Did one of the left wing judges leak Roe versus Wade? Was the leak made to affect the midterms?

78+ years ago is not what I would call recent. I might also add that Nazi's weren't really Christians at all. Do I need to list the people killed in the name of Islam in RECENT history?

Oh, you mean that after 2000 years of worshiping naked zombie on a stick, you guys ONLY stopped murdering in his name 78 years ago? Um.. Progress? I mean, that is if you ignore places like Northern Ireland, the Balkans, etc. where they didn't get the memo.
How would the leak have affected the midterms?
Hi Bro…. cool avatar you have there I’m trying to think of what movie that is from?

How did the leak affect the midterms? It seems to have affected the election process. In run up to the midterm elections and right after the leaked announcement of the overturning of roe versus wade … talking Heads on the media were saying “don’t vote Republican they want to take away your rights.”

So the propaganda was starting full swing. It was getting us nowhere all of the time when our economy was really bad and inflation was high. Mortgage rates over 7% and that’s still an issue. What a major concern the economy is…. it’s all the more reason for us to have better morals I would say. A Society that outlaws abortion is surely one with a better work force, one that is more productive and more healthy and just more positive. Right now in America we have political leaders and laws that teach laziness. Were legalizing marijuana all over the place. People young people that is are lazy they don’t wanna go out and work. They’re being told not to have children because they can’t afford it they’re being told to have pets instead of kids by the government.

From my perspective The way the left-wing media reacted to the leak it was yet another massive loss for America morally speaking. How far we have fallen from a country that used to care about workers rights, we had the eight hour workday, we ended children working at sweatshops. We brought in women’s rights. All brought to us by democrats and union leaders a time when many white people and Black people were making a great wage throughout all of the 20th century. And a lot of social advances were made during that time that we’re not made in other countries.

The leak of roe vs Wade l was used by the left-wing media to attempt to say “Republicans are racist and they are misogynistic”. But That’s wrong as throughout all of human history both men and women have opposed abortion and have done so coming from different racial and religious background including atheism.
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Hi Bro…. cool avatar you have there I’m trying to think of what movie that is from?

How did the leak affect the midterms? It seems to have affected the election process. In run up to the midterm elections and right after the leaked announcement of the overturning of roe versus wade … talking Heads on the media were saying “don’t vote Republican they want to take away your rights.”

So the propaganda was starting full swing. It was getting us nowhere all of the time when our economy was really bad and inflation was high. Mortgage rates over 7% and that’s still an issue. What a major concern the economy is…. it’s all the more reason for us to have better morals I would say. A Society that outlaws abortion is surely one with a better work force, one that is more productive and more healthy and just more positive. Right now in America we have political leaders and laws that teach laziness. Were legalizing marijuana all over the place. People young people that is are lazy they don’t wanna go out and work. They’re being told not to have children because they can’t afford it they’re being told to have pets instead of kids by the government.

From my perspective The way the left-wing media reacted to the leak it was yet another massive loss for America morally speaking. How far we have fallen from a country that used to care about workers rights, we had the eight hour workday, we ended children working at sweatshops. We brought in women’s rights. All brought to us by democrats and union leaders a time when many white people and Black people were making a great wage throughout all of the 20th century. And a lot of social advances were made during that time that we’re not made in other countries.

The abortion topic was used by the left-wing media to attempt to say look Republicans are racist and they are misogynistic. That’s just blatantly wrong throughout all of human history both men and women have opposed abortion and have done so coming from different racial and religious background including atheism.

The full opinion was released in the summer and was always scheduled to be. The leak coming out a month early didn't change anything. Everyone was going to know about it anyway by Election Day.
Okay, I try not to have conversations with religious fanatics and their silly analogies, because there's no reasoning with you people.

Wrong, ignoramus.

It means the killing of a human.

Whenever someone beat their slave to death, that was a homicide.

And they were punished for doing it.

Nazi concentration camp victims were individually victims of homicide even if collectively it was genocide.

And the people who carried it out were punished and executed after the war. Next lame argument.

Those are two categories of historical non-person human beings, and their killings would be homicides.
Except no one ever denied they were human beings. Human beings with less rights, perhaps.

Personhood is only legal. The word homicide would still define the killing of a human in an absolutely stateless anarchy, where no one is a “person” because there is no law to define it.

Well, no, personhood is definable. Redefining personhood to conception would have all sorts of legal implications beyond abortion.

Are frozen embryos in fertility clinics unlawfully detained?
Should miscarriages be investigated as potential homicides (i.e. did the woman do something to harm the fetus?)
Could a woman who smokes or drinks during pregnancy be charged with assault?

See, you guys didn't think this through at all.
Perhaps it is just wishful thinking that at least a couple of the Justices did not take lying to the American people during their hearings lightly.

I could be wrong,

Either way, that is my opinion, and that is all that any of us have since they cannot/will not tell us who did the leaking.
It is possible one of the far left judges did it on their own and simply they will never tell anyone.
The full opinion was released in the summer and was always scheduled to be. The leak coming out a month early didn't change anything. Everyone was going to know about it anyway by Election Day.
One may argue though that the leak created a fire storm that would not have been otherwise.
It is called a guess, like every other post in this thread.

Yet it is only my leg that you hump trying to get attention.

Sucks to be you.
What ever Mac, er, I mean Gator….don’t flatter yourself.

So, a guess eh? Good, who gives a shit what your thoughts on any matter are?

And my life is pretty good….Solid job, good income, grand daughter, what else you want to lie about lib?
It is possible one of the far left judges did it on their own and simply they will never tell anyone.

It is possible one of the far right judges did it on their own and simply they will never tell anyone

It is possible one of the clerks did it on their own and simply they will never tell anyone.

All sorts of things are possible.
What ever Mac, er, I mean Gator