Did Obama Just Pull A 'Gruber', Calling Americans 'Stupid'?

just a little reminder that Romney was just as much of a dirtbag racist shithead as Trump is....47% dont pay taxes lol
Thank you for that opinion. Need I remind you how many attacked Romney for being a Mormon - talk about prejudice! As far as paying his taxes, it was proved Romney not only paid his taxes, he paid more in taxes and gave more to charity that Obama and Biden.
But also proved that Harry Reid LIED about Romney's taxes, and dirty Harry gloated about it also. Just cant get more deplorable than a liberal.

Harry Reid is proud he lied about Mitt Romney's taxes
So, in Reid's world, it is perfectly acceptable to make a defamatory charge against an opponent to damage his campaign.
What a dirt bag Harry is, just wish some more of his exercise equipment would bitch slap him in the other eye.
Trump would never make a defamatory charge against an opponent to damage his campaign.
Notice the lib didn't deny the charge against his ex minority leader, but now swerved away to another topic? Damn fucking liberals are worse than a squirrel in the back yard.
just a little reminder that Romney was just as much of a dirtbag racist shithead as Trump is....47% dont pay taxes lol
Thank you for that opinion. Need I remind you how many attacked Romney for being a Mormon - talk about prejudice! As far as paying his taxes, it was proved Romney not only paid his taxes, he paid more in taxes and gave more to charity that Obama and Biden.
But also proved that Harry Reid LIED about Romney's taxes, and dirty Harry gloated about it also. Just cant get more deplorable than a liberal.

Harry Reid is proud he lied about Mitt Romney's taxes
So, in Reid's world, it is perfectly acceptable to make a defamatory charge against an opponent to damage his campaign.
What a dirt bag Harry is, just wish some more of his exercise equipment would bitch slap him in the other eye.
Trump would never make a defamatory charge against an opponent to damage his campaign.
Notice the lib didn't deny the charge against his ex minority leader, but now swerved away to another topic? Damn fucking liberals are worse than a squirrel in the back yard.
no because nobody believes the first black president was a nazi, meanwhile everyone in the country thinks trump is a nazi including world leaders and most of the people who support him
just a little reminder that Romney was just as much of a dirtbag racist shithead as Trump is....47% dont pay taxes lol
Thank you for that opinion. Need I remind you how many attacked Romney for being a Mormon - talk about prejudice! As far as paying his taxes, it was proved Romney not only paid his taxes, he paid more in taxes and gave more to charity that Obama and Biden.
But also proved that Harry Reid LIED about Romney's taxes, and dirty Harry gloated about it also. Just cant get more deplorable than a liberal.

Harry Reid is proud he lied about Mitt Romney's taxes
So, in Reid's world, it is perfectly acceptable to make a defamatory charge against an opponent to damage his campaign.
What a dirt bag Harry is, just wish some more of his exercise equipment would bitch slap him in the other eye.
Trump would never make a defamatory charge against an opponent to damage his campaign.
Notice the lib didn't deny the charge against his ex minority leader, but now swerved away to another topic? Damn fucking liberals are worse than a squirrel in the back yard.
no because nobody believes the first black president was a nazi, meanwhile everyone in the country thinks trump is a nazi including world leaders and most of the people who support him
Everything linked in the picture Obama did, and you say he wasn't Nazi'ish? Man/Woman/It pull your head out of your ass, and wake up.

Of course we get the politicians we deserve. Congress has an approval rating somewhere near Zika and every election they have a incumbency retention rate in the high-80's or mid-90's. Not much is going to change until this slavish devotion to the political duopoly is ended.
Thank you for that opinion. Need I remind you how many attacked Romney for being a Mormon - talk about prejudice! As far as paying his taxes, it was proved Romney not only paid his taxes, he paid more in taxes and gave more to charity that Obama and Biden.
But also proved that Harry Reid LIED about Romney's taxes, and dirty Harry gloated about it also. Just cant get more deplorable than a liberal.

