Zone1 Did Jesus Declare "Unclean Meats" Fit for Human Consumption?

You are free to follow your own conscience. If this is how you feel you must follow Jesus, then do it.

You are not free to tell ME that I am following Jesus wrong, not when it comes to eating and drinking. This is specified many times.
We can't discuss doctrine because it offends you 😂


If you don't like the topic, DON'T PARTICIPATE.

I started this thread because I'm weary of Christians IGNORANT of what the Bible REALLY says on this topic.

I've been lectured by your kind (Protestants and Catholics) on this topic who LECTURE ME that God made the unclean, clean.

So I should started this thread to HAVE THIS DISCUSSION.

If you can handle it, no one is forcing you to participate.

But I was hoping your type (who always judged me) would make their case HERE so I can refute your shallow arguments on this topic.
Well, I do.
Jesus does not condone the torture of any of His innocent creation.

Paul rebuked (judged) Peter. Peter was converted enough to understand and repent.

Yes, you are being judged. A Christian judges with righteous judgement. I fully reject your Protestant error

Paul says: “He who is spiritual judges all things.” (1 Corinthians 2:15). He says furthermore: “Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?(1 Corinthians 6:2-3).

Jesus Himself requires us to judge. He says: “When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘It’s going to rain,’ and it does. And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is. Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don’t know how to interpret this present time? Why don’t you judge for yourselves what is right?” (Luke 12:54-57).

You have fashioned your own religion because you enjoy being self-righteous

That is a sin.
We can't discuss doctrine because it offends you 😂


If you don't like the topic, DON'T PARTICIPATE.

I started this thread because I'm weary of Christians IGNORANT of what the Bible REALLY says on this topic.

I've been lectured by your kind (Protestants and Catholics) on this topic who LECTURE ME that God made the unclean, clean.

So I should started this thread to HAVE THIS DISCUSSION.

If you can handle it, no one is forcing you to participate.

But I was hoping your type (who always judged me) would make their case HERE so I can refute your shallow arguments on this topic.

You enjoy being self-righteous, full-stop.

That's why you start all these threads. Even among the brethren, you are not into others' freedoms to follow Christ as they will. Nope, your way or the highway.

You enjoy being self-righteous, full-stop.

That's why you start all these threads. Even among the brethren, you are not into others' freedoms to follow Christ as they will. Nope, your way or the highway.


So judgmental. It sounds like everybody has to believe your way or they are wrong.
You have fashioned your own religion because you enjoy being self-righteous

That is a sin.
I follow the SCRIPTURES. So it's only okay for you to do what you accuse others of -- JUDGING OTHERS?

Stay out of the thread if you can't debate the topic maturely. Its apparently too much for you
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You enjoy being self-righteous, full-stop.

That's why you start all these threads. Even among the brethren, you are not into others' freedoms to follow Christ as they will. Nope, your way or the highway.

The homosexuals and trannies use your very same arguments

I lik to have actual BIBLICAL DISCUSSIONS on BIBLICAL Topics. I get that you're comfortable in your BELIEFS and will ATTACK anyone who challenges your comfort zone, but I don't care.

Please try to stay on topic rather than piss on threads.

If you don't have the ability to defend your actions FROM THE BIBLE than you need to reevaluate your beliefs

I won't be diverted from the he topic of my own thread again by a shallow thinking woman and I'd appreciate it you can't discuss the TOPIC, move on to a topic you can handle

Move along bittersue
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Yes, an xians aren't Jews. They are free to eat whatever they choose.

