Did Mueller Ever Take a Basic Logic or Critical Thinking Course?

Anyone who knows anything about basic logic and/or critical thinking will recognize what pitiful, flimsy arguments Mueller made at his press conference the other day.

To paraphrase one of Mueller's statements: "We didn't find evidence that he colluded, but we didn't evidence that he did not collude either." How do you prove that someone did not collude? How do you prove a negative? It is very hard, and often impossible, to prove a negative. So to say that "we could not prove he didn't do it" is to use the flimsy argument of citing the failure to prove a negative. This is Logic 101.

Think about it. Suppose a hostile neighbor accuses you of beating your wife. The police detective says, "I found no evidence that you beat your wife; however, I found no evidence that you did not beat your wife. Therefore, I am recommending that the DA indict you for wife beating."

To paraphrase another one of Mueller's arguments: "If I had found clear evidence that Trump did not commit a crime, I would have said so." Okay, and the obvious logical corollary to this is that if Mueller had found clear evidence that Trump did commit a crime, he would have said so. Again, this is basic logic, stuff that college students are taught in an introductory logic or critical thinking course.

What is equally pitiful, if not more so, is that Democrats are using Mueller's statements as their basis for renewed calls for impeachment.

It ain’t about logic, critical thinking and law, it’s about revenge, CYA and vanity. Muller is nothing more then a show pony, a brand. He was only brought on to lend credibility to bullshit and now that he is starting to be shown as nothing but another corrupt political hack he is getting nervous.
Meuller is a high treason traitor at the highest level

Maybe have a look-see as to how the Constitution defines treason.

Yes it's about helping our enemies

And by weakening America that is helping our enemies big time

No, it's more specific, go back and read it some more.

That is what it says

Anyone helping our enemies by weakening the nation. Are traitors

Both Russia and China promotes liberalism in America in order to weaken the nation and that then makes them stronger and helps them gain on the nation

Traitors and high treason criminals for sure

Mueller didn't promote liberalism to begin with and there was no working relationship between Mueller and our enemies unlike Trump. So, by your standards Trump should be hanging soon I guess, right? I mean, I'm not for that but apparently your standard was met.

Wrong mueller promoted liberalism right out of the box

By trying to scare trump from going after the real liberal criminals

Both Russia and China knows liberalism with stupid voters destroys nations

So they both promote liberalism in America to weaken America and to help them gain power over America

Mueller right out of the box was trying to scare trump to over look the crimes by the liberal crooks

Mueller did the supposedly private person and investigation do?

Mueller went public big time to scare trump

Leaking that all his prosecutors are Hillary lovers

Then had high public massive raids on trumps connections and even had CNN there to help film and broadcast

Mueller was set to weaken trump and America by scaring off any help for trump

Yes indeed mueller is guilty of high treason
Wrong mueller promoted liberalism right out of the box

By trying to scare trump from going after the real liberal criminals

Both Russia and China knows liberalism with stupid voters destroys nations

So they both promote liberalism in America to weaken America and to help them gain power over America

Mueller right out of the box was trying to scare trump to over look the crimes by the liberal crooks

Mueller did the supposedly private person and investigation do?

Mueller went public big time to scare trump

Leaking that all his prosecutors are Hillary lovers

Then had high public massive raids on trumps connections and even had CNN there to help film and broadcast

Mueller was set to weaken trump and America by scaring off any help for trump

Yes indeed mueller is guilty of high treason

Your conspiracies wrapped in your horrifically bad grammar make your post almost impossible to read. Can you rewrite all of that in some sort of legible manner?

Maybe also cite the applicable piece of the Constitution word for word and tell us at what point you think Mueller comitted treason.
Anyone who knows anything about basic logic and/or critical thinking will recognize what pitiful, flimsy arguments Mueller made at his press conference the other day.

To paraphrase one of Mueller's statements: "We didn't find evidence that he colluded, but we didn't evidence that he did not collude either." How do you prove that someone did not collude? How do you prove a negative? It is very hard, and often impossible, to prove a negative. So to say that "we could not prove he didn't do it" is to use the flimsy argument of citing the failure to prove a negative. This is Logic 101.

Think about it. Suppose a hostile neighbor accuses you of beating your wife. The police detective says, "I found no evidence that you beat your wife; however, I found no evidence that you did not beat your wife. Therefore, I am recommending that the DA indict you for wife beating."