Harry Reid is proud he lied about Mitt Romney's taxes
So, in Reid's world, it is perfectly acceptable to make a defamatory charge against an opponent to damage his campaign.
What a dirt bag Harry is, just wish some more of his exercise equipment would bitch slap him in the other eye.
Trump would never make a defamatory charge against an opponent to damage his campaign.
Notice the lib didn't deny the charge against his ex minority leader, but now swerved away to another topic? Damn fucking liberals are worse than a squirrel in the back yard.
no because nobody believes the first black president was a nazi, meanwhile everyone in the country thinks trump is a nazi including world leaders and most of the people who support him
Everything linked in the picture Obama did, and you say he wasn't Nazi'ish? Man/Woman/It pull your head out of your ass, and wake up.

View attachment 125908
i didn't read your weird propaganda poster from 2008
But also proved that Harry Reid LIED about Romney's taxes, and dirty Harry gloated about it also. Just cant get more deplorable than a liberal.

Harry Reid is proud he lied about Mitt Romney's taxes What a dirt bag Harry is, just wish some more of his exercise equipment would bitch slap him in the other eye.
Trump would never make a defamatory charge against an opponent to damage his campaign.
Notice the lib didn't deny the charge against his ex minority leader, but now swerved away to another topic? Damn fucking liberals are worse than a squirrel in the back yard.
no because nobody believes the first black president was a nazi, meanwhile everyone in the country thinks trump is a nazi including world leaders and most of the people who support him
Everything linked in the picture Obama did, and you say he wasn't Nazi'ish? Man/Woman/It pull your head out of your ass, and wake up.

View attachment 125908
i didn't read your weird propaganda poster from 2008
I know , just look at the pictures as most of you libtards cant read.
Obama has the knack for exciting you GOP Snowflakes into Raindrops.

Well in reality it's the Echo Chamber filling their sheep's heads with outrage and hatred, once again over an incomplete sentence.

"So often we think of leadership as somebody at the top who is ordering other people around, but it turns out, for me at least, what made me understand leadership was when I could see somebody who thought they didn't have a voice, thought they didn't have influence or didn't have power, and teach them how they could speak up on the things that were affecting their lives." "People have a tendency to blame politicians when things don't work, but as I always tell people, you get the politicians you deserve. If you don't vote and don't participate and don't pay attention, you get policies that don't reflect your interests," he added.
Obama has the knack for exciting you GOP Snowflakes into Raindrops.

Well in reality it's the Echo Chamber filling their sheep's heads with outrage and hatred, once again over an incomplete sentence.

"So often we think of leadership as somebody at the top who is ordering other people around, but it turns out, for me at least, what made me understand leadership was when I could see somebody who thought they didn't have a voice, thought they didn't have influence or didn't have power, and teach them how they could speak up on the things that were affecting their lives." "People have a tendency to blame politicians when things don't work, but as I always tell people, you get the politicians you deserve. If you don't vote and don't participate and don't pay attention, you get policies that don't reflect your interests," he added.
Tell that to those who voted for Hope and Change the first time, then bailed on him on the 2nd time. Elections have consequences as we are seeing in the liberal cities that are on fire.
"You Get The Politicians You Deserve."
- Ex-President Barak Obama, May 2017

Ok, so Obama wasn't talking to ALL Americans. He wasn't even talking about Republicans / Conservatives. And no he wasn't talking to / about ALL Democrats. He was talking to / about the Democrats who refused to go out and vote and to the Democrats that voted FOR TRUMP. 'For not turning out to vote and for voting for Trump, YOU Democrats are now getting what you deserve', is in essence what Obama was saying.

Obama: You get the politicians you deserve - Hot Air

"We deserved eight years of him and then four of Trump? Good lord. This may be the single most cutting thing he’s ever said about Americans. Well, second-most.

Buried in the subtext of his remark is his theory of the election: Democrats didn’t turn out in the numbers they should have (“if you don’t vote and you don’t participate and you don’t pay attention…”), ergo they’re being punished with a Trump presidency. There’s a grain of truth in that but it misses the big picture. It’s true that turnout among some core Democratic groups, most notably black voters, was down from the Obama era, but it wasn’t missing Democrats that ultimately swung the election. It was the Obama voters who did turn out — and voted for Trump."

