Did Dems step on a big land mine: Undocumented Health Insurance

"And a Democratic candidate who can combine an appeal for comprehensive immigration reform with a genuine effort to stem the flow of new arrivals may find that a powerful message."

. . . um, that is all Trump ever wanted. Pelosi and Schummer have continued to balk, they DON'T WANT to stem the flow of new arrivals. That is why the bill to provide relief to the suffering children has been held up in congress.

derp derp derp. . :eusa_doh:

BS..... trump has created a crisis on the border. As long as Miller is advising him...he will continue his detention facilities for children....

I never thought I would see a day when...in this country....children would be held in cages .and lawyers from the DOJ would argue that soap and tooth brushes were not necessary....

Maybe fat boys trump and Barr should try no soap and tooth brushes....

A few months ago Dems were telling us there was no crisis at the border.

But leave it to trump and Miller....BAM! we have one....the incompetent racists
The diseased illegal aliens crossing the so called “border” are causing the crisis, you silly little fucker.

You have no clue what real racism is
we should be upgrading Ellis Island to process these refugees.

Oh, good grief. You got thoroughly spanked the last time you brought that up. Why are you trying it again?

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