Did George Stephanopoulos trick Trump or help Trump?

Does the MSM's and dem's outrage over Trump's opinions help Trump or hurt Trump?

  • As long as Trump is in the news he's happy, there is no bad publicity, tweet, tweet, tweet...

    Votes: 17 85.0%
  • The constant negative coverage by the MSM will eventually take a toll on Trump & cost him in 2020

    Votes: 3 15.0%

  • Total voters
They hired Fusion GPS to find dirt. Fusion GPS provided faked information they couldn't varify. Hillary gave this fake information to supporters in the DOJ and they used it to commit perjury in court to begin a spying operation against a political opponent.

A deal isn't a deal unless you sign a contract. Just looking into building in Russia isn't a deal. Exploring options isn't a deal. Even if Trump had decided to build, which laws was he breaking????

Everything you believe is coming from media sources that are skilled at manipulation and deception. Half-truths designed to mislead people who are gullible.
Unverified does not mean fake.

An eyewitness to a crime is still evidence even if it can not be verified. How fucking stupid are you people?

Trying to get a deal IS doing business activities.

It is not whether the business was legal, it was that he LIED about it.

lied? you mean like with a cloth?
You do know that her server was NOT subpoenaed by Congress when the server was wiped clean... only the emails for Benghazi and Lybia were subpoenaed by congress and those emails had already been gathered, collected and sent to the government. NOTHING was illegal about cleaning that server, PERIOD.

the FBI did NOT request her server until 5 months after it was wiped clean.

Ya'll are promoting a lie, that Trump told you to say and somehow convinced you to believe.
You're being illogical
she's being a stupid-assed moistened bint.
That's obviously true.
Prosecutors do not bring people to court that they believe with a reasonable amount of certainty, will not be convicted for the crime charged. It's a waste of tax payer's money, and harassment, otherwise.

They why is this charade continuing to this day?
The Democrats are playing word games. No one can be exonerated unless they are indicted first. If you aren't charged or indicted, you are innocent by default. Mueller deliberately used "exonerated" so Democrats could play this game.
he used that term because there was plenty of evidence that the President could have been indicted for, IF HE WERE NOT a sitting president. He was passing it on to the Congress, the only means there is to do any kind of reprimand, for his illegal or wrong doings, that the Constitution gives us.

1000 ex prosecutors and AG's, both Republican and Democratic, said the evidence that Mueller collected on President Trump's obstruction of justice presented in the Mueller report, would have resulted in an indictment for any human being walking this earth... except the president, because the DOJ has a rule, that says the sitting President can NOT be indicted for his CRIMES.

Remember, a criminal indictment does not mean they are guilty... the person being charged criminally, is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
There is all kinds of evidence that Hillary could have been indicted in 2016, but she wasn't.

Have you noticed that every time Trump has been discovered to have committed another crime or been involved in some kind of treason, Republicans go nuts with the but but but Hillary comments?

She hasn’t been in office for nearly 7 years. That horse is so dead and has been beaten a long time ago. They need to find another scapegoat. A new one.
What crime did Trump commit?
Crimes. Plural.
So let’s review, shall we?

First off, there’s all the on going investigations. Remember the investigation so far have resulted in a 100% conviction rate.

First of all, we know Trump is an indicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies. Michael Cohen has a tape of Trump directing him to commit crimes. Michael Cohen is in prison. Trump is still president.

All the details are in the Mueller report. You can read it because a link is in my signature line.
The pages look very much like this: the

Gee, I hope that helped.

What helps is that Dershowitz says that Mueller is wrong on the Law.
Dershowitz: Shame on Robert Mueller for exceeding his role
The Democrats are playing word games. No one can be exonerated unless they are indicted first. If you aren't charged or indicted, you are innocent by default. Mueller deliberately used "exonerated" so Democrats could play this game.
he used that term because there was plenty of evidence that the President could have been indicted for, IF HE WERE NOT a sitting president. He was passing it on to the Congress, the only means there is to do any kind of reprimand, for his illegal or wrong doings, that the Constitution gives us.