Those Obama-Trump voters, in fact, effectively accounted for more than two-thirds of the reason Clinton lost, according to Matt Canter, a senior vice president of the Democratic political firm Global Strategy Group. In his group’s analysis, about 70 percent of Clinton’s failure to reach Obama’s vote total in 2012 was because she lost these voters

“This idea that Democrats can somehow ignore this constituency and just turn out more of our voters, the math doesn’t work,” Canter said. “We have to do both.”

Another way to take Barry's comment is that we did not 'deserve' Hillary Clinton as President, thank goodness. ;p
I am saying that 47% of the people who don't pay taxes, are STUPID. Here is a prime example of one who doesn't pay taxes and votes dumbocrat.

just a little reminder that Romney was just as much of a dirtbag racist shithead as Trump is....47% dont pay taxes lol
as much of a dirtbag racist shithead
Only think left is for the liberal playbook.
View attachment 125906

do you just copy and paste that adorable little meme whenever someone brings up racism...or are you just a really big mitt romney fan and are deeply offended?...stupid nazi shitheads are so sensitive

Obama has the knack for exciting you GOP Snowflakes into Raindrops.

Well in reality it's the Echo Chamber filling their sheep's heads with outrage and hatred, once again over an incomplete sentence.

"So often we think of leadership as somebody at the top who is ordering other people around, but it turns out, for me at least, what made me understand leadership was when I could see somebody who thought they didn't have a voice, thought they didn't have influence or didn't have power, and teach them how they could speak up on the things that were affecting their lives." "People have a tendency to blame politicians when things don't work, but as I always tell people, you get the politicians you deserve. If you don't vote and don't participate and don't pay attention, you get policies that don't reflect your interests," he added.
Tell that to those who voted for Hope and Change the first time, then bailed on him on the 2nd time. Elections have consequences as we are seeing in the liberal cities that are on fire.

Even the Chosen One's second victory was by a greater margin than the Grabbers'. 2018 will be a referendum on the so-called president.
"You Get The Politicians You Deserve."
- Ex-President Barak Obama, May 2017

Ok, so Obama wasn't talking to ALL Americans. He wasn't even talking about Republicans / Conservatives. And no he wasn't talking to / about ALL Democrats. He was talking to / about the Democrats who refused to go out and vote and to the Democrats that voted FOR TRUMP. 'For not turning out to vote and for voting for Trump, YOU Democrats are now getting what you deserve', is in essence what Obama was saying.

Obama: You get the politicians you deserve - Hot Air

"We deserved eight years of him and then four of Trump? Good lord. This may be the single most cutting thing he’s ever said about Americans. Well, second-most.

Buried in the subtext of his remark is his theory of the election: Democrats didn’t turn out in the numbers they should have (“if you don’t vote and you don’t participate and you don’t pay attention…”), ergo they’re being punished with a Trump presidency. There’s a grain of truth in that but it misses the big picture. It’s true that turnout among some core Democratic groups, most notably black voters, was down from the Obama era, but it wasn’t missing Democrats that ultimately swung the election. It was the Obama voters who did turn out — and voted for Trump."

Those Obama-Trump voters, in fact, effectively accounted for more than two-thirds of the reason Clinton lost, according to Matt Canter, a senior vice president of the Democratic political firm Global Strategy Group. In his group’s analysis, about 70 percent of Clinton’s failure to reach Obama’s vote total in 2012 was because she lost these voters

“This idea that Democrats can somehow ignore this constituency and just turn out more of our voters, the math doesn’t work,” Canter said. “We have to do both.”

Another way to take Barry's comment is that we did not 'deserve' Hillary Clinton as President, thank goodness. ;p

Remember Obama told anyone that read his autobiography... HE WAS NOT who he appeared to be!
no because nobody believes the first black president was a nazi, meanwhile everyone in the country thinks trump is a nazi

1. Since Bill Clinton declared HE was the 1st Black President, are you talking about Clinton or Obama?

2. No, 'everyone in this country' does not think Trump is a Nazi, snowflake. There's a lot of you 'sensitive' libs who claim his is Russian. :p
Even the Chosen One's second victory was by a greater margin than the Grabbers'. 2018 will be a referendum on the so-called president.

