on the issue of whether Cruz's old lady is attractive doesn't mean they can't be political allies. That's really not a major issue in this country, you know.

What Trump said went far beyond a simple differing of opinion. Cruz should have decked him.

Yep, Texans would have admired that. Instead he lubed up and bent over. ;)
Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405



Just because Senor Cruz and Mr. Trump have a different opinion on the issue of whether Cruz's old lady is attractive doesn't mean they can't be political allies. That's really not a major issue in this country, you know.

Really? So you would want to ally with a man who not only calls your wife ugly, but raised the conspiracy theory that your father helped kill JFK?? If you're serious about that, then you're a spineless pussy. ;)
Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405



Just because Senor Cruz and Mr. Trump have a different opinion on the issue of whether Cruz's old lady is attractive doesn't mean they can't be political allies. That's really not a major issue in this country, you know.

Really? So you would want to ally with a man who not only calls your wife ugly, but raised the conspiracy theory that your father helped kill JFK?? If you're serious about that, then you're a spineless pussy. ;)

People can agree to disagree. A lot of people, mainly libs, have articulated the position that Trump's wives are Skanks as well. President Trump doesn't take it personally, recognizing everyone is entitled to their opinions.

As far as the JFK conspiracy, Trump didn't accuse Cruz's father of anything. He only pointed out that the theorem that Cruz Sr. was involved was out there. And it WAS out there, just like the theorem that Trump's dad was in the Triple K.
Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Rand was a crappy "Doctor"

And this pretty much proves it.
Come from a leftist hack that spends all day online...that really doesn’t mean much.
Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405



Just because Senor Cruz and Mr. Trump have a different opinion on the issue of whether Cruz's old lady is attractive doesn't mean they can't be political allies. That's really not a major issue in this country, you know.

Really? So you would want to ally with a man who not only calls your wife ugly, but raised the conspiracy theory that your father helped kill JFK?? If you're serious about that, then you're a spineless pussy. ;)

People can agree to disagree. A lot of people, mainly libs, have articulated the position that Trump's wives are Skanks as well. President Trump doesn't take it personally, recognizing everyone is entitled to their opinions.

As far as the JFK conspiracy, Trump didn't accuse Cruz's father of anything. He only pointed out that the theorem that Cruz Sr. was involved was out there. And it WAS out there, just like the theorem that Trump's dad was in the Triple K.

Daddy Fred may not have been a card carrying member of the Triple K, but he was most definitely a sympathizer and a raging racist.

Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405



Just because Senor Cruz and Mr. Trump have a different opinion on the issue of whether Cruz's old lady is attractive doesn't mean they can't be political allies. That's really not a major issue in this country, you know.

Really? So you would want to ally with a man who not only calls your wife ugly, but raised the conspiracy theory that your father helped kill JFK?? If you're serious about that, then you're a spineless pussy. ;)

People can agree to disagree. A lot of people, mainly libs, have articulated the position that Trump's wives are Skanks as well. President Trump doesn't take it personally, recognizing everyone is entitled to their opinions.

As far as the JFK conspiracy, Trump didn't accuse Cruz's father of anything. He only pointed out that the theorem that Cruz Sr. was involved was out there. And it WAS out there, just like the theorem that Trump's dad was in the Triple K.

Daddy Fred may not have been a card carrying member of the Triple K, but he was most definitely a sympathizer and a raging racist.


Just because someone with the same name was busted in the vicinity of the Triple K event in New York doesn't mean that Mr. Trump was a "sympathizer" at all. If you stipulate this was the president's father (hardly a proven fact) , he may have just been curious, or a counter protester. Remember that the far left KKK did not care for immigrants and the elder Trump's mum as well as his old lady were immigrants.
Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405



Just because Senor Cruz and Mr. Trump have a different opinion on the issue of whether Cruz's old lady is attractive doesn't mean they can't be political allies. That's really not a major issue in this country, you know.