To paraphrase another one of Mueller's arguments: "If I had found clear evidence that Trump did not commit a crime, I would have said so." Okay, and the obvious logical corollary to this is that if Mueller had found clear evidence that Trump did commit a crime, he would have said so. Again, this is basic logic, stuff that college students are taught in an introductory logic or critical thinking course.

What is equally pitiful, if not more so, is that Democrats are using Mueller's statements as their basis for renewed calls for impeachment.
To paraphrase one of Mueller's statements: "We didn't find evidence that he colluded, but we didn't evidence that he did not collude either." How do you prove that someone did not collude? H
Mueller found no evidence members of Trump's campaign conspired or cooperated, i.e., "colluded" with elements of the Russian government to elect Donald Trump in 2016.

The lifelong Republican's report came to a different conclusion with regards to obstruction of justice:

Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index

"At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state1.

"Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment.

"Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."
Anyone who knows anything about basic logic and/or critical thinking will recognize what pitiful, flimsy arguments Mueller made at his press conference the other day.

To paraphrase one of Mueller's statements: "We didn't find evidence that he colluded, but we didn't evidence that he did not collude either." How do you prove that someone did not collude? How do you prove a negative? It is very hard, and often impossible, to prove a negative. So to say that "we could not prove he didn't do it" is to use the flimsy argument of citing the failure to prove a negative. This is Logic 101.

Think about it. Suppose a hostile neighbor accuses you of beating your wife. The police detective says, "I found no evidence that you beat your wife; however, I found no evidence that you did not beat your wife. Therefore, I am recommending that the DA indict you for wife beating."

To paraphrase another one of Mueller's arguments: "If I had found clear evidence that Trump did not commit a crime, I would have said so." Okay, and the obvious logical corollary to this is that if Mueller had found clear evidence that Trump did commit a crime, he would have said so. Again, this is basic logic, stuff that college students are taught in an introductory logic or critical thinking course.

What is equally pitiful, if not more so, is that Democrats are using Mueller's statements as their basis for renewed calls for impeachment.

Say the police are investigating a murder. Yes a person can prove they did not do it.

Your logic is flawed .
Wrong mueller promoted liberalism right out of the box

By trying to scare trump from going after the real liberal criminals

Both Russia and China knows liberalism with stupid voters destroys nations

So they both promote liberalism in America to weaken America and to help them gain power over America

Mueller right out of the box was trying to scare trump to over look the crimes by the liberal crooks

Mueller did the supposedly private person and investigation do?

Mueller went public big time to scare trump

Leaking that all his prosecutors are Hillary lovers

Then had high public massive raids on trumps connections and even had CNN there to help film and broadcast

Mueller was set to weaken trump and America by scaring off any help for trump

Yes indeed mueller is guilty of high treason

Your conspiracies wrapped in your horrifically bad grammar make your post almost impossible to read. Can you rewrite all of that in some sort of legible manner?

Maybe also cite the applicable piece of the Constitution word for word and tell us at what point you think Mueller comitted treason.

Mueller committed treason by covering up the crimes by liberals

By trying to scare trump to over look the crimes of the liberals

Liberalism is promoted in America by our enemies because liberalism weakens nations which then AIDS and helps our enemies
Mueller committed treason by covering up the crimes by liberals

He didn't and that's also not the definition of treason anyway.

Wrong Dead Wrong

I mean, you didn't even get close to the basic definition of treason as stated in our Constitution. Start there and work your way up.

See you are wrong you cannot understand what helping America's enemies mean

Just Wrong !
Mueller committed treason by covering up the crimes by liberals

He didn't and that's also not the definition of treason anyway.

Wrong Dead Wrong

I mean, you didn't even get close to the basic definition of treason as stated in our Constitution. Start there and work your way up.

You didn't get close to what treason is. In fact you never said anything !!

Saying nothing means you are far away from what treason is
Anyone who knows anything about basic logic and/or critical thinking will recognize what pitiful, flimsy arguments Mueller made at his press conference the other day.

To paraphrase one of Mueller's statements: "We didn't find evidence that he colluded, but we didn't evidence that he did not collude either." How do you prove that someone did not collude? How do you prove a negative? It is very hard, and often impossible, to prove a negative. So to say that "we could not prove he didn't do it" is to use the flimsy argument of citing the failure to prove a negative. This is Logic 101.

Think about it. Suppose a hostile neighbor accuses you of beating your wife. The police detective says, "I found no evidence that you beat your wife; however, I found no evidence that you did not beat your wife. Therefore, I am recommending that the DA indict you for wife beating."

To paraphrase another one of Mueller's arguments: "If I had found clear evidence that Trump did not commit a crime, I would have said so." Okay, and the obvious logical corollary to this is that if Mueller had found clear evidence that Trump did commit a crime, he would have said so. Again, this is basic logic, stuff that college students are taught in an introductory logic or critical thinking course.

What is equally pitiful, if not more so, is that Democrats are using Mueller's statements as their basis for renewed calls for impeachment.

Mueller did not say ANYTHING about “collusion”, not in his report or his press conference. He talked about “criminal conspiracy” which is a crime. Trump and Barr talk about “collusion” because it’s not a crime. It’s a deflection and a type of lie, one of the many “small lies” Trump tells that don’t matter to groom you to believe the big lies that he tells later that really do matter.

Trump has tried desperately to control the language around the Mueller Report because if you control the language, you control the narrative.

Notice how one written statement read aloud by Robert Mueller has changed the narrative. Because Mueller basically denied everything Barr has said about findings contained the Mueller Report and called on Congress to impeach the President, people are no longer saying the Democrats need to move on.

I look forward to Congress getting Trump’s financial records. And Trump losing more court battles on his unconstitutional attempts at stonewalling Congress.

You are a fucking liar, as Communists tend to be.

{1. Potential Coordination: Conspiracy and Collusion

As an initial matter, this Office evaluated potentially criminal conduct that involved the

collective action of multiple individuals not under the rubric of "collusion," but through the lens

of conspiracy law. In so doing, the Office recognized that the word "collud[e]" appears in the

Acting Attorney General's August 2, 2017 memorandum; it has frequently been invoked in public

reporting; and it is sometimes referenced in antitrust law, see, cg, Brooke Group 12. Brown

Williamson Tobacco Corp, 509 US. 209, 227 (1993). But collusion is not a specific offense or

theory of liability found in the US. Code; nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law. To the

contrary, even as defined in legal dictionaries, collusion is largely synonymous with conspiracy as

that crime is set forth in the general federal conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. 371. See Black ?3 Law

Dictionary 321. (10th ed. 2014) (collusion is agreement to defraud another or to do or obtain

something forbidden by law?); 1 Alexander Burrill, A Law Dictionary and Glossary 31 (1871)

(?An agreement between two or more persons to defraud another by the forms of law, or to employ

such forms as means of accomplishing some unlawful object?); 1 Bouvier's Law Dictionary 352}}


Did you actually READ the paragraph you quoted? I've bolded the parts you seem to have missed:

"As an initial matter, this Office evaluated potentially criminal conduct that involved the collective action of multiple individuals not under the rubric of "collusion," but through the lens of conspiracy law. . . . But collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the US. Code; nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law."


Such a fucking liar; You communists are real piles of shit.

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.

To paraphrase one of Mueller's statements: "We didn't find evidence that he colluded, but we didn't evidence that he did not collude either."
That's not an accurate representation of what was said.

Correct - Mueller unequivocally stated that collusion is a made up term used by the DNC press to slander the president, AND that there is no evidence of conspiracy by Trump or ANY member of his teams. (campaign or transition)
To paraphrase one of Mueller's statements: "We didn't find evidence that he colluded, but we didn't evidence that he did not collude either."
That's not an accurate representation of what was said.

Correct - Mueller unequivocally stated that collusion is a made up term used by the DNC press to slander the president, AND that there is no evidence of conspiracy by Trump or ANY member of his teams. (campaign or transition)
Why do you lie like that? Do you think no one is gonna bother to call you on it?

Unless you'd like to quote the relevant sections and prove it?
Anyone who knows anything about basic logic and/or critical thinking will recognize what pitiful, flimsy arguments Mueller made at his press conference the other day. To paraphrase one of Mueller's statements: "We didn't find evidence that he colluded, but we didn't evidence that he did not collude either." How do you prove that someone did not collude?
Don't paraphrase. That's just a cheap way of making a point by twisting something he said into something he didn't say.
Mueller is a corrupt piece of garbage, who couldn’t find his dick with 2 maps and a flashlight while sitting on a mirror.

2 years, nothing
But didn’t his report exonerate Trump?

He tried, but couldn’t find anything, so the 2nd half of it is an OPED.

He should have wrapped it after 3weeks.
He did say that if he did not find anything he would have said so. He also said that the parameters set forth by the DoJ meant he could not charge Trump as he is the sitting president. The DoJ can't charge, but the congress has that authority.

Doesn't Fox News break down that information?

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