Did Kavanaughs mother presided over his accusers families foreclosure case?

If the the behavior of kids farting around in High School has anything to do with folks careers 35 years later, let's just call it what it is, living in a police state.
That’s a fair point to make but at this point he has denied ever doing such things so one of them is lying and that is absolutely applicable to whether he is elevated to be a judge on the highest court in the land.
If the the behavior of kids farting around in High School has anything to do with folks careers 35 years later, let's just call it what it is, living in a police state.
That’s a fair point to make but at this point he has denied ever doing such things so one of them is lying and that is absolutely applicable to whether he is elevated to be a judge on the highest court in the land.

Does that really make a difference to you Slade?

Suppose this broad is thoroughly and completely discredited during the upcoming days and weeks.

Would you get behind Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation?

Or is this, with you, just an obstructing or delaying tactic?
If the the behavior of kids farting around in High School has anything to do with folks careers 35 years later, let's just call it what it is, living in a police state.
That’s a fair point to make but at this point he has denied ever doing such things so one of them is lying and that is absolutely applicable to whether he is elevated to be a judge on the highest court in the land.

Nope. They were probably two kids getting drunk at a party, and neither of them clearly remember what happened.

She has her POV, he has his.

It should be immaterial to the discussion, no matter what happened, as neither of them should have been drinking, fooling around, or at that party to begin with.

It was just the typical shit that goes on in High School. We've all seen it before. If it was anything really serious, parents would have been notified, the authorities called in and the press would have been alerted, like the rugby team kerfuffle a few years back. As it was, it was nothing, and they BOTH wanted nobody to know anything, as it would have meant their parents found out they were doing something they probably shouldn't have been. IOW, it WAS NOTHING.
If the the behavior of kids farting around in High School has anything to do with folks careers 35 years later, let's just call it what it is, living in a police state.
That’s a fair point to make but at this point he has denied ever doing such things so one of them is lying and that is absolutely applicable to whether he is elevated to be a judge on the highest court in the land.

Does that really make a difference to you Slade?

Suppose this broad is thoroughly and completely discredited during the upcoming days and weeks.

Would you get behind Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation?

Or is this, with you, just an obstructing or delaying tactic?
Yes, I would. I think he came off as a smart and qualified Judge during the hearings. If he is lying about this then that would make a difference IMO
If the the behavior of kids farting around in High School has anything to do with folks careers 35 years later, let's just call it what it is, living in a police state.
That’s a fair point to make but at this point he has denied ever doing such things so one of them is lying and that is absolutely applicable to whether he is elevated to be a judge on the highest court in the land.

Does that really make a difference to you Slade?

Suppose this broad is thoroughly and completely discredited during the upcoming days and weeks.

Would you get behind Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation?

Or is this, with you, just an obstructing or delaying tactic?
Yes, I would. I think he came off as a smart and qualified Judge during the hearings. If he is lying about this then that would make a difference IMO
What if neither one of them are lying?
The Hannities, Carlson’s and right wingnut media are all “reporting” that Judge Kavanaughs mother presided over his accusers families foreclosure case in the 90’s and they are trying to use this as a way to discredit her story. However, I just heard this nugget on Fox News (see video) where the host tries and bring up that point but is stopped by her producer and told his mother did not rule on that case.

So one of the reports appears to be false... what do y’all think?

I think the Fox News Leg Hour is fantastic whenever I get a chance to see it.
The Hannities, Carlson’s and right wingnut media are all “reporting” that Judge Kavanaughs mother presided over his accusers families foreclosure case in the 90’s and they are trying to use this as a way to discredit her story. However, I just heard this nugget on Fox News (see video) where the host tries and bring up that point but is stopped by her producer and told his mother did not rule on that case.

So one of the reports appears to be false... what do y’all think?

It is hard to check on this fact, she was on the court but the case in question she did not have any connection so far. More to come if I find it.

Your crayons are hard on the eyes. Why not just post in normal font and color?
If the the behavior of kids farting around in High School has anything to do with folks careers 35 years later, let's just call it what it is, living in a police state.
That’s a fair point to make but at this point he has denied ever doing such things so one of them is lying and that is absolutely applicable to whether he is elevated to be a judge on the highest court in the land.

Nope. They were probably two kids getting drunk at a party, and neither of them clearly remember what happened.

She has her POV, he has his.

It should be immaterial to the discussion, no matter what happened, as neither of them should have been drinking, fooling around, or at that party to begin with.