1000 ex prosecutors and AG's, both Republican and Democratic, said the evidence that Mueller collected on President Trump's obstruction of justice presented in the Mueller report, would have resulted in an indictment for any human being walking this earth... except the president, because the DOJ has a rule, that says the sitting President can NOT be indicted for his CRIMES.

Remember, a criminal indictment does not mean they are guilty... the person being charged criminally, is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
There is all kinds of evidence that Hillary could have been indicted in 2016, but she wasn't.

Have you noticed that every time Trump has been discovered to have committed another crime or been involved in some kind of treason, Republicans go nuts with the but but but Hillary comments?

She hasn’t been in office for nearly 7 years. That horse is so dead and has been beaten a long time ago. They need to find another scapegoat. A new one.
What crime did Trump commit?
Crimes. Plural.
So let’s review, shall we?

First off, there’s all the on going investigations. Remember the investigation so far have resulted in a 100% conviction rate.


First of all, we know Trump is an indicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies. Michael Cohen has a tape of Trump directing him to commit crimes. Michael Cohen is in prison. Trump is still president.


All the details are in the Mueller report. You can read it because a link is in my signature line.
The pages look very much like this: the


Gee, I hope that helped.
Nope, didn't help at all. Just more smoke and mirrors. Every person indicted was for something done outside of the Trump campaign. You conveniently omit that fact.
Information is not monetary. I wish someone would list the crimes Trump was supposed to commit.
Mueller had 3 years to find something. He came up with a wet noodle.
Information is not monetary. I wish someone would list the crimes Trump was supposed to commit.
Mueller had 3 years to find something. He came up with a wet noodle.
Christ on a Mountain!I gave you the citation that covers that stupidity of yours; "Information is not monetary." But you chose to remain ignorant. here it is again with just that single point isolated so even you can find it with the help of a dull witted third grader:
52 U.S. Code § 30121 - Contributions and donations by foreign nationals

(a) Prohibition It shall be unlawful for—

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make—
(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

Damn...you're dumber than a rock or really making yourself the fool playing at stupid for plausible deniability!

Where is the contribution or donation by foreign nationals, you chinless wonder?
A contribution can be anything of value. Like operating a campaign to dupe people like you.

A contribution can be anything of value.

Like a dossier.
It was not a contribution, dickhead, it was a paid expense.
WTF did Trump have to do with the expense the DNC paid to Steele? Hillary paid for dirt.
Funny how you want to indict Hillary for some crime, don;t know what it is,. but indict her.

Yet you think Trump has done nothing wrong.
Comey said she committed crimes. He spelled it out in July of 2016 on National television. Tell me what Trump did.
No he didn't say she committed crimes, he said she (and primarily her staff) was extremely careless...

Was she in bed with the Russians or Chinese or Saudi Arabians or Israel, in a conspiracy to commit crimes? Did she intentionally commit a crime, with malice? She messed up, was not aware of the problems she may have caused. You don't imprison people for that....

shoot, Petreaus INTENTIONALLY gave compartmental top secret Defense documents including defense codes to his lover, who was writing a biography on him, and then lied about doing it to the FBI investigators.... and he only got a Misdemeanor charge in a plea deal, and probation... he never went to jail.

Even if charged with an indictment of a crime, Hillary would not have been locked up either. that's just a made up, right wing, wet dream.
Comey said she could be indicted, but didn't deliberately do it. Therefore, she was let off.

Indicted for what? Working with the Russians? Oh no that would be Trump.

There was no collusion. Mueller said so. Why do you keep lying?
He said he did not find evidence of collusion. Not that there was no collusion.
The DNC and Hillary's campaign paid for dirt on Trump.
Steel went to the Russians and gave the info to the FBI.
FBI fell for fake dossier and then tried to cover it up.
uh... NOPE! not even close!
Nope. The FBI knew it was fake and perjured themselves to the FISA judge, a judge who was a Trump critic I might add.
Acxco9rding to Trumpettes, Only people that like Trump get to make decisions regarding his criminality.
Comey said she committed crimes. He spelled it out in July of 2016 on National television. Tell me what Trump did.
No he didn't say she committed crimes, he said she (and primarily her staff) was extremely careless...

