Did Dems step on a big land mine: Undocumented Health Insurance


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Did the Democrats Step on a Second Big Land Mine?

Short term: perhaps

Long term: maybe not

The more trump through Miller demonizes immigrants....the more we hear of caged children....the more the tide will turn. US voters will not stand by while children are dying in our care....

The Dems are not talking a hand out to undocumented. They are talking elligibility for purchase of health insurance.

Tax payers are already paying Billions for illegals in emergency room visits. A solution....besides the draconian trump efforts.... need to be reached....both in controlling the influx and treatment of them when they finally get here.
"And a Democratic candidate who can combine an appeal for comprehensive immigration reform with a genuine effort to stem the flow of new arrivals may find that a powerful message."

. . . um, that is all Trump ever wanted. Pelosi and Schummer have continued to balk, they DON'T WANT to stem the flow of new arrivals. That is why the bill to provide relief to the suffering children has been held up in congress.

derp derp derp. . :eusa_doh:
Did the Democrats Step on a Second Big Land Mine?

Short term: perhaps

Long term: maybe not

The more trump through Miller demonizes immigrants....the more we hear of caged children....the more the tide will turn. US voters will not stand by while children are dying in our care....

The Dems are not talking a hand out to undocumented. They are talking elligibility for purchase of health insurance.

Tax payers are already paying Billions for illegals in emergency room visits. A solution....besides the draconian trump efforts.... need to be reached....both in controlling the influx and treatment of them when they finally get here.


When illegal aliens walk into an emergency room, they aren't able to "access health care"?


It is crazy, Pete, so let's boot these illegals, today!


First, let's boot 20 million illegal aliens, minimum.

Then we can look at a few Dreamers that we'd like to stay.
"And a Democratic candidate who can combine an appeal for comprehensive immigration reform with a genuine effort to stem the flow of new arrivals may find that a powerful message."

. . . um, that is all Trump ever wanted. Pelosi and Schummer have continued to balk, they DON'T WANT to stem the flow of new arrivals. That is why the bill to provide relief to the suffering children has been held up in congress.

derp derp derp. . :eusa_doh:

BS..... trump has created a crisis on the border. As long as Miller is advising him...he will continue his detention facilities for children....

I never thought I would see a day when...in this country....children would be held in cages .and lawyers from the DOJ would argue that soap and tooth brushes were not necessary....

Maybe fat boys trump and Barr should try no soap and tooth brushes....
Did the Democrats Step on a Second Big Land Mine?

Short term: perhaps

Long term: maybe not

The more trump through Miller demonizes immigrants....the more we hear of caged children....the more the tide will turn. US voters will not stand by while children are dying in our care....

The Dems are not talking a hand out to undocumented. They are talking elligibility for purchase of health insurance.

Tax payers are already paying Billions for illegals in emergency room visits. A solution....besides the draconian trump efforts.... need to be reached....both in controlling the influx and treatment of them when they finally get here.

You started a thread on this earlier, why a second thread?
Technically illegals can buy health insurance. They just can't do it through obamacare.
"And a Democratic candidate who can combine an appeal for comprehensive immigration reform with a genuine effort to stem the flow of new arrivals may find that a powerful message."

. . . um, that is all Trump ever wanted. Pelosi and Schummer have continued to balk, they DON'T WANT to stem the flow of new arrivals. That is why the bill to provide relief to the suffering children has been held up in congress.

derp derp derp. . :eusa_doh:

BS..... trump has created a crisis on the border. As long as Miller is advising him...he will continue his detention facilities for children....

I never thought I would see a day when...in this country....children would be held in cages .and lawyers from the DOJ would argue that soap and tooth brushes were not necessary....

Maybe fat boys trump and Barr should try no soap and tooth brushes....

Awwwwww....except O was already caging them and nary a peep until now. Good luck with those croc tears.
Technically illegals can buy health insurance. They just can't do it through obamacare.

They aren’t here to “buy” anything....they’re here for the free shit.

So am I. I was just born on the other side of an imaginary line. Doesn't change that technically illegals can buy health insurance. They don't have a lot of options, but there are a few.
"And a Democratic candidate who can combine an appeal for comprehensive immigration reform with a genuine effort to stem the flow of new arrivals may find that a powerful message."

. . . um, that is all Trump ever wanted. Pelosi and Schummer have continued to balk, they DON'T WANT to stem the flow of new arrivals. That is why the bill to provide relief to the suffering children has been held up in congress.

derp derp derp. . :eusa_doh:

BS..... trump has created a crisis on the border. As long as Miller is advising him...he will continue his detention facilities for children....

I never thought I would see a day when...in this country....children would be held in cages .and lawyers from the DOJ would argue that soap and tooth brushes were not necessary....

Maybe fat boys trump and Barr should try no soap and tooth brushes....

A few months ago Dems were telling us there was no crisis at the border.
Did the Democrats Step on a Second Big Land Mine?

