Did Obama Just say "the killing of the innocent is Never Acceptable?"

It's even further ironic when you keep in mind his foreign policy has killed hundreds of innocent children through drone strikes.

But, LOLberals are nothing if not complete hypocrits. It's just WHO they are.

That's what I was going to say.

What the fuck does it have to do with drones, asshole? We have killed hundreds of thousands through typical airstrikes. :eusa_hand: Oh yeah you losertrian live within a world of taking us back to some kind of hippie hunter gather around the forest fire shit.
Then why did you respond,if it means nothing??

Wait...You didnt want me to answer your questions?

Yes ,wondering why you did if it means nothing,why does it mean nothing?

You're losing me here. You asked if it was an animal or a human? I answered human.

Then you asked what my response meant to me? I said nothing and now we're here.

My response was that the living entity is human. Now what was your point?
It's even further ironic when you keep in mind his foreign policy has killed hundreds of innocent children through drone strikes.

But, LOLberals are nothing if not complete hypocrits. It's just WHO they are.

That's what I was going to say.

What the fuck does it have to do with drones, asshole? We have killed hundreds of thousands through typical airstrikes. :eusa_hand: Oh yeah you losertrian live within a world of taking us back to some kind of hippie hunter gather around the forest fire shit.

What it has to do with, moron, is the president bieng a complete fuckin' hypocrite.

"It's never acceptable to kill the innocent. You know, that is it's not acceptable for anyone but me."
Hold up Chicken....Lets bask in how fucking stupid Edge is. Not stupid because that requires you to not know something. He just lied about it and said that most European countries banned abortion.

To answer your question. Yes it is a living entity. What about it?

Ummm, reading comprehension is not your friend, closedcaption. Edge stated that most European countries LIMIT their abortions. Go back and read his post again....slowly. :eusa_whistle:

The majority of European Countries limit abortions to 12 weeks and many forbid it altogether, except to save the life of the Mother. And one, IIRC, doesn't even allow for that.

Since your reading comprehension seems to be more advanced here is the quote for you. I read it really really slowly. What is your point? You missed it when you read it really slow?

Apparently, you still are in denial what he posted, because you stated he said that most abortions were banned. He never stated that or implied that, he stated they were limited.
Perhaps you do better with using pictures.:eusa_whistle:
The liberal point of view is that no innocent person dies in an abortion. The unborn are guilty of being an inconvenience. The penalty is death.

No, the objections are because the proof is based on faith in "spiritual beliefs and arguments" about life and when a soul is created or a person is viable under government jurisdiction.
If people AGREED on medical and scientific proof and on how the laws are written, these would be Constitutional. As long as the views are not proven to the other and agreed upon, they are faith based
and the govt is not in the business of taking sides in a faith-based argument, but must respect equal free choice of beliefs until the conflicts are resolved by agreement, not by majority rule by political pressure.

The only prochoice arguments that make sense is that
(a) the state cannot impose legislation that favors "faith-based arguments" over scientific proof that opponents "don't believe in" -- so a CONSENSUS is necessary to take the faith based arguments out of the equation. all the prolife people I know CHOOSE their beliefs FREELY based on informed consent; so all people have equal freedom to CHOOSE and not be forced by law. none of the prolife movement is forced by law to be against abortion. the work to stop abortion is all done by education and offering better solutions freely chosen.

(b) due process cannot be bypassed nor imposed without violating the privacy of the individual woman, so abortion laws criminalizing the woman we found to be unconstitutional

again, consensus is necessary to repair this fault in the laws, by addressing both partners equally at the point of choice to engage in sex, to make sure there is no rape abuse or other coersion or unwanted consequence that otherwise leads to unwanted pregnancy or abortion. so that the legal burden of responsibility for sex is on men and women equally, instead of imbalanced legislation that focuses on after pregnancy has occurred so it unfairly targets women more than men for the blame for unwanted pregnancy and abortion

NOTE: where I agree the prochoice arguments are contradictory with even themselves

because of the ACA, the prochoice advocates who are pushing for federal funding and control of health care DEFEAT their own arguments about keeping govt out of personal freedom and choices in health care.

