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Did Jesus really exist?

Did Jesus Really Exist as a Flesh and blood person?

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Everything can and should be questioned. And that's the whole point. I question that your messiah even exists and so I resist the notion that I should live my life with him as my example and standard.

Yes. The question is seeking an answer. Do your research.

Almost all scholars agree that Jesus is a real historical figure.

I simply know that not to be true. A great many historians are highly skeptical of his existence.

It's not the quantity of the scholars, but the quality of the scholars.

I agree, I do argue that same point against Christians when they say that there are more of them than there are atheists so I'd be a hypocrite not to agree with that statement. Now the challenge is to honestly determine which scholars are more accomplished,.

Heheh you do realize I don't prejudge works. When looking at a work from an expert in their field, one should not consider the reputation of the expert, but the work itself. Look at the validity of their ideas and how they arrived at their conclusions.

What premise did they use? What evidence do they give? What about counter arguments to their ideas?
Are they misleading others by use of logical fallacies?

Anyways, I have never seen any arguments against I AM that holds up under my scrutiny.

What always ends up happening is that either the arguments uses logical fallacies, or its premise is wrong, or too much presupposition and guessing, terms being redefined, and so on.

What always ends up happening is that I break down the argument and exposes fatal flaw. After that, the come back most of the time is either denial, anger, or the use of the "there is no such thing as objective truth being that all truths are subjective".

Then I groan because they simple won't have the mental capacity to understand the impossibility of, " Being that all truths are subjective, there is no such thing as objective truth, except for the objective truth that there is no such thing as objective truth since all truths are subjective."

I feel sympathy for them because I know it's not their fault that they can't understand. They simply do not have high enough mental capacity to be able to process that level of complexity in thought.

However, it is those people that thinks they are smart and pretend to have knowledge of the subject they are talking about, yet to me they are mediocre at best and love to wallows in their own willful ignorance.

For example, recently I was reading the writings of Karl Marx's and his theories and I was very surprised at how inane and stupid they are. He drones on and on about shit that appear to be smart but in reality is meaningless.

For instance, he talked about helping convert the "fake happiness of people in their current society into the real happiness of Communist society". [Paraphrased].

WTF? That's stupid as shit. What is fake happiness vs. real happiness in society. How can people tell the difference between the two? He never bothered to explain it because he can't explain why happy is not happy.

So stupid the other shits he wrote too.

I have no problem telling people, I aint that smart. I study the Bible, and things related to the Bible, and other religious texts, I have no desire to study anything else, unless I need to use it in some real world application.

I only ever claimed to be strong as an ox, and almost as smart.

A perfect example of how the study of religious dogma to strengthen your faith can come at the loss of studying academics to strengthen your intelligence.
If being smart, means being as conceited and pompous as you, I would just as soon, remain stupid, so I can at least go out in the rain, and not drown.

What does that even mean?

It means, your nose is so high up in the air, that if you get caught in a sudden downpour, then you will drown.

In other words, you come off as a snob, and you think you are better than everyone else.

The only things that drown in the rain are turkeys because of how unbelievably stupid they are. They stare up at the rain in slack jawed awe until their fills with water and they drown. Don't be a turkey, use that brain that you are so fortunately gifted with.
There's no evidence other than Church tradition that Paul was martyred.

But by that logic. Did David Koresh die for a lie? Did Jim Jones die for a lie?

Jim Jones and David Koresh were nut cases that committed suicide. Furthermore, they were to much of cowards to die on their own so they murdered many people with them. Big difference.

Um, isn't the whole argument you guys make for "Jesus is Lord" that his followers wouldn't "Die for Lie?"

You know where Jones and Koresh got their crazy ideas that their followers should happily die for them? Are you willing to take a guess what book they got that idea from?

So Paul gave up his life for a lie, eh?

There's no evidence other than Church tradition that Paul was martyred.

But by that logic. Did David Koresh die for a lie? Did Jim Jones die for a lie?

The Death of Apostle Paul Apostle Paul

The Bible does not cover the death of Paul. But experts generally agree that he most likely met the fate of other Christians under Nero in Rome. Even if this were not the case, he was willing to put his life on the line and be thrown to the lions along side he Christian brothers, which is certainly a historical truth.

Real world here, guy.

Nero didn't persecute the Christians. This is some shit later Christians made up when they were slaughtering their fellow Christians (Arians, Monophysites) for not beleiving the right stuff about the Magic Sky Man.

Since there were no gospels written at the time Nero was "persecuting" the Christians, how could he have told a Christian from a Jew at that point?
I believe he was a real person but that he was just an ordinary person, nothing special about him at all.

That is probably they stupidest of all positions. If Jesus was real, then the Gospels are what? Frauds concocted about an ordinary guy because, um, well, gee it would be fun to claim Joe at the bar can walk on water?


A cult leader compiling various myths to create a composite character as a focal point for a new religion makes sense. This is supported by historical fact.

A historical Jesus that was a spiritual leader who's exploits were exaggerated by his followers makes sense, but is not supported by anthropological evidence.

