Did Mueller Ever Take a Basic Logic or Critical Thinking Course?

Anyone who knows anything about basic logic and/or critical thinking will recognize what pitiful, flimsy arguments Mueller made at his press conference the other day.

To paraphrase one of Mueller's statements: "We didn't find evidence that he colluded, but we didn't evidence that he did not collude either." How do you prove that someone did not collude? How do you prove a negative? It is very hard, and often impossible, to prove a negative. So to say that "we could not prove he didn't do it" is to use the flimsy argument of citing the failure to prove a negative. This is Logic 101.

Think about it. Suppose a hostile neighbor accuses you of beating your wife. The police detective says, "I found no evidence that you beat your wife; however, I found no evidence that you did not beat your wife. Therefore, I am recommending that the DA indict you for wife beating."

To paraphrase another one of Mueller's arguments: "If I had found clear evidence that Trump did not commit a crime, I would have said so." Okay, and the obvious logical corollary to this is that if Mueller had found clear evidence that Trump did commit a crime, he would have said so. Again, this is basic logic, stuff that college students are taught in an introductory logic or critical thinking course.

What is equally pitiful, if not more so, is that Democrats are using Mueller's statements as their basis for renewed calls for impeachment.
Logic 202: If you have to paraphrase rather than quote directly, you knew your argument was false before you began.
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Mueller report is not for the those who already believe that Trump is innocent because there is nothing that will change your mind

Yet his report is so concise that even Barr was confused which is not saying much and completely over Trumps head

It laid the road map out for the Senate to follow and highlights what he wants the critical thinkers in the public to see that there was a reason why he had no confidence in Trump when it comes to the issue of obstruction.

He will let Trump make his own bed
Meuller is a high treason traitor at the highest level

Maybe have a look-see as to how the Constitution defines treason.

Yes it's about helping our enemies

And by weakening America that is helping our enemies big time

No, it's more specific, go back and read it some more.

That is what it says

Anyone helping our enemies by weakening the nation. Are traitors

Both Russia and China promotes liberalism in America in order to weaken the nation and that then makes them stronger and helps them gain on the nation

Traitors and high treason criminals for sure

Mueller didn't promote liberalism to begin with and there was no working relationship between Mueller and our enemies unlike Trump. So, by your standards Trump should be hanging soon I guess, right? I mean, I'm not for that but apparently your standard was met.

Wait so you agree Kerry violated the Logan act as a private citizen trying to negotiate with our enemy Iraq?

Maybe have a look-see as to how the Constitution defines treason.

Yes it's about helping our enemies

And by weakening America that is helping our enemies big time

No, it's more specific, go back and read it some more.

That is what it says

Anyone helping our enemies by weakening the nation. Are traitors

Both Russia and China promotes liberalism in America in order to weaken the nation and that then makes them stronger and helps them gain on the nation

Traitors and high treason criminals for sure

Mueller didn't promote liberalism to begin with and there was no working relationship between Mueller and our enemies unlike Trump. So, by your standards Trump should be hanging soon I guess, right? I mean, I'm not for that but apparently your standard was met.

Wait so you agree Kerry violated the Logan act as a private citizen trying to negotiate with our enemy Iraq?


I'm giddy as fuck!

Finally the deep state is gonna get exposed thanks to Bill Barr....and best of all, its gonna ratchet up the level of division in this country where shit is gonna get real. Progressives about to find out about smashmouth politics ftmfw.....yuk, yuk:bye1::bye1:
Anyone who knows anything about basic logic and/or critical thinking will recognize what pitiful, flimsy arguments Mueller made at his press conference the other day.

To paraphrase one of Mueller's statements: "We didn't find evidence that he colluded, but we didn't evidence that he did not collude either." How do you prove that someone did not collude? How do you prove a negative? It is very hard, and often impossible, to prove a negative. So to say that "we could not prove he didn't do it" is to use the flimsy argument of citing the failure to prove a negative. This is Logic 101.

Think about it. Suppose a hostile neighbor accuses you of beating your wife. The police detective says, "I found no evidence that you beat your wife; however, I found no evidence that you did not beat your wife. Therefore, I am recommending that the DA indict you for wife beating."