Short term: perhaps

Long term: maybe not

The more trump through Miller demonizes immigrants....the more we hear of caged children....the more the tide will turn. US voters will not stand by while children are dying in our care....

The Dems are not talking a hand out to undocumented. They are talking elligibility for purchase of health insurance.

Tax payers are already paying Billions for illegals in emergency room visits. A solution....besides the draconian trump efforts.... need to be reached....both in controlling the influx and treatment of them when they finally get here.

No shit they stepped on a land mine, one they planted themselves. They all stood there and swore to America that they would take away their private health insurance and award amnesty and taxpayer paid health care to illegals.

Congrats on handing the election to President Trump.
"And a Democratic candidate who can combine an appeal for comprehensive immigration reform with a genuine effort to stem the flow of new arrivals may find that a powerful message."

. . . um, that is all Trump ever wanted. Pelosi and Schummer have continued to balk, they DON'T WANT to stem the flow of new arrivals. That is why the bill to provide relief to the suffering children has been held up in congress.

derp derp derp. . :eusa_doh:

BS..... trump has created a crisis on the border. As long as Miller is advising him...he will continue his detention facilities for children....

I never thought I would see a day when...in this country....children would be held in cages .and lawyers from the DOJ would argue that soap and tooth brushes were not necessary....

Maybe fat boys trump and Barr should try no soap and tooth brushes....

They rejected his offer if I am not mistaken?

"On Saturday, Trump offered Democrats three years of deportation protections for some immigrants, including those who are enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, in exchange for $5.7 billion in border wall funding.The proposal was immediately rejected by Democrats and derided by conservatives as amnesty."

Trump rejects critics of offer for wall funds
He takes aim at Pelosi, tries to ease allies’ DACA worry
Trump rejects critics of offer for wall funds

Trump's next DACA move: Offer Democrats a simple swap
Trump's next DACA move: Offer Democrats a simple swap

He offered, THE WALL for DACA Amnesty. Similar to Regan

Did the Democrats Step on a Second Big Land Mine?

Short term: perhaps

Long term: maybe not

The more trump through Miller demonizes immigrants....the more we hear of caged children....the more the tide will turn. US voters will not stand by while children are dying in our care....

The Dems are not talking a hand out to undocumented. They are talking elligibility for purchase of health insurance.

Tax payers are already paying Billions for illegals in emergency room visits. A solution....besides the draconian trump efforts.... need to be reached....both in controlling the influx and treatment of them when they finally get here.

Democrat don’t give a damn if the taxpayers money, that has been proven ages ago. Rejoice, you are getting great lefty candidates and the more money they can get from the taxpayer, the happier and more powerful they are. These are the people that represent you! Congrats Jimmy!
Did the Democrats Step on a Second Big Land Mine?

Short term: perhaps

Long term: maybe not

The more trump through Miller demonizes immigrants....the more we hear of caged children....the more the tide will turn. US voters will not stand by while children are dying in our care....

The Dems are not talking a hand out to undocumented. They are talking elligibility for purchase of health insurance.

Tax payers are already paying Billions for illegals in emergency room visits. A solution....besides the draconian trump efforts.... need to be reached....both in controlling the influx and treatment of them when they finally get here.
Remember, they are not children-they are pawns in a political chess match. And, first, take care of the Black kids in OUR cities-they are American citizens after all!
Did the Democrats Step on a Second Big Land Mine?

Short term: perhaps

Long term: maybe not

The more trump through Miller demonizes immigrants....the more we hear of caged children....the more the tide will turn. US voters will not stand by while children are dying in our care....

The Dems are not talking a hand out to undocumented. They are talking elligibility for purchase of health insurance.

Tax payers are already paying Billions for illegals in emergency room visits. A solution....besides the draconian trump efforts.... need to be reached....both in controlling the influx and treatment of them when they finally get here.

Illegals should not have long-term anything because they are not supposed to be here long term. In fact, they aren't supposed to be here at all. It's like robbing your convenience store and asking why they didn't serve coffee.

So what do US voters see?

A party that wants to confiscate most of the money from our job creators to create needless social programs.
A party that wants to disarm the general public giving criminals an upper hand in crime.
A party that wants open borders to third-worlders and middle-east terrorists.
A party that's working tirelessly to make whites a minority in this country for the first time in history.
A party that wants to take us from 21 trillion in debt to 28 trillion.

That's what Americans see; at least the ones with half a brain.
It should be obvious now that Democrats rather step over tent cities full of needy homeless Americans to help needy homeless foreign nationals.

Democrats make needy homeless Americans compete with needy homeless foreign nationals for resources meant for needy homeless Americans.

They are truly sick people. In this day and age, being an American and voting for Democrats is like being a jew and voting for nazis.

Democrats illegal immigration platform...

Sneak into America
Obtain services like medical and welfare paid for by Americans
Vote for anti American globalist Democrats who aid and abet you
Victimize Americans
Get deported from America

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