The idea of "just an ordinary person, nothing special about him at all" is utterly ridiculous.
Real world here, guy.

Nero didn't persecute the Christians. This is some shit later Christians made up when they were slaughtering their fellow Christians (Arians, Monophysites) for not beleiving the right stuff about the Magic Sky Man.

Since there were no gospels written at the time Nero was "persecuting" the Christians, how could he have told a Christian from a Jew at that point?

One thing I've noticed about you Comrade Stalin, you are utterly and completely ignorant. Regardless of the subject at hand, we can count on you to voice your opinion - with utterly zero knowledge of the subject. But you don't let your abject ignorance interfere, you simply make up whatever shit sounds good to you.

You're a clown Comrade JoeB - as most bigots are.
"Surely you're not saying we have the resources to save the poor from their lot. There will be poor always pathetically struggling, look at the good things you've got. Think while you still have me, move while you still need me. You'll be lost and you'll be sorry when I'm gone!" - Jesus
"Surely you're not saying we have the resources to save the poor from their lot. There will be poor always pathetically struggling, look at the good things you've got. Think while you still have me, move while you still need me. You'll be lost and you'll be sorry when I'm gone!" - Jesus
The concept of Jesus being "gone" is a line in a musical that directly contadicts dogma.
"Surely you're not saying we have the resources to save the poor from their lot. There will be poor always pathetically struggling, look at the good things you've got. Think while you still have me, move while you still need me. You'll be lost and you'll be sorry when I'm gone!" - Jesus
The concept of Jesus being "gone" is a line in a musical that directly contadicts dogma.

The oil light is flashing red on your Sense of Humor indicator.

Have it checked
"Surely you're not saying we have the resources to save the poor from their lot. There will be poor always pathetically struggling, look at the good things you've got. Think while you still have me, move while you still need me. You'll be lost and you'll be sorry when I'm gone!" - Jesus
The concept of Jesus being "gone" is a line in a musical that directly contadicts dogma.

The oil light is flashing red on your Sense of Humor indicator.

Have it checked
It's just that I'm fully aware of how you regard the poor.
"Surely you're not saying we have the resources to save the poor from their lot. There will be poor always pathetically struggling, look at the good things you've got. Think while you still have me, move while you still need me. You'll be lost and you'll be sorry when I'm gone!" - Jesus
The concept of Jesus being "gone" is a line in a musical that directly contadicts dogma.

The oil light is flashing red on your Sense of Humor indicator.

Have it checked
It's just that I'm fully aware of how you regard the poor.

My Mom had to feed a family of 6 on $20 a week, so I'm thinking I grew up poor.

So, not surprisingly, you're really not aware of anything
Um, isn't the whole argument you guys make for "Jesus is Lord" that his followers wouldn't "Die for Lie?"

You know where Jones and Koresh got their crazy ideas that their followers should happily die for them?

From Satan.

Are you willing to take a guess what book they got that idea from?

Das Kapital? perhaps?

Well, dang, I always thought Jones was just a communist that used some chicken liver pranks to swindle peoples money. Now I find out that he was actually a self proclaimed Bible hating atheist that used Christianity for tax purposes. You learn new things each day.

In a 1976 phone conversation with John Maher, Jones alternately stated that he was an agnostic and an atheist.[41] Despite the Temple's fear that the IRS was investigating its religious tax exemption, Marceline Jones admitted in a 1977 New York Times interview that Jones was trying to promote Marxism in the United States by mobilizing people through religion, citing Mao Zedong as his inspiration.[37] She stated that, "Jim used religion to try to get some people out of the opiate of religion," and had slammed the Bible on the table yelling "I've got to destroy this paper idol!"[37] In one sermon, Jones said that, "You're gonna help yourself, or you'll get no help! There's only one hope of glory; that's within you! Nobody's gonna come out of the sky! There's no heaven up there! We'll have to make heaven down here!"
Source: Wikipedia

"I’m uh, you know, an agnostic. We have a— some emphasis on the terms of paranormal, because uh, it brings results, uh, there is something to therapeutic healing, all medical science has proven, but we don’t link that with any kind of causative factor of a loving God. Off the record, I don’t believe in any loving God. Our people, I would say, are ninety percent atheist. Uh, we— we think Jesus Christ was a swinger. He taught some pretty damn good things at feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, uh, maybe a little paternalistic, but it’s still uh— all the emphasis of the judgment of character— the only time he ever mentioned judgment at all was in Matthew 25, and it had to do totally with what you were doing for other people, so we— we emphasize the teachings of Christ, but um, we’re a— we are as um— we’re the most unusual church I’ve ever run into.."
Source: Trees For Lunch Was Jim Jones a Christian

Another interesting thing I never considered before was that both of their bizarre actions took place under Liberal/Socialist Presidents.