Seeking clarification: By 'Chosen One' who exactly do you mean? When I read 'Chosen One' I immediately think of Hillary Clinton, as she was protected from numerous scandals, protected - according to Comey - from prosecution, the DNC rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud, and helped her cheat during debates to help her defeat Sanders - who it is clear she could not have beaten without the DNC's help - so she could be GIVEN (not win) her party's nomination for Presidential candidate ... because it was 'her turn' and she was the 'Chosen One'.

If we are talking about Hillary, what 2nd victory are we talking about? She's a 2-Time Presidential election LOSER.
Even the Chosen One's second victory was by a greater margin than the Grabbers'. 2018 will be a referendum on the so-called president.

Seeking clarification: By 'Chosen One' who exactly do you mean? When I read 'Chosen One' I immediately think of Hillary Clinton, as she was protected from numerous scandals, protected - according to Comey - from prosecution, the DNC rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud, and helped her cheat during debates to help her defeat Sanders - who it is clear she could not have beaten without the DNC's help - so she could be GIVEN (not win) her party's nomination for Presidential candidate ... because it was 'her turn' and she was the 'Chosen One'.

If we are talking about Hillary, what 2nd victory are we talking about? She's a 2-Time Presidential election LOSER.

When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Even the Chosen One's second victory was by a greater margin than the Grabbers'. 2018 will be a referendum on the so-called president.

Seeking clarification: By 'Chosen One' who exactly do you mean? When I read 'Chosen One' I immediately think of Hillary Clinton, as she was protected from numerous scandals, protected - according to Comey - from prosecution, the DNC rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud, and helped her cheat during debates to help her defeat Sanders - who it is clear she could not have beaten without the DNC's help - so she could be GIVEN (not win) her party's nomination for Presidential candidate ... because it was 'her turn' and she was the 'Chosen One'.

If we are talking about Hillary, what 2nd victory are we talking about? She's a 2-Time Presidential election LOSER.

When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Ummm, so which one are you calling the 'Chosen One'?
Even the Chosen One's second victory was by a greater margin than the Grabbers'. 2018 will be a referendum on the so-called president.

Seeking clarification: By 'Chosen One' who exactly do you mean? When I read 'Chosen One' I immediately think of Hillary Clinton, as she was protected from numerous scandals, protected - according to Comey - from prosecution, the DNC rigged their primaries, engaged in election fraud, and helped her cheat during debates to help her defeat Sanders - who it is clear she could not have beaten without the DNC's help - so she could be GIVEN (not win) her party's nomination for Presidential candidate ... because it was 'her turn' and she was the 'Chosen One'.

If we are talking about Hillary, what 2nd victory are we talking about? She's a 2-Time Presidential election LOSER.

When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Ummm, so which one are you calling the 'Chosen One'?


That's funny. Good one.
America never deserved that big eared jackass
Wow, another sassy-ass comment.
Says the troll with tbe stupid avatar.
Obungles was a disaster
Hey Sassy babe, this time you made 2 stupid comments!
My avatar is infinite times smarter than your inanimate avatar w/ no brains.
It takes a brain to realize that Obama's 8 yrs cleaned up Bush Jr's disasters, and that Trump's first few months is already a disaster.
Of course we get the politicians we deserve. Congress has an approval rating somewhere near Zika and every election they have a incumbency retention rate in the high-80's or mid-90's. Not much is going to change until this slavish devotion to the political duopoly is ended.
FOUNDING FATHERS: Pioneers in Buckskin
FOUNDING FODDER: Wags Wearing Wigs

We don't deserve the oligarchy's Constitution. All of you are so brainwashed by the hereditary plutocratic parasites into worshiping that anti-democratic manifesto which twists your minds into the conclusion that the people are responsible for the pre-owned candidates that are forced upon them. Under this imposed republic, those agents of the united 1% do all the voting on issues, the only real voting, after we have had our brief and meaningless say. We are an occupied country, controlled by those who have contempt for us and should be thrown out of America for their superior attitude.
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