Really? So you would want to ally with a man who not only calls your wife ugly, but raised the conspiracy theory that your father helped kill JFK?? If you're serious about that, then you're a spineless pussy. ;)

People can agree to disagree. A lot of people, mainly libs, have articulated the position that Trump's wives are Skanks as well. President Trump doesn't take it personally, recognizing everyone is entitled to their opinions.

As far as the JFK conspiracy, Trump didn't accuse Cruz's father of anything. He only pointed out that the theorem that Cruz Sr. was involved was out there. And it WAS out there, just like the theorem that Trump's dad was in the Triple K.

Daddy Fred may not have been a card carrying member of the Triple K, but he was most definitely a sympathizer and a raging racist.


Just because someone with the same name was busted in the vicinity of the Triple K event in New York doesn't mean that Mr. Trump was a "sympathizer" at all. If you stipulate this was the president's father (hardly a proven fact) , he may have just been curious, or a counter protester. Remember that the far left KKK did not care for immigrants and the elder Trump's mum as well as his old lady were immigrants.

Kinda like Donald. Constantly demeaning immigrants while marrying them.
Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405



Just because Senor Cruz and Mr. Trump have a different opinion on the issue of whether Cruz's old lady is attractive doesn't mean they can't be political allies. That's really not a major issue in this country, you know.

Really? So you would want to ally with a man who not only calls your wife ugly, but raised the conspiracy theory that your father helped kill JFK?? If you're serious about that, then you're a spineless pussy. ;)

People can agree to disagree. A lot of people, mainly libs, have articulated the position that Trump's wives are Skanks as well. President Trump doesn't take it personally, recognizing everyone is entitled to their opinions.

As far as the JFK conspiracy, Trump didn't accuse Cruz's father of anything. He only pointed out that the theorem that Cruz Sr. was involved was out there. And it WAS out there, just like the theorem that Trump's dad was in the Triple K.

Daddy Fred may not have been a card carrying member of the Triple K, but he was most definitely a sympathizer and a raging racist.


Just because someone with the same name was busted in the vicinity of the Triple K event in New York doesn't mean that Mr. Trump was a "sympathizer" at all. If you stipulate this was the president's father (hardly a proven fact) , he may have just been curious, or a counter protester. Remember that the far left KKK did not care for immigrants and the elder Trump's mum as well as his old lady were immigrants.

Kinda like Donald. Constantly demeaning immigrants while marrying them.

Brown ILLEGALS and Caucasian LEGALS are not synonymous...you know this...right?
Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405



Just because Senor Cruz and Mr. Trump have a different opinion on the issue of whether Cruz's old lady is attractive doesn't mean they can't be political allies. That's really not a major issue in this country, you know.

Really? So you would want to ally with a man who not only calls your wife ugly, but raised the conspiracy theory that your father helped kill JFK?? If you're serious about that, then you're a spineless pussy. ;)

People can agree to disagree. A lot of people, mainly libs, have articulated the position that Trump's wives are Skanks as well. President Trump doesn't take it personally, recognizing everyone is entitled to their opinions.

As far as the JFK conspiracy, Trump didn't accuse Cruz's father of anything. He only pointed out that the theorem that Cruz Sr. was involved was out there. And it WAS out there, just like the theorem that Trump's dad was in the Triple K.

Daddy Fred may not have been a card carrying member of the Triple K, but he was most definitely a sympathizer and a raging racist.


Just because someone with the same name was busted in the vicinity of the Triple K event in New York doesn't mean that Mr. Trump was a "sympathizer" at all. If you stipulate this was the president's father (hardly a proven fact) , he may have just been curious, or a counter protester. Remember that the far left KKK did not care for immigrants and the elder Trump's mum as well as his old lady were immigrants.

That WAS his address at the time. Just a koinkeedink loon?
A counter protester? Ya, I'm sure Daddy Fred absolutely LOVED black folks! :lol:
You fail. ;-)
Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405

President Trump opined that his wife was more attractive than Cruz's old lady. I don't see the problem.

Trump also pointed out that people say that Cruz's dad was involved in the Kennedy assassination. True. Trump didn't say it, he just pointed out that some did.

Like a true chickenshit does.