Was she in bed with the Russians or Chinese or Saudi Arabians or Israel, in a conspiracy to commit crimes? Did she intentionally commit a crime, with malice? She messed up, was not aware of the problems she may have caused. You don't imprison people for that....

shoot, Petreaus INTENTIONALLY gave compartmental top secret Defense documents including defense codes to his lover, who was writing a biography on him, and then lied about doing it to the FBI investigators.... and he only got a Misdemeanor charge in a plea deal, and probation... he never went to jail.

Even if charged with an indictment of a crime, Hillary would not have been locked up either. that's just a made up, right wing, wet dream.
Comey said she could be indicted, but didn't deliberately do it. Therefore, she was let off.

comey said they did not indict her, because they could and would NOT get a conviction in a court of law, for what she did.

Not getting a conviction for what she did, means they could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, that she intentionally committed a crime. Prosecutors do not bring people to court that they believe with a reasonable amount of certainty, will not be convicted for the crime charged. It's a waste of tax payer's money, and harassment, otherwise.

Muller's report said the same thing about Trump.
He could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump intentionally committed a crime.

ya but for trump it just means they keep looking for ANYTHING that may stick. but for hillary, it's NO - SHE'S INNOCENT STOP!

quite annoying.

And funny how you keep screaming "Lock her up"

There are a finite number of e-mails. They have been studied. There was nothing found.

There are piles of evidence that have not yet been investigate as to Trump.
George asked Trump what he would do if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political opponent, accept it or report it to the FBI. Trump said he'd do both, he called it "oppo research", which the dems used as the excuse for their "Steele Dossier" on Trump using foreign intel assets as well as paying Russians for info.

The democrats as well as the MSM are going berserk!
Lindsay Graham said Trump's response was a "mistake".

Trump Says He Would Accept Campaign Dirt From Foreign Goverments, Not Tell FBI - News & Guts Media

Lets take a poll on who the furor helps or hurts...
I wonder if anyone knows the difference between listening to dirt and paying for dirt.
I also wonder if anyone knows the difference between using illegally obtained information that is unverified to spy on your opponent's campaign and reporting this information to the FBI.

Certainly you are not talking about the Trump dossier.

What was illegal about that? Seriously, tell us.

Wghat is illegal about sending an investigator to Russia to find out about Trump's activities there.

What is illegal about reporting what people said?

Why did Trump lie about his Russian activities.

What was illegal about that? Seriously, tell us.

Accepting something of value from a foreigner?

Hiring a US firm. Reported to the FBI. Reported on expenses. Not illegal.
George asked Trump what he would do if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political opponent, accept it or report it to the FBI. Trump said he'd do both, he called it "oppo research", which the dems used as the excuse for their "Steele Dossier" on Trump using foreign intel assets as well as paying Russians for info.

The democrats as well as the MSM are going berserk!
Lindsay Graham said Trump's response was a "mistake".

Trump Says He Would Accept Campaign Dirt From Foreign Goverments, Not Tell FBI - News & Guts Media

Lets take a poll on who the furor helps or hurts...
I wonder if anyone knows the difference between listening to dirt and paying for dirt.
I also wonder if anyone knows the difference between using illegally obtained information that is unverified to spy on your opponent's campaign and reporting this information to the FBI.

Certainly you are not talking about the Trump dossier.

What was illegal about that? Seriously, tell us.

Wghat is illegal about sending an investigator to Russia to find out about Trump's activities there.

What is illegal about reporting what people said?

Why did Trump lie about his Russian activities.

What was illegal about that? Seriously, tell us.

Accepting something of value from a foreigner?

Hiring a US firm. Reported to the FBI. Reported on expenses. Not illegal.

