Did Gorsuch and Kavanaugh lie?

Oh...the 2nd Amendment is being overturned, is it? :heehee: Nice attempt at derailing this thread, tho. :clap:
The question was whether (under the new dishonest libtard definition of “lying”) the liberal jurists lied about their views on the 2d Amendment. That doesn’t require a vote successfully accomplishing that libtard objective. :clap:
This is not about a plan. This is about taxpayers being suckers to a society that is becoming unhealthy. None of us want to admit it. Even if it affects ourselves. We all believe we are owed. We have become so kinder and gentler that it pays to be irresponsible in all ways. There is no one denied hospital treatment in the inner cities. Even if they are of adult age and have paid nothing or very little in taxes their whole life. So your blaming Trump for what the people are. Obamacare was pushed through by corruption and the stealing of elections back in 2008.
No, I'm thanking Trump.
Trump brought all the gullible, crazy people out of the woodwork and into the light of day, exposing their real agenda for decades.
Authoritarian nut jobs.

“If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office,” Collins said in her statement. Wow.... You mean they suckered you into voting for them? Damn lady....

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Susan Collins is also senile.
Gorsuch vote will shock me and if Roberts also voted with them it will really shock me because I would have thought they would have kept Roe vs Wade…
Roberts has no balls....
He will whimper to the other side. However he has made no secret of his unhappiness with law makers leaving the entire abortion issue hanging on a court decision. They had fifty plus years to get it done and never had the balls to do it.
This is not about a plan. This is about taxpayers being suckers to a society that is becoming unhealthy. None of us want to admit it. Even if it affects ourselves. We all believe we are owed. We have become so kinder and gentler that it pays to be irresponsible in all ways. There is no one denied hospital treatment in the inner cities. Even if they are of adult age and have paid nothing or very little in taxes their whole life. So your blaming Trump for what the people are. Obamacare was pushed through by corruption and the stealing of elections back in 2008.
It's about having a plan. Or NOT having a plan in the GOP's case. If they wanted to repeal, they should have been ready to replace. And it wasn't about that. It was about overturning the black guy's signature legislation. Which is all Trump wanted.
Republicans lie, just like their orange dear leader.

George Carlin had republicans figured, a long time ago.

Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”

Yes, we should all look to George Carlin for guidance on political issues.
It's about having a plan. Or NOT having a plan in the GOP's case. If they wanted to repeal, they should have been ready to replace. And it wasn't about that. It was about overturning the black guy's signature legislation. Which is all Trump wanted.
There is no need to 'replace' a socialist giveaway. Just let the private sector do its thing like it used to be allowed to do.
Chimpy was an utter failure. Everything he did should be undone.
Republicans lie, just like their orange dear leader.

George Carlin had republicans figured, a long time ago.

Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”

Wasn't Carlin the atheist guy whose life was such a trainwreck, he had to enter rehab at age 67?
And you guys use him as your political guru?

You'd get better insight from a homeless guy living downtown over a grate.
Republicans lie, just like their orange dear leader.

George Carlin had republicans figured, a long time ago.

Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”

Smokin’ Dope lies. And Dumbocraps lie.

There. I corrected his idiot post for him.
Stupid claim. Roe v Wade was precedent and will continue to be precedent until overruled. Bad case law decisions can be revisited. And should be. And where appropriate, they should be overruled. Like Dred Scott.

Or Plessey, or hopefully things like Chevron deference and qualified immunity.
Rep Senator Susan Collins says both assured her they supported the precedent of Roe v Wade before she agreed to vote for their confirmation

It appears both voted for a total repeal

If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office,” Collins, of Maine, said in a statement Tuesday after Politico disclosed the draft. “Obviously, we won’t know each Justice’s decision and reasoning until the Supreme Court officially announces its opinion in this case.”
You Demmies went kicking and screaming about "judging" Bill Clinton the womanizer when out of the woodwork came one after another after another charges of rape against the commander in chief. The left's statement was "separate the man's personal life from the job that he is doing." And oh, yes, they gave fanfare to a word called "incomprehensible" as his error. Incomprehemsible? They let him off because his rapes were "incomprehensible." How lawyerly of you guys to help Clinton avoid getting sacked as he deserved, but you took your lawyers with the most hocus-pocus and said his wrongdoing was "incomprehensible," as a valid excuse. How does one legitimize rape? INCOMPREHENSIBLE!!!!! :cranky:
In a year?
Justices have a tradition of independent thinking and often those accused of being rightwing fire-breathing dragons become reliable squishy leftwing votes once they get on the court.

Let's face reality here, no one has any business asking a nominee how they will vote on any given issue, and they should refuse to answer any such questions, because they are supposed to be independent. You're just mad because it looks like a liberal sacred cow might get gored and are striking out at any target you think might gain you some traction in the argument. Whoever leaked this document needs to face some severe consequences because it was clearly designed to rile up the usual suspects and get them mad before the election, and it's working.

“If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office,” Collins said in her statement. Wow.... You mean they suckered you into voting for them? Damn lady....

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This is the Democrats' way of blaming Republicans that RBG didn't do the smart thing and retire during the Obama years.
Rep Senator Susan Collins says both assured her they supported the precedent of Roe v Wade before she agreed to vote for their confirmation

It appears both voted for a total repeal

If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office,” Collins, of Maine, said in a statement Tuesday after Politico disclosed the draft. “Obviously, we won’t know each Justice’s decision and reasoning until the Supreme Court officially announces its opinion in this case.”
Maybe Collins is lying

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