Did democrats attack Bill Clinton over his sex scandals 20 years ago?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Hell no but repubs do exactly that to Roy Moore. Ryan, mcconnell, jebbie, and the rest of the rinos get rich off the swamp and don't want it drained. Hang the traitors.
Hell no but repubs do exactly that to Roy Moore. Ryan, mcconnell, jebbie, and the rest of the rinos get rich off the swamp and don't want it drained. Hang the traitors.

Oh, oh, oh, now you're attacking partisan politics. Wow, you fake being a partisan hack all the time, now your fake ego is pretending to hate partisan politics....
Hell no but repubs do exactly that to Roy Moore. Ryan, mcconnell, jebbie, and the rest of the rinos get rich off the swamp and don't want it drained. Hang the traitors.
It shows how deep the swamp is. We need to make sure to have those Repubs that attacks Senator Moore, to get them out of office. Write down the names of them, and spread the word about them. That is why President Trump has not gotten things done because of them.
Hell no but repubs do exactly that to Roy Moore. Ryan, mcconnell, jebbie, and the rest of the rinos get rich off the swamp and don't want it drained. Hang the traitors.
It shows how deep the swamp is. We need to make sure to have those Repubs that attacks Senator Moore, to get them out of office. Write down the names of them, and spread the word about them. That is why President Trump has not gotten things done because of them.

Great idea. You can replace them with nuts who are just as unqualified and stupid as Trump is. Won't that be nice?
Hell no but repubs do exactly that to Roy Moore. Ryan, mcconnell, jebbie, and the rest of the rinos get rich off the swamp and don't want it drained. Hang the traitors.
It shows how deep the swamp is. We need to make sure to have those Repubs that attacks Senator Moore, to get them out of office. Write down the names of them, and spread the word about them. That is why President Trump has not gotten things done because of them.

Great idea. You can replace them with nuts who are just as unqualified and stupid as Trump is. Won't that be nice?
They were never qualified at all. Remember, we have had a couple of recessions. To me that sounds as if the ones in officer isn't that bright at all.
Hell no but repubs do exactly that to Roy Moore. Ryan, mcconnell, jebbie, and the rest of the rinos get rich off the swamp and don't want it drained. Hang the traitors.
It shows how deep the swamp is. We need to make sure to have those Repubs that attacks Senator Moore, to get them out of office. Write down the names of them, and spread the word about them. That is why President Trump has not gotten things done because of them.

Great idea. You can replace them with nuts who are just as unqualified and stupid as Trump is. Won't that be nice?
They were never qualified at all. Remember, we have had a couple of recessions. To me that sounds as if the ones in officer isn't that bright at all.

They are so dumb that they can't accomplish anything with the House Senate and the White House. Still not as dumb as Trump though.
Hell no but repubs do exactly that to Roy Moore. Ryan, mcconnell, jebbie, and the rest of the rinos get rich off the swamp and don't want it drained. Hang the traitors.
Well you guys sure did. Don’t tell me you think its ok when the victim is only 14.... it’s like biblical?
'I did NOT have sex with that woman'
'It will pay for itself, won't cost a dime, and if you like your plan you can keep your plan'

Hard to tell which lie was worse.

Barry got the better of the 'sexual escapades', though -- Bill Clinton just got a blowjob. Barry got to F* the whole country.

Bwuhahahaha.... :p
They are so dumb that they can't accomplish anything with the House Senate and the White House. Still not as dumb as Trump though.

Repubs had the presidency and both houses of congress during 2003-07. And they gave us the iraq war. Dems has same control 2009-11 and they gave us obamacare. Govt can't do anything right.
Well you guys sure did. Don’t tell me you think its ok when the victim is only 14.... it’s like biblical?

The "victim" doesn't have a shred of evidence. THINK

This isn’t a court of law. This is the court of public opinion. 5 separate accusers and a host of co-workers and acquaintances have said Roy Moore dated high school girls. That’s enough to convince me that he did that.

I sure wouldn’t leave my 14 year old daughter alone with this old perv. I doubt you would either.
They are so dumb that they can't accomplish anything with the House Senate and the White House. Still not as dumb as Trump though.

Repubs had the presidency and both houses of congress during 2003-07. And they gave us the iraq war. Dems has same control 2009-11 and they gave us obamacare. Govt can't do anything right.

So you think spending all of your tax dollars blowing up shit in another country is equal to providing health insurance coverage to 15 million uninsured Americans, in terms of idiocy.

No wonder you think Trump is the Second Coming. You’re just that stupid.
Hell no but repubs do exactly that to Roy Moore. Ryan, mcconnell, jebbie, and the rest of the rinos get rich off the swamp and don't want it drained. Hang the traitors.

They defended Clinton, and I was one of them. The liberals lost me some time ago anyhow, and gross hypocrisy was the first reason why.
'I did NOT have sex with that woman'
'It will pay for itself, won't cost a dime, and if you like your plan you can keep your plan'

Hard to tell which lie was worse.

Barry got the better of the 'sexual escapades', though -- Bill Clinton just got a blowjob. Barry got to F* the whole country.

Bwuhahahaha.... :p
I just grab em by the pussy" Donald j trump.

And didn't sessions just commit perjury? Time to throw him under the bus or go nazi and take over the country. Which will they do?
Perjury is suddenly a crime to snowflakes?

It wasn't when


Did it.
Bill Clinton took a lot of shit from Democrats for the Lewinsky mess. But it also came to light amidst the most intensive witch hunt ever perpetrated on a political rival by the Republican Party.

The whole Paula Jones lawsuit was part and parcel of a premeditated campaign to destroy the Clintons. Bill was a very popular and successful and Republicans hated him for it. Some said they trying to get even with Democrats for Richard Nixon. Whatever the reason Republicans wanted to destroy Bill Clinton, and subsequently Barrack Obama.

Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, Vince Foster. There were endless investigations of everything the Clintons did in Washington or had done before they got to Washington.

A special prosecutor was appointed with instructions to “Get the Clintons” and God knows he tried but at the end of the day no charges were laid against the Clintons because there was no evidence, no witnesses and really no crimes.

Yes there were indictments in the Whitewater matter but the Clintons weren’t involved.

Clinton endured 4 years of the Paula Jones lawsuit - a case that should never have been filed. There was no harassment. There was a clumsy pass and a refusal. That was it. All Paula wanted was an apology for the lie in a magazine article. Republicans used her shamelessly.

I held no animosity towards Republicans until I watched what they did to the Clintons. I don’t know how anyone could vote for such a venal bunch of slimes after that partisan bullshit.

Even Ken Starr has said he is ashamed of his role in the harassment perpetrated against Bill and Hillary.

So yes, we do sympathize with Bill Clinton, over his treatment by Republicans. No he should not be messing around with interns or anyone else for that matter. But in the grand scheme of things it’s not a matter that needed to come to light. It’s a personal failing not one of failing to do the job he was given.

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