You can accept something of value from a foreigner if you launder it through a
US firm? LOL!
1. Yes the unverified dossier was used to get a FISA warrant against Carter Page, who was NOT charged with anything. Stay tuned, FBI indictments coming
2. Trump's activities were investigated by Mueller and NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION was the outcome.
3. It's Barr's turn at bat, he and Durham, Huber, and Horowitz should have a few more indictments than the Mueller Investigation.
Wow. Just fucking Wow. Mueller did not say no obstruction. How fucking stupid are you.
The dossier was not used to get a warrant. Carter got picked up on a wire tap on a suspected Russian operative.

Like I say, investigate all you want. Can't wait until they turn up collusion evidence.

1. Yes the dossier was used to illegally get a FISA warrant
"With the release of the House Intelligence Committee Memo, it is manifestly clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI participated in a fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to surveil Carter Page, a U.S. citizen. The FBI and the DOJ deliberately and intentionally advanced unverified opposition research paid for by one political party (the Democratic National Committee) designed to harm the opposing party by creating a fictional Russian collusion story as reliable fact. All this took place in the midst of a U.S. presidential election.
FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice"

2. Mueller did not say that the president was guilty of obstruction, he did not recommend indictment, he documented close calls and said he couldn't "exonerate" the president, which is NOT his job. Mueller either indicts or does not indict. Not indicting means "innocent of".
The Democrats are playing word games. No one can be exonerated unless they are indicted first. If you aren't charged or indicted, you are innocent by default. Mueller deliberately used "exonerated" so Democrats could play this game.
he used that term because there was plenty of evidence that the President could have been indicted for, IF HE WERE NOT a sitting president. He was passing it on to the Congress, the only means there is to do any kind of reprimand, for his illegal or wrong doings, that the Constitution gives us.

1000 ex prosecutors and AG's, both Republican and Democratic, said the evidence that Mueller collected on President Trump's obstruction of justice presented in the Mueller report, would have resulted in an indictment for any human being walking this earth... except the president, because the DOJ has a rule, that says the sitting President can NOT be indicted for his CRIMES.

Remember, a criminal indictment does not mean they are guilty... the person being charged criminally, is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Nope, according to DEMOCRATS an accusation carries as much weight as a conviction.
That's bullshit.

Trump was accused of child rape. There was even a witness. Not being tried in court does not mean he did not do it.

Just like this collusion. We don't know what Trump might have said to Putin on some some call. Maybe a wink & thimbs up when no one was looking.
George asked Trump what he would do if a foreign country offered him dirt on a political opponent, accept it or report it to the FBI. Trump said he'd do both, he called it "oppo research", which the dems used as the excuse for their "Steele Dossier" on Trump using foreign intel assets as well as paying Russians for info.

The democrats as well as the MSM are going berserk!
Lindsay Graham said Trump's response was a "mistake".

Trump Says He Would Accept Campaign Dirt From Foreign Goverments, Not Tell FBI - News & Guts Media

Lets take a poll on who the furor helps or hurts...
I wonder if anyone knows the difference between listening to dirt and paying for dirt.
I also wonder if anyone knows the difference between using illegally obtained information that is unverified to spy on your opponent's campaign and reporting this information to the FBI.

Certainly you are not talking about the Trump dossier.

What was illegal about that? Seriously, tell us.

Wghat is illegal about sending an investigator to Russia to find out about Trump's activities there.

What is illegal about reporting what people said?

Why did Trump lie about his Russian activities.

What was illegal about that? Seriously, tell us.

Accepting something of value from a foreigner?

Hiring a US firm. Reported to the FBI. Reported on expenses. Not illegal.

You can accept something of value from a foreigner if you launder it through a
US firm? LOL!
What did they accept if the dossier went to the FBI?
Comey said she committed crimes. He spelled it out in July of 2016 on National television. Tell me what Trump did.
No he didn't say she committed crimes, he said she (and primarily her staff) was extremely careless...