Laws set down in Torah are for Jews. They were never meant to apply to non-Jews.
Not to eat whatever they choose? Not exactly. For example, it would not be a good idea to eat a fellow human being's raw or cooked body parts. Raw or uncooked pork would be a disaster due to the intolerable diseases it could carries, most commonly known as roundworms, tapeworms, trichinosis*, etc. It would also be intolerable to eat meat dedicated to a diety other than God almighty and his son, Jesus Christ, who is God's word. Knowingly eating anything that would cause death such as unreliable purchases of Drug Cartel fentanyl would be another low on the totem pole choice. This country lost more than 100k people last year due to unsafe street drugs, and who knows how many persons addicted to prescription drugs and took more than their physician prescribed that they knew could bring about death would be left to the judgment of God, and the outcome might be unpleasant, since an immature loved one of that person who died of an overdose might do likewise as an intentional suicide. If the drug killed the mother of an unborn twins, a court of law might consider that a mass murder and send the drug dealership that made money off of it an act of terror with who knows what kind of life or death sentence as the seller's punishment.
People eat drugs instead of food to be happy, but happy goes away if they handed their drug to a friend's first time use who died of an overdose due to no buildup tolerance to the poison that drugs can be to first time users of any mind-altering substance including excessive alcohol. A person who regularly eats or drinks food or beverages might not think of his offering to a nonuser who seems a little blue does society no good, because the person it killed might leave a family of orphans who quickly turn to crimes if they don't know who their surviving parent is. Overeating also can bring about consequences that could cause unfaithfulness to one's beliefs when their fatty liver kills them. Eating that shortens life or brings sadness to self and others could result from "eating whatever they choose." And that person may have never heard word one from a sermon that deals with "eating whatever one chooses." A middle aged person who has never missed a Sunday sermon may be unlearned about "eating whatever they choose." I realize I've taken this to the extreme, but sometimes a mother who cooks every meal their family ever ate may be the best prevention those children ever had when she cooks just enough food to satisfy the gummint's RDAs. (Recommended Dietary Allowances) Just sayin'.

* Here's a little start to finish information on trichinosis, and every cook, child care specialist, or wild meat hunter should never forget: Trichinosis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

By the way, God loves you and cares that you treat yourself and others in the light of this caring nature of the almighty.
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Mark 7:15:​

“There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.”
Mark 7:18, Jesus says: “Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him, because it does not enter his heart but his stomach, and is eliminated, thus purifying all foods?”

Mark 7:15:​

“There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.”
Mark 7:18, Jesus says: “Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him, because it does not enter his heart but his stomach, and is eliminated, thus purifying all foods?”

I see that some people don't read threads before posting. We already went over this. The idea of "purifying all food" was added to that scripture in contemporary versions, in older versions the word that was translated as "purifying" was "purging" or "proceed out of." The context was about eating with unwashed hands, and the point is about not putting man-made traditions above what is far more important.

He's not saying "all meats are clean" and we know he's not saying "eating anything is fine" because that would contradict other scriptures that are indisputably still in effect because they're in the New Testament.

I am always amazed at how hard some Christians try to find loopholes to continue eating animals.
I see that some people don't read threads before posting. We already went over this. The idea of "purifying all food" was added to that scripture in contemporary versions, in older versions the word that was translated as "purifying" was "purging" or "proceed out of." The context was about eating with unwashed hands, and the point is about not putting man-made traditions above what is far more important.

He's not saying "all meats are clean" and we know he's not saying "eating anything is fine" because that would contradict other scriptures that are indisputably still in effect because they're in the New Testament.

I am always amazed at how hard some Christians try to find loopholes to continue eating animals.
I have another thought entirely, and since you seem quite reasonable, I’ll address it to you. (As a reminder, I’m Jewish.)

Is it possible that Jesus said all foods are OK because he wanted Jews to follow him, and, let’s face it….keeping kosher does entail some sacrifices. I, for example, wonder what shrimp tastes like - folks seem to like them.

That said, I agree with you that Jesus did NOT intend to abolish the dietary laws. From what I understand, he was an observant Jew, teaching traditional Jewish values. It just doesn’t seem like something he would do.
I have another thought entirely, and since you seem quite reasonable, I’ll address it to you. (As a reminder, I’m Jewish.)

Is it possible that Jesus said all foods are OK because he wanted Jews to follow him, and, let’s face it….keeping kosher does entail some sacrifices. I, for example, wonder what shrimp tastes like - folks seem to like them.

That said, I agree with you that Jesus did NOT intend to abolish the dietary laws. From what I understand, he was an observant Jew, teaching traditional Jewish values. It just doesn’t seem like something he would do.
He wouldn't, nor did he.
Kids are sold dangerous drugs by making them look like candy:

Rainbow Fentanyl May Target Kids as Drug Spreads on West Coast: Officials​

I have another thought entirely, and since you seem quite reasonable, I’ll address it to you. (As a reminder, I’m Jewish.)

Is it possible that Jesus said all foods are OK because he wanted Jews to follow him, and, let’s face it….keeping kosher does entail some sacrifices. I, for example, wonder what shrimp tastes like - folks seem to like them.

Thanks for asking that. No, I don't believe that is the case.