for anyone who claims to be prochoice but keeps pushing for govt controls, I agree that is just pushing an agenda against the equal free choice of people who believe otherwise.
So that is not constitutional either. it is the equivalent of pushing a national religion for those who believe in govt health care and abortion as a medical choice, and violates equal religious freedom of those who don't believe funding abortion at all.

if more prochoice advocates were consistent with Constitutional inclusion and equality, then all citizens would have equal free choice according to their beliefs as well, and no laws would be passed or imposed without the informed consent of the taxpayers and public.
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Ummm, reading comprehension is not your friend, closedcaption. Edge stated that most European countries LIMIT their abortions. Go back and read his post again....slowly. :eusa_whistle:

The majority of European Countries limit abortions to 12 weeks and many forbid it altogether, except to save the life of the Mother. And one, IIRC, doesn't even allow for that.

Since your reading comprehension seems to be more advanced here is the quote for you. I read it really really slowly. What is your point? You missed it when you read it really slow?

Apparently, you still are in denial what he posted, because you stated he said that most abortions were banned. He never stated that or implied that, he stated they were limited.
Perhaps you do better with using pictures.:eusa_whistle:

So what does "many forbid it" mean to you?
Since your reading comprehension seems to be more advanced here is the quote for you. I read it really really slowly. What is your point? You missed it when you read it really slow?

Apparently, you still are in denial what he posted, because you stated he said that most abortions were banned. He never stated that or implied that, he stated they were limited.
Perhaps you do better with using pictures.:eusa_whistle:

So what does "many forbid it" mean to you?

When in the same post he says the MAJORITY limited abortions and you stated he lied when he stated that. You came back and stated he said most abortions were banned.....that is quite a leap on you behalf. Perhaps, drawing stick men would be better?
America is the only nation where Republicans still make a big deal about Abortion...a law of the land.

Why? No fucking idea

Maybe because the thought of doctors and planned parenthood making millions from sucking out a baby is horrific.

It may be the law but we don't have to like it.
Why I can't stand a liberal and call them what they are, two faced disgusting hypocrites

they make a bigger issue of seals being clubbed to death, OR wolves being shot from a helicopter then the life of a fetus that will become a HUMAN BEING just as they are...though despicable people who won't stand up for the innocent lives killed with abortion..

55 million human being executed without a trial or being found guilty of anything but being conceived

they make me sick
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I am pro choice but my choice is to never have an abortion.
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Apparently, you still are in denial what he posted, because you stated he said that most abortions were banned. He never stated that or implied that, he stated they were limited.
Perhaps you do better with using pictures.:eusa_whistle:

So what does "many forbid it" mean to you?

When in the same post he says the MAJORITY limited abortions and you stated he lied when he stated that. You came back and stated he said most abortions were banned.....that is quite a leap on you behalf. Perhaps, drawing stick men would be better?

So what does "many forbid it" mean to you again?

And when he says many forbid it and thats not true (from the WHO) you're saying that it really is true?
So what does "many forbid it" mean to you?

When in the same post he says the MAJORITY limited abortions and you stated he lied when he stated that. You came back and stated he said most abortions were banned.....that is quite a leap on you behalf. Perhaps, drawing stick men would be better?

So what does "many forbid it" mean to you again?

And when he says many forbid it and thats not true (from the WHO) you're saying that it really is true?

Edge didn't lie. You want to put a number as to what "many" is go ahead, but, it is no more than projection on your behalf.
Your WHO stated "almost all" countries allow abortion for medical reasons. Are you going to put a number on "almost all" is? Edge was stating that the majority had limited abortions, that is probably true, and you didn't prove him wrong like you suggested.
When in the same post he says the MAJORITY limited abortions and you stated he lied when he stated that. You came back and stated he said most abortions were banned.....that is quite a leap on you behalf. Perhaps, drawing stick men would be better?

So what does "many forbid it" mean to you again?

And when he says many forbid it and thats not true (from the WHO) you're saying that it really is true?

Edge didn't lie. You want to put a number as to what "many" is go ahead, but, it is no more than projection on your behalf.
Your WHO stated "almost all" countries allow abortion for medical reasons. Are you going to put a number on "almost all" is? Edge was stating that the majority had limited abortions, that is probably true, and you didn't prove him wrong like you suggested.