Was she in bed with the Russians or Chinese or Saudi Arabians or Israel, in a conspiracy to commit crimes? Did she intentionally commit a crime, with malice? She messed up, was not aware of the problems she may have caused. You don't imprison people for that....

shoot, Petreaus INTENTIONALLY gave compartmental top secret Defense documents including defense codes to his lover, who was writing a biography on him, and then lied about doing it to the FBI investigators.... and he only got a Misdemeanor charge in a plea deal, and probation... he never went to jail.

Even if charged with an indictment of a crime, Hillary would not have been locked up either. that's just a made up, right wing, wet dream.
Comey said she could be indicted, but didn't deliberately do it. Therefore, she was let off.

Indicted for what? Working with the Russians? Oh no that would be Trump.

There was no collusion. Mueller said so. Why do you keep lying?
He said he did not find evidence of collusion. Not that there was no collusion.

No RealDave....

He said he did not look at collusion and would not discuss collusion.

Mueller said he 'could not establish conspiracy', which means he could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, that Conspiracy laws were broken.

As example, Manafort gave Kilimnik inside Trump polling data on several occasions and Kilimnik passed it on to the Russian Military Intel Agency..... which establishes collusion.

But what Mueller could not prove, without access to the Russian Military's records, and without being able to interrogate any of them, was what they did with the information that was given to them on the Trump campaign.... without this information and the proof the Russians used it, he could not establish, Conspiracy.

the Mueller report shows collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians all over the place.... similar to above, but for all kinds of reasons, like the one above, and the Trump campaign using Whatsapp to delete their correspondence, and erasing conversations and deleted files etc, and not getting to interview some of them, they could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, Conspiracy.
No he didn't say she committed crimes, he said she (and primarily her staff) was extremely careless...

Was she in bed with the Russians or Chinese or Saudi Arabians or Israel, in a conspiracy to commit crimes? Did she intentionally commit a crime, with malice? She messed up, was not aware of the problems she may have caused. You don't imprison people for that....

shoot, Petreaus INTENTIONALLY gave compartmental top secret Defense documents including defense codes to his lover, who was writing a biography on him, and then lied about doing it to the FBI investigators.... and he only got a Misdemeanor charge in a plea deal, and probation... he never went to jail.

Even if charged with an indictment of a crime, Hillary would not have been locked up either. that's just a made up, right wing, wet dream.
Comey said she could be indicted, but didn't deliberately do it. Therefore, she was let off.

Indicted for what? Working with the Russians? Oh no that would be Trump.

There was no collusion. Mueller said so. Why do you keep lying?
He said he did not find evidence of collusion. Not that there was no collusion.

No RealDave....

He said he did not look at collusion and would not discuss collusion.

Mueller said he 'could not establish conspiracy', which means he could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, that Conspiracy laws were broken.

As example, Manafort gave Kilimnik inside Trump polling data on several occasions and Kilimnik passed it on to the Russian Military Intel Agency..... which establishes collusion.

But what Mueller could not prove, without access to the Russian Military's records, and without being able to interrogate any of them, was what they did with the information that was given to them on the Trump campaign.... without this information and the proof the Russians used it, he could not establish, Conspiracy.

the Mueller report shows collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians all over the place.... similar to above, but for all kinds of reasons, like the one above, and the Trump campaign using Whatsapp to delete their correspondence, and erasing conversations and deleted files etc, and not getting to interview some of them, they could not establish beyond a reasonable doubt, Conspiracy.

LOL!! Net Net, No Collusion, No Obstruction.
How about that Hillary campaign actually paying Brits & Russians for dirt!! That's really illegal, huh??
That's bullshit.

Trump was accused of child rape. There was even a witness. Not being tried in court does not mean he did not do it.

You ought to be ashamed, but everyone knows, fuckstick tards like you have no shame, they'll lie, cheat and say anything to make some crazy point. Rotten fuckhead.
Wow. Just fucking Wow. Mueller did not say no obstruction. How fucking stupid are you.
The dossier was not used to get a warrant. Carter got picked up on a wire tap on a suspected Russian operative.