It was just the typical shit that goes on in High School. We've all seen it before. If it was anything really serious, parents would have been notified, the authorities called in and the press would have been alerted, like the rugby team kerfuffle a few years back. As it was, it was nothing, and they BOTH wanted nobody to know anything, as it would have meant their parents found out they were doing something they probably shouldn't have been. IOW, it WAS NOTHING.
Wow, way to make excuses. It’s pretty simple. If he is lying now then he should be held accountable for lying. I don’t see how you can argue otherwise
If the the behavior of kids farting around in High School has anything to do with folks careers 35 years later, let's just call it what it is, living in a police state.
That’s a fair point to make but at this point he has denied ever doing such things so one of them is lying and that is absolutely applicable to whether he is elevated to be a judge on the highest court in the land.

Does that really make a difference to you Slade?

Suppose this broad is thoroughly and completely discredited during the upcoming days and weeks.

Would you get behind Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation?

Or is this, with you, just an obstructing or delaying tactic?
Yes, I would. I think he came off as a smart and qualified Judge during the hearings. If he is lying about this then that would make a difference IMO
What if neither one of them are lying?
They should each get to present their side of the story under oath. If there is not a clear verdict then it goes unresolved and people believe whatever they want.
Yes I’ve seen the image. So why is Fox refuting it? Thoughts?
Not yet.
First I have heard of it.
Haven't turned on the foaming mouths of the commentators of either side yet today.
The video is in the op. It’s 20 seconds.
Despite Fox, I believe that the image is correct.
Whether relevant remains to be seen.
The whole story reeks of a desperate attempt to delay regardless.
Man I sure hope if I ever get looked at through a magnifying glass in the media I don't get blamed for everything in the country with my name has done. I have a common name and I'd be fucked.
They should each get to present their side of the story under oath. If there is not a clear verdict then it goes unresolved and people believe whatever they want.

Which would mean that if Kavanaugh wins, Ford will tour with her books for the next 40 years being a liberal heroine.

If Ford wins, he'll be doing the book tours and analysis for the rest of his life instead, attacking this broad to regain his reputation.
The Hannities, Carlson’s and right wingnut media are all “reporting” that Judge Kavanaughs mother presided over his accusers families foreclosure case in the 90’s and they are trying to use this as a way to discredit her story. However, I just heard this nugget on Fox News (see video) where the host tries and bring up that point but is stopped by her producer and told his mother did not rule on that case.

So one of the reports appears to be false... what do y’all think?

I think we need look no further for the motivation of the false charges that the Democrats -- of which she is one -- are desperate to keep who they think is a conservative judge off the bench. This is just more proof that they'll do anything, and I do mean anything, to do that.
Yes I’ve seen the image. So why is Fox refuting it? Thoughts?
Not yet.
First I have heard of it.
Haven't turned on the foaming mouths of the commentators of either side yet today.
The video is in the op. It’s 20 seconds.
Despite Fox, I believe that the image is correct.
Whether relevant remains to be seen.
The whole story reeks of a desperate attempt to delay regardless.
I’m sure the left will do what they can to politicize the situation as much as they can.but you also should admit that this story about the foreclosure lawsuit is the Rights attempt to politicize and degrade the word of the accuser.

If you are correct and the situation is as the image and right wing outlets are reporting it still makes no sense why Fox refuted it. I’m sure more will be uncovered in the next few days.
They should each get to present their side of the story under oath. If there is not a clear verdict then it goes unresolved and people believe whatever they want.

Which would mean that if Kavanaugh wins, Ford will tour with her books for the next 40 years being a liberal heroine.

If Ford wins, he'll be doing the book tours and analysis for the rest of his life instead, attacking this broad to regain his reputation.
I guess so, unless we can all smarten up and stop buying all these BS books!
The Hannities, Carlson’s and right wingnut media are all “reporting” that Judge Kavanaughs mother presided over his accusers families foreclosure case in the 90’s and they are trying to use this as a way to discredit her story. However, I just heard this nugget on Fox News (see video) where the host tries and bring up that point but is stopped by her producer and told his mother did not rule on that case.

So one of the reports appears to be false... what do y’all think?

I think we need look no further for the motivation of the false charges that the Democrats -- of which she is one -- are desperate to keep who they think is a conservative judge off the bench. This is just more proof that they'll do anything, and I do mean anything, to do that.

Look no further? So damn the facts?! Ok
The Hannities, Carlson’s and right wingnut media are all “reporting” that Judge Kavanaughs mother presided over his accusers families foreclosure case in the 90’s and they are trying to use this as a way to discredit her story. However, I just heard this nugget on Fox News (see video) where the host tries and bring up that point but is stopped by her producer and told his mother did not rule on that case.

So one of the reports appears to be false... what do y’all think?

I think we need look no further for the motivation of the false charges that the Democrats -- of which she is one -- are desperate to keep who they think is a conservative judge off the bench. This is just more proof that they'll do anything, and I do mean anything, to do that.

Look no further? So damn the facts?! Ok

There have been no facts. In fact, the remarkable thing about this is there is a singular lack of facts surrounding the accusation.

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