" Joe Biden took the oath as the 46th President of the US on Wednesday, January 20. In his inaugural address, Biden said 'we will defeat' white supremacy and extremism. According to a tweet by CNN's Ryan Struyk the senator told Fox News: "If you read his speech and listen to it carefully, much of it is thinly-veiled innuendo calling us White supremacists, calling us racists, calling us every name in the book, calling us people who don't tell the truth."
View attachment 446348

Now I will be the first to admit that after reading Biden's speech, it definitely wasn't a unifying uplifting and positive speech like Trump's American Carnage inaugural speech...but did Biden call all Republicans, white supremacists like some on the right has claimed? And isn't it clear that Biden himself is the white supremacist?? In fact, aren't all Democrats are white supremacists, right? Even the non-white Democrats are white supremacists because they are just slaves on their plantation, right??

Truth is, Biden never called all Republicans white supremacists, so I guess a hit dog will holler -- and it is very telling that simply saying "we will denounce racism, nativism, demonization, lies and fear" made Rand Paul have a sad and whine about him being called a lying white supremacist....it's almost like if Rand Paul was watching Indiana Jones and upon hearing Harrison Ford's character say "I hate Nazis" -- Rand Paul would clutch his pearls and cry out "Why is Indiana Jones calling me a Nazi?"

Who the hell cares what he says? He could call every American racist. He is entitled to his opinion no matter how right or wrong he is.
In danger of sounding like a broken record, but his speech was all virtue signaling. No substance, no reality at all.... just virtue signaling nonsense.
Get use to it.
We are going to see all manner of virtue signaling in the next 4 years. And this is just the beginning.
White supremacy in America is CLEARLY on it's deathbed. A once all encompassing beast, now a weak, frail shadow of itself barely breathing.
But the leftist, in their constant - bottomless need to feel superior, paint white supremacy as if it still is a national menace.
And you can expect real laws written that will be no less racist than the back of the bus laws of the 60s.
Rand has a guilt complex. It's too bad, I used to like him. Rand is no Ron.

Dr. Rand Paul is very sensitive to Liberal Violence and how the libs get enraged by liberal rhetoric. Remember how a crazed Bidenholic attacked him on his lawn in Kentucky? He was seriously fucking injured.

That Rand can't get along with his neighbors is strictly a personal issue.

Its the lib neighbors who assaulted him, why are you blaming the victim here?
Something tells me if it was Rand who beat up his "lib neighbor" -- you would be bowing down to Rand and calling him a bad ass...

But since Rand was the one who got his ass whooped, yall effortlessly switch in to victim mode like yall always do...because of the bitch that is inside of you

Are you speaking Walmart or Ebonics?
I can’t quite make out what you’re saying. Can you polish things up and use English please?
Thanks in advance.
I don't need to polish up your hypocrisy...

You fragile minded conservative cucks are the masters at it -- and you know if it was Cruz who beat his neighbor's ass -- insecure cowards like you would be calling him a badass..

However, the real Ted Cruz is the guy who had his wife and father talked about in his face and all he did was.....what you cucks always do....

View attachment 446405



Just because Senor Cruz and Mr. Trump have a different opinion on the issue of whether Cruz's old lady is attractive doesn't mean they can't be political allies. That's really not a major issue in this country, you know.

What Trump said went far beyond a simple differing of opinion. Cruz should have decked him.

Maybe Cruz did, back in the dressing room? In any event, the men got by their differences, and that shows adult like behavior.

What would you or those wankers know about 'adult like behavior'?
In danger of sounding like a broken record, but his speech was all virtue signaling. No substance, no reality at all.... just virtue signaling nonsense.
Get use to it.
We are going to see all manner of virtue signaling in the next 4 years. And this is just the beginning.
White supremacy in America is CLEARLY on it's deathbed. A once all encompassing beast, now a weak, frail shadow of itself barely breathing.
But the leftist, in their constant - bottomless need to feel superior, paint white supremacy as if it still is a national menace.
And you can expect real laws written that will be no less racist than the back of the bus laws of the 60s.

Virtual signalling is just shaming.

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