Like I say, investigate all you want. Can't wait until they turn up collusion evidence.

1. Yes the dossier was used to illegally get a FISA warrant
"With the release of the House Intelligence Committee Memo, it is manifestly clear that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI participated in a fraud on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in order to surveil Carter Page, a U.S. citizen. The FBI and the DOJ deliberately and intentionally advanced unverified opposition research paid for by one political party (the Democratic National Committee) designed to harm the opposing party by creating a fictional Russian collusion story as reliable fact. All this took place in the midst of a U.S. presidential election.
FISA Memo Released and Fraud on the FISA Court Revealed | American Center for Law and Justice"

2. Mueller did not say that the president was guilty of obstruction, he did not recommend indictment, he documented close calls and said he couldn't "exonerate" the president, which is NOT his job. Mueller either indicts or does not indict. Not indicting means "innocent of".
The Democrats are playing word games. No one can be exonerated unless they are indicted first. If you aren't charged or indicted, you are innocent by default. Mueller deliberately used "exonerated" so Democrats could play this game.
he used that term because there was plenty of evidence that the President could have been indicted for, IF HE WERE NOT a sitting president. He was passing it on to the Congress, the only means there is to do any kind of reprimand, for his illegal or wrong doings, that the Constitution gives us.

1000 ex prosecutors and AG's, both Republican and Democratic, said the evidence that Mueller collected on President Trump's obstruction of justice presented in the Mueller report, would have resulted in an indictment for any human being walking this earth... except the president, because the DOJ has a rule, that says the sitting President can NOT be indicted for his CRIMES.

Remember, a criminal indictment does not mean they are guilty... the person being charged criminally, is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Nope, according to DEMOCRATS an accusation carries as much weight as a conviction.
That's bullshit.

Trump was accused of child rape. There was even a witness. Not being tried in court does not mean he did not do it.

Just like this collusion. We don't know what Trump might have said to Putin on some some call. Maybe a wink & thimbs up when no one was looking.
I agree. Hillary hired hit men to get rid of a few people and made it look like suicides. Obama used to give blow jobs to politicians in the back of limos for cocaine when he was starting out in Chicago. Obama and Eric Holder met at a gay bath house on the shore of Lake Michigan in the 80s. There are even witnesses.
I wonder if anyone knows the difference between listening to dirt and paying for dirt.
I also wonder if anyone knows the difference between using illegally obtained information that is unverified to spy on your opponent's campaign and reporting this information to the FBI.

Certainly you are not talking about the Trump dossier.

What was illegal about that? Seriously, tell us.

Wghat is illegal about sending an investigator to Russia to find out about Trump's activities there.

What is illegal about reporting what people said?

Why did Trump lie about his Russian activities.

What was illegal about that? Seriously, tell us.

Accepting something of value from a foreigner?

Hiring a US firm. Reported to the FBI. Reported on expenses. Not illegal.

You can accept something of value from a foreigner if you launder it through a
US firm? LOL!
What did they accept if the dossier went to the FBI?

The Clinton campaign paid for the dossier, but never saw it?
I wonder if anyone knows the difference between listening to dirt and paying for dirt.
I also wonder if anyone knows the difference between using illegally obtained information that is unverified to spy on your opponent's campaign and reporting this information to the FBI.

Certainly you are not talking about the Trump dossier.

What was illegal about that? Seriously, tell us.

Wghat is illegal about sending an investigator to Russia to find out about Trump's activities there.

What is illegal about reporting what people said?

Why did Trump lie about his Russian activities.

What was illegal about that? Seriously, tell us.

Accepting something of value from a foreigner?

Hiring a US firm. Reported to the FBI. Reported on expenses. Not illegal.

You can accept something of value from a foreigner if you launder it through a
US firm? LOL!
What did they accept if the dossier went to the FBI?

Well, we certainly know it wasn't responsibility...dumbass.

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