I'm fully aware that I'm in the minority on this (as a Christian vegan, I'm probably in 2% of Christians on this matter) but I firmly believe that Jesus had a heart for God's original intent/design, and was always trying to get people back to God's intent/design.

And we know from reading Genesis 1 that God's intent is for human beings to not exploit or eat animals.

We also know that by looking at the prophetic scriptures that talk about a future world when God restores that original world of peace and harmony that HE created in the first place.

The wolf will live with the lamb,​
and the leopard will lie down with the goat.​
The calf, the young lion, and the fatling will be together,​
and a child will lead them.​
The cow and the bear will graze,​
their young ones will lie down together,​
and the lion will eat straw like the ox.​
An infant will play beside the cobra’s pit,​
and a toddler will put his hand into a snake’s den.​
None will harm or destroy another
on My entire holy mountain,​
for the land will be as full​
of the knowledge of the Lord​
as the sea is filled with water.​
Isaiah 11:6-9​

That said, I agree with you that Jesus did NOT intend to abolish the dietary laws. From what I understand, he was an observant Jew, teaching traditional Jewish values. It just doesn’t seem like something he would do.

Yes He was an observant Jew, and I agree, I don't believe He intended to abolish the dietary laws. But as I mentioned the other day, for me it doesn't matter whether those dietary laws are in effect for Christians or not, because there are numerous OTHER commands and principles that are undeniably still binding that lead me to not eat animals, because doing so would contradict those commands... but I don't want to get too off-topic here.
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How do the OT dietary laws affect and or lend to one's own salvation. What is the eternal impact? Isn't that the greater question? When Paul went to the Gentiles, do we honestly believe that he forced them to change gentile diets? Do we think that god is somehow counting the pieces of bacon and holding it against anyone?
Paul brought God's word to the gentiles. From there up its to them to read the word, seek understanding of the word, and do what it says.
As for counting..? While I'm sure he could, but really why bother? You are wither obeying the rules he laid out, or you aren't. I'm not aware of a severity clause...
Stay out of the thread if you can't debate the topic maturely.

Oh she will eventually quit debating you when she keeps losing. If I were you I would stop making successful arguments. She will shut you down and quit talking to you if you keep winning like that. Tell her she can eat a medium rare steak or a plate full of shrimp along with a couple of lobster tails. Also let her know that she can have gay lesbian sex if she wants to do that. The same principle applies for both.

It is hard to tell what God hates and what God doesn't hate. I guess we have to ask SweetSue92. She is God.
Evangelicals do that. They make it about "a relationship and not a religion". It means you can ignore the rules and base everything on how you feel after you pray. It is childish AF but very appealing to someone who passionately hates the things God says in the Bible but wants to maintain the benefits of being a "Christian".

I seen this gross nonsense all of my life. You can't talk reason with these people. Evangelicals make themselves higher than God by obligating Him to give them salvation. It all goes down hill from that part. It is called "getting saved". If God was all powerful you couldn't require Him to "save" you. That's totally dumb if you analyze it.
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Thanks for asking that. No, I don't believe that is the case.

I'm fully aware that I'm in the minority on this (as a Christian vegan, I'm probably in 2% of Christians on this matter) but I firmly believe that Jesus had a heart for God's original intent/design, and was always trying to get people back to God's intent/design.

And we know from reading Genesis 1 that God's intent is for human beings to not exploit or eat animals.

We also know that by looking at the prophetic scriptures that talk about a future world when God restores that original world of peace and harmony that HE created in the first place.

The wolf will live with the lamb,​
and the leopard will lie down with the goat.​
The calf, the young lion, and the fatling will be together,​
and a child will lead them.​
The cow and the bear will graze,​
their young ones will lie down together,​
and the lion will eat straw like the ox.​
An infant will play beside the cobra’s pit,​
and a toddler will put his hand into a snake’s den.​
None will harm or destroy another
on My entire holy mountain,​
for the land will be as full​
of the knowledge of the Lord​
as the sea is filled with water.​
Isaiah 11:6-9​

Yes He was an observant Jew, and I agree, I don't believe He intended to abolish the dietary laws. But as I mentioned the other day, for me it doesn't matter whether those dietary laws are in effect for Christians or not, because there are numerous OTHER commands and principles that are undeniably still binding that lead me to not eat animals, because doing so would contradict those commands... but I don't want to get too off-topic here.
While you are certainly free to abstain from eating any meat; Leviticus 11 spells out quite clearly which animals are fine in gods eyes to consume, and those which are forbidden.

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