Oh I get you now. "Many" and "most" can mean anything or any number therefore any facts presented could never refute it since the use of weasel words.
So what does "many forbid it" mean to you again?

And when he says many forbid it and thats not true (from the WHO) you're saying that it really is true?

Edge didn't lie. You want to put a number as to what "many" is go ahead, but, it is no more than projection on your behalf.
Your WHO stated "almost all" countries allow abortion for medical reasons. Are you going to put a number on "almost all" is? Edge was stating that the majority had limited abortions, that is probably true, and you didn't prove him wrong like you suggested.

Oh I get you now. "Many" and "most" can mean anything or any number therefore any facts presented could never refute it since the use of weasel words.
I knew this was above your pay grade. Have a good day, cc.
To Obama and his legions of Obamabots a fetus isn't innocent.

To them a fetus is a unwanted terrorist invader of a woman's body.

And needs to be killed and forcibly removed to protect society. .. :cool:

That's not true, if he saw the fetus as a "terrorist" then he'd totally enable it...
Wait...You didnt want me to answer your questions?

Yes ,wondering why you did if it means nothing,why does it mean nothing?

You're losing me here. You asked if it was an animal or a human? I answered human.

Then you asked what my response meant to me? I said nothing and now we're here.

My response was that the living entity is human. Now what was your point?

That is human and most people will worm their way around that,fact.Its interesting that it mean nothing to you,the human aspect.
I'm offended when this evil man invokes god into his speech..But some of you don't mind him talking, down at you
links and video at site


(CNSNews.com) – At the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, President Barack Obama said that “killing the innocent” is the “ultimate betrayal of God’s will.”

But the president was talking about terrorism, not abortion:

“Extremists succumb to an ignorant nihilism that shows they don’t understand the faiths they claim to profess, for killing the innocent is never fulfilling God’s will. In fact, it is the ultimate betrayal of God’s will,” Obama said.

Yet Obama is a long-time supporter of abortion rights.

Last April, he became the first sitting president to address Planned Parenthood, thanking conference attendees "for the remarkable work that you’re doing day in, day out in providing quality health care to women all across America." That health care includes abortion. In fact, Planned Parenthood is the nation's largest abortion provider.

In 2008, while running for president, then-Sen. Barack Obama mentioned his own daughters in connection with AIDS, contraception and abortion:

"I've got two daughters, 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. I don't want them punished with an STD at the age of 16."

At an Oregon fundraiser in July 2012, President Obama once again invoked his daughters as he denounced Republican Mitt Romney for wanting to defund Planned Parenthood:

"I think that's a bad idea," Obama said. "I've got two daughters. I want them to control their own health care choices." (Planned Parenthood talks about choices, it includes abortion.)

Obama's defense of "the innocent" on Thursday was came as he discussed global threats to freedom of religion:

“We see governments engaging in discrimination and violence against the faithful,” Obama said. “We sometimes see religion twisted in an attempt to justify hatred and persecution against other people just because of who they are, how they pray or who they love.

“Old tensions are stoked, fueling conflicts along religious lines as we’ve seen in the Central African Republic recently, even though to harm anyone in the name of faith is to diminish our own relationship with God,” Obama said.

“Extremists succumb to an ignorant nihilism that shows they don’t understand the faiths they claim to profess for killing the innocent is never fulfilling God’s will. “In fact, it is the ultimate betrayal of God’s will,” Obama said.
..- See more at: Obama at Prayer Breakfast: ?Killing the Innocent? Is ?Ultimate Betrayal of God?s Will? | CNS News
Edge didn't lie. You want to put a number as to what "many" is go ahead, but, it is no more than projection on your behalf.
Your WHO stated "almost all" countries allow abortion for medical reasons. Are you going to put a number on "almost all" is? Edge was stating that the majority had limited abortions, that is probably true, and you didn't prove him wrong like you suggested.

Oh I get you now. "Many" and "most" can mean anything or any number therefore any facts presented could never refute it since the use of weasel words.
I knew this was above your pay grade. Have a good day, cc.

I knew it haha

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