Did Obama Launch Single Payer in the USA?

President Obama will go down in history as the President that moved our health care system out of the 18th century into the 21st. And people like Staph will be remembered the same as the people that insisted that stringing all them electrical wires around the country would be the death of us all.
If so, it will be at least as accidental as his peace initiative with Iran.

And why would that be?
IMHO, the primary reason Obama couldn't launch cruise missiles into Syria stemmed from the fact most US conservatives hate him more than they love to support war; the poll on USMB showed something like 95% of posters voting NO on the question of whether or not Obama's red line should be enforced.

I don't think that happens if any Republican had been in Obama's place, and it gave Obama the room to place that call to Rouhani in a sense similar to the situation in Vietnam forty years ago that gave Nixon an opportunity to meet with Mao.

If the complexity of the ACA does lead to state-regulated single payer in the US, that will likewise be an unintended consequence of what Obama originally planned.

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