But you see, the people of Jones town were much like you. They were atheists and agnostics. According to Jones himself, about 90 percent of them were. Atheists and agnostics rely on their physical senses and put their trust in man rather than in God. This leaves the ones that are seeking a god that can be seen with their eyes vulnerable to the pranks and lying wonders of phony healing and prosperity gospels. Often, they are looking for further meaning in their lives, but are unwilling to get past their flesh. Don't get me wrong, Jesus bore our sins and sickness, but there are many phonies out their that act as false prophets. God wants you healed physically, but his most important goal is that you are spiritually whole. This can only come by entering into a personal relationship with Yashua which requires being born again.

Jesus even warns of these false prophets; and had any of those people heeded the warning they would not have been left dead and rotting in an African jungle. Let's look at what warning Jesus gave:

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
(Matthew 24:24-27 KJV)

The Bible tells us in the words of Jesus, that the coming of the Yashua will be an occurrence that cannot be replicated by any human man. Therefore, may I please plead with you to accept the warning that Paul gives.

Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
(2 Thessalonians 2:5-12 KJV)

There is coming very soon a time in which a man (the Antichrist) will proclaim himself to be god and will show convincing signs and wonders that will deceive all those who do not have a personal relationship with Christ. Do not live by your fleshly eyes, but repent, turn from your sins and be born again! Some of this may sound harsh, but please understand that I say all of this because I care enough to warn you.
1) The Gospels were written years after his supposed life, and they contradict each other on key points.


2) He is not mentioned by a lot of contemporary writers who should have noticed him.

Nobody mentions him.

3) He shares a lot of traits with other mythological figures.

True. There are some unique attributes such as his Oedipus Complex in regards to the revirginating Virgin Mary.

The one thing that implies he was not a total fabrication is why would someone so ridiculous be invented?

Das Kapital? perhaps?

Well, dang, I always thought Jones was just a communist that used some chicken liver pranks to swindle peoples money. Now I find out that he was actually a self proclaimed Bible hating atheist that used Christianity for tax purposes. You learn new things each day.

Oh, no, it's the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

I deleted your bible thumping diarrhea because it wasn't worth repeating.

The problem with the bible is I have a hard time figuring out which one was the bad guy.

God murders millions of people, while Satan only murders 10 on a bet with God, and Satan is the bad guy? Really?

Das Kapital? perhaps?

Well, dang, I always thought Jones was just a communist that used some chicken liver pranks to swindle peoples money. Now I find out that he was actually a self proclaimed Bible hating atheist that used Christianity for tax purposes. You learn new things each day.

Oh, no, it's the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

I deleted your bible thumping diarrhea because it wasn't worth repeating.

The problem with the bible is I have a hard time figuring out which one was the bad guy.

God murders millions of people, while Satan only murders 10 on a bet with God, and Satan is the bad guy? Really?
Satan has murdered every person that has ever died, period.

If the serpent had not temped Eve, then sin would not have entered the world, and death would not have entered the world either. Some believe the serpent to be satan, others think satan indwelt the serpent, doesn't matter, either way, satan had a hand in it.

As for you joeb, is the b for blow? joe blow, yeah, that's fits you, so joeblow, what do you know? and be specific, oh wait, you have nothing of interest to say. Go away joeblow.

Das Kapital? perhaps?

Well, dang, I always thought Jones was just a communist that used some chicken liver pranks to swindle peoples money. Now I find out that he was actually a self proclaimed Bible hating atheist that used Christianity for tax purposes. You learn new things each day.

Oh, no, it's the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

I deleted your bible thumping diarrhea because it wasn't worth repeating.

The problem with the bible is I have a hard time figuring out which one was the bad guy.

God murders millions of people, while Satan only murders 10 on a bet with God, and Satan is the bad guy? Really?
Satan has murdered every person that has ever died, period.

If the serpent had not temped Eve, then sin would not have entered the world, and death would not have entered the world either. Some believe the serpent to be satan, others think satan indwelt the serpent, doesn't matter, either way, satan had a hand in it.

As for you joeb, is the b for blow? joe blow, yeah, that's fits you, so joeblow, what do you know? and be specific, oh wait, you have nothing of interest to say. Go away joeblow.

There is no Satan. Period.

Das Kapital? perhaps?

Well, dang, I always thought Jones was just a communist that used some chicken liver pranks to swindle peoples money. Now I find out that he was actually a self proclaimed Bible hating atheist that used Christianity for tax purposes. You learn new things each day.

Oh, no, it's the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.

I deleted your bible thumping diarrhea because it wasn't worth repeating.

The problem with the bible is I have a hard time figuring out which one was the bad guy.

God murders millions of people, while Satan only murders 10 on a bet with God, and Satan is the bad guy? Really?
Satan has murdered every person that has ever died, period.

If the serpent had not temped Eve, then sin would not have entered the world, and death would not have entered the world either. Some believe the serpent to be satan, others think satan indwelt the serpent, doesn't matter, either way, satan had a hand in it.

As for you joeb, is the b for blow? joe blow, yeah, that's fits you, so joeblow, what do you know? and be specific, oh wait, you have nothing of interest to say. Go away joeblow.

There is no Satan. Period.
Every religion, born of Abraham, disagrees with that statement. So, let's see, yep, a lot more people believe there is a satan, than don't believe in him. A whole lot more people!

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