To paraphrase another one of Mueller's arguments: "If I had found clear evidence that Trump did not commit a crime, I would have said so." Okay, and the obvious logical corollary to this is that if Mueller had found clear evidence that Trump did commit a crime, he would have said so. Again, this is basic logic, stuff that college students are taught in an introductory logic or critical thinking course.

What is equally pitiful, if not more so, is that Democrats are using Mueller's statements as their basis for renewed calls for impeachment.
Did Mueller Ever Take a Basic Logic or Critical Thinking Course?

The irony is strong with this one.
Mueller is a corrupt piece of garbage, who couldn’t find his dick with 2 maps and a flashlight while sitting on a mirror.

2 years, nothing
But didn’t his report exonerate Trump?

Mueller HAD TO not go any further

The men of America was not budging away from trump

Mueller knew what that meant. So he closed shop and starting running like a rat and coward
Meuller is a high treason traitor at the highest level

Maybe have a look-see as to how the Constitution defineld as treason.

Yes it's about helping our enemies

And by weakening America that is helping our enemies big time

Trump is the one who is weakening America and aiding Putin, Kim and XI in the process, but even what Trump is doing is NOT TREASON. Treason is defined as giving aid and comfort to a FOREIGN ENEMY DURING A TIME OF DECLARED WAR. The only way one could legally commit treason in the USA at the moment, would be to provide aid and assistance to the Taliban in Afghanistan.
He knew how to destroy evidence when he wiped Paige and Strozk's phones to hide their text messages from The IG......FAIL
He also know how to hide exculpatory evidence when he purposely omitted and even altered statements from numerous witnesses in The Fake Russia Investigation.

He also knew how to conceal the fact he was told by British Intelligence 18 months ago, both he and James Comey that The Dossier by Steele was Fake & that there was NO COLLUSION.

He continued the witch hunt anyways, and never mentioned this fact in his report.....SHOCKED.....NOT.

Mueller has 75 Ethics violations charges against him for things ranging from FISA Abuse, Witness Testimony Tampering, Prosecutorial Misconduct and on and on.

Mueller was appointed because he was crooked and for no other reason, Same with everyone on his team who also have horrific track records for violations of Civil Rights.

Most famously Mueller has placed innocent people in jail he knew were innocent in The Anthrax and Enron Cases, costing the taxpayers millions of dollars in restitution, and the destruction of legitimate businesses.
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Meuller is a high treason traitor at the highest level

Maybe have a look-see as to how the Constitution defineld as treason.

Yes it's about helping our enemies

And by weakening America that is helping our enemies big time

Trump is the one who is weakening America and aiding Putin, Kim and XI in the process, but even what Trump is doing is NOT TREASON. Treason is defined as giving aid and comfort to a FOREIGN ENEMY DURING A TIME OF DECLARED WAR. The only way one could legally commit treason in the USA at the moment, would be to provide aid and assistance to the Taliban in Afghanistan.


It's your Confederate "Resistance" Government that is destroying America. Look at your California and Chicago Shit holes.

What does The Left have to offer but Bubonic Plague, Mumps, Measels, Polio, Heroin, Typhoid Fever, Tuberculosis, Illegal Aliens, MS-13, Heroin Addiction, and Shit on The Streets, and Chicago being more dangerous than Iraq?

Former Obama officials reportedly speaking with Iran to undermine Trump
He knew how to destroy evidence when he wiped Paige and Strozk's phones to hide their text messages from The IG......FAIL
He also know how to hide exculpatory evidence when he purposely omitted and even altered statements from numerous witnesses in The Fake Russia Investigation.

He also knew how to conceal the fact he was told by British Intelligence 18 months ago, both he and James Comey that The Dossier by Steele was Fake & that there was NO COLLUSION.

He continued the witch hunt anyways, and never mentioned this fact in his report.....SHOCKED.....NOT.

Mueller has 75 Ethics violations charges against him for things ranging from FISA Abuse, Witness Testimony Tampering, Prosecutorial Misconduct and on and on.

Mueller was appointed because he was crooked and for no other reason, Same with everyone on his team who also have horrific track records for violations of Civil Rights.

Most famously Mueller has placed innocent people in jail he knew were innocent in The Anthrax and Enron Cases, costing the taxpayers millions of dollars in restitution, and the destruction of legitimate businesses.
Meuller is a high treason traitor at the highest level

Maybe have a look-see as to how the Constitution defineld as treason.

Yes it's about helping our enemies

And by weakening America that is helping our enemies big time

Trump is the one who is weakening America and aiding Putin, Kim and XI in the process, but even what Trump is doing is NOT TREASON. Treason is defined as giving aid and comfort to a FOREIGN ENEMY DURING A TIME OF DECLARED WAR. The only way one could legally commit treason in the USA at the moment, would be to provide aid and assistance to the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Thank you, thank you. Mr. Bonehead "woman bad, man good" here doesn't know the first think about how treason is stated in the Constitution, that would require actually having read it. GreenandBlue, kinda' moldy in the cranium.
Meuller is a high treason traitor at the highest level

Maybe have a look-see as to how the Constitution defines treason.

Yes it's about helping our enemies

And by weakening America that is helping our enemies big time

No, it's more specific, go back and read it some more.

That is what it says

Anyone helping our enemies by weakening the nation. Are traitors

Both Russia and China promotes liberalism in America in order to weaken the nation and that then makes them stronger and helps them gain on the nation

Traitors and high treason criminals for sure

Mueller didn't promote liberalism to begin with and there was no working relationship between Mueller and our enemies unlike Trump. So, by your standards Trump should be hanging soon I guess, right? I mean, I'm not for that but apparently your standard was met.

Mueller promoted liberalism by having all of his prosecutors Hillary supporters
Mueller is a corrupt piece of garbage, who couldn’t find his dick with 2 maps and a flashlight while sitting on a mirror.

2 years, nothing
But didn’t his report exonerate Trump?

Mueller HAD TO not go any further

The men of America was not budging away from trump

Mueller knew what that meant. So he closed shop and starting running like a rat and coward
Meuller is a high treason traitor at the highest level

Maybe have a look-see as to how the Constitution defineld as treason.

Yes it's about helping our enemies

And by weakening America that is helping our enemies big time

Trump is the one who is weakening America and aiding Putin, Kim and XI in the process, but even what Trump is doing is NOT TREASON. Treason is defined as giving aid and comfort to a FOREIGN ENEMY DURING A TIME OF DECLARED WAR. The only way one could legally commit treason in the USA at the moment, would be to provide aid and assistance to the Taliban in Afghanistan.


It's your Confederate "Resistance" Government that is destroying America. Look at your California and Chicago Shit holes.

What does The Left have to offer but Bubonic Plague, Mumps, Measels, Polio, Heroin, Typhoid Fever, Tuberculosis, Illegal Aliens, MS-13, Heroin Addiction, and Shit on The Streets, and Chicago being more dangerous than Iraq?

Former Obama officials reportedly speaking with Iran to undermine Trump

All of the Republican held Deep South is a shitholes, as are Appalacia, and most inner cities are too. It has nothing to do with Democrats and everything to do with Republican policies, which are not benefitting their populations. States can only do so much when the federal social programs are so lacking in benefits, and so burdered with excessive administration costs.

The problem is POVERTY. Republicans do NOTHING to help the poor, but they are hella good at CREATING poverty. When Reagan changed the tax code, working Americans owned 5% of the wealth of the nation. Now they own NONE of it. Over 40 million Americans are still dependant on food stamps, most of them children.

Not coincidentally, public education standards are also the WORST in these Red States. Not only do Red States do less for the poor, they handicap these children with a substandard education, giving them little hope of rising above the poverty they were born into.

In 1980, when Reagan was elected and started vilifying the poor, a child had a 20% chance of being born poor and rising to the middle class. Now that chance is 2%. Fewer good paying middle class manufacturing jobs. More low paying service jobs. The economy has changed, and yet children in the Red States aren't getting the kind of education they need to succeed in a 21st Century economy.

Denial of climate change and all of the other backwards looking shit that Republicans keep getting up to, are not helping. The rest of the world is investing in green energy and the green economy, and Republicans are investing in coal. That just about sums it up.

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