Did Gorsuch and Kavanaugh lie?

“If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office,” Collins said in her statement. Wow.... You mean they suckered you into voting for them? Damn lady....

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She's a pro-abort. Fuck her.
Here's a question: So what if they did lie? What can be done to them. Theirs are lifetime appointments.

They can be impeached, but who out there has the political will—not to mention the votes—to remove even one sitting Justice, much less three?
Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh answered hypothetical questions, this is an actual case. If this moron Senator cannot understand the difference, she has no place representing anyone.

“If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office,” Collins said in her statement. Wow.... You mean they suckered you into voting for them? Damn lady....

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Maybe those women voters in Maine that reelected her have some misgivings too.
No, I'm thanking Trump.
Trump brought all the gullible, crazy people out of the woodwork and into the light of day, exposing their real agenda for decades.
Authoritarian nut jobs.
Its people leaving blue areas that prove I am right. Progs leaving to. Many bringing the infection with them. We will end up not working as it will be better than working for checks and benefits when completed.

“If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office,” Collins said in her statement. Wow.... You mean they suckered you into voting for them? Damn lady....

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"Susan Collins ANGRY!"
Why are we asking how a justice will rule over issues they are not even presented with?

Abortion is the only court case that is used as a litmus test for Justices to be qualified.

That is why they just nominated someone who does not even know what a woman is because she says that she is not a biologist to say what one is, but can glibly tell us that is it moral and Ok to kill the unborn?

What are you so afraid to let states decide this instead of a mere 9 clueless black robes?

The POINT is states are NEVER supposed to be able to dictate personal things, like if you are going to give birth or not.
It is NOT a question of law, but of jurisdictions, medical choices, and personal privacy.
And that is why it IS a good LITMUS test because it shows if a candidate is actually a religious and political hack who wants to dictate.
Any LIBERTARIAN will tell you that it is wrong for any government to be coercive unless absolutely necessary in order to defend the rights of an independent person.
And clearly a fetus is NOT an independent person.

States have proven to be totally untrustworthy, deliberately trying to legislate slavery, segregation, discrimination, gerrymandering, unfair taxes, etc.

These are obvious basic principles, and those who do not get it do not belong in a democratic republic.
They are a clear and present danger to everyone.
Stupid claim. Roe v Wade was precedent and will continue to be precedent until overruled. Bad case law decisions can be revisited. And should be. And where appropriate, they should be overruled. Like Dred Scott.

Sure Dred Scott was wrong because it allowed one state to over ride another state.
Clearly illegal.

But there is absolutely no legal principle at all that would allow anyone to prevent an abortion, a private medical choice made by a patient and their doctor.
It is illegal for nominees to lie while testifying under oath before congress.
They should have refused to answer the questions and turned them back on the Senators with a simple, "I will not say how I will rule on any given subject, Senator. You should know and respect that". To preserve the independence and integrity of the court, no nominee should ever say how they will vote on anything.
Sure Dred Scott was wrong because it allowed one state to over ride another state.
Clearly illegal.

But there is absolutely no legal principle at all that would allow anyone to prevent an abortion, a private medical choice made by a patient and their doctor.
You overlook the true import of why the Dred Scott case was so wrong. You also overlook the legal principle of the right to life. But other than your two erroneous points, you have nothing.
As far as I can tell, none of them were dumb enough to say "I promise not to overturn Roe" in front of a live mic. They are each more than savvy enough to say what they had to say to get confirmed, without giving their detractors free ammo to use against them once they eventually overturned Roe.

Collins, for her part, is a bit of an airhead. The sentence can be interpreted to mean that they each promised her in private, but any of them could have said something like "I have no plans to overturn it" or "As far as I'm concerned, it is stare decisis" and a year later, as she's envisioning pitchforks and torches coming up her driveway, she could conveniently remember that as "They promised!"

Lawyers, judges, etc., are officers of the court to have a much higher obligation to not just commit perjury, but to not allow false impressions due to silence.
That is how Bill Clinton lost his law license over the prosecutor's bad definition of "sex".

So then no, the fault of not Collins.
Kavanaugh and Barrett lied by deliberately and knowingly cause congress to come to a false conclusion about their beliefs and planned future actions.
That is totally and completely criminal.
The must be impeached.
They should have refused to answer the questions and turned them back on the Senators with a simple, "I will not say how I will rule on any given subject, Senator. You should know and respect that". To preserve the independence and integrity of the court, no nominee should ever say how they will vote on anything.

Had to think about that for a minute or so, but I think I agree.
I would like a litmus test, but that actually would be "prejudice" really, and not appropriate.
Show the transcript of their exact words.

Show it.

There does not have to be transcripts since she also questioned them in private.
But we do have statements like "I do not expect it to be overturned", when clearly their intent ahead of time was to deliberately over turn it.
Here's a question: So what if they did lie? What can be done to them. Theirs are lifetime appointments.

They can be impeached, but who out there has the political will—not to mention the votes—to remove even one sitting Justice, much less three?

There is no choice other than impeachment for deliberately lying to congress.
A private person can lie to protect themselves and not incriminate themselves, but not an officer of the court, and absolutely not when it is to push an illegal agenda that would make this country an authoritarian dictatorship.
That makes them traitors.
You overlook the true import of why the Dred Scott case was so wrong. You also overlook the legal principle of the right to life. But other than your two erroneous points, you have nothing.

The Dred Scott case was where a white and his slave Black from a slavery state, went to a free state and wanted to then return to the slave state with the Black remaining a slave.

Obviously slavery is wrong, but the court did not have to rule on that and change any precedent.
The point of law the SCOTUS failed on was that the slave state jurisdiction did not extend over the free state, so then Dred Scott could not then be legally forced back to the slave state.
The precedent the court violated was to allow one state to over ride another state both in law and jurisdiction.

And you are also totally wrong about abortion.
The right to life does NOT allow for anyone to have precedence over anyone one else.
If you need a transfusion to live, you can NOT demand it from anyone else.
The right to life means the right to be left alone, NOT to force a woman to carry and give birth.
That is infinitely beyond the "right to life" and totally illegal.

“If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office,” Collins said in her statement. Wow.... You mean they suckered you into voting for them? Damn lady....

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Link us up to their testimony where they said they would never vote to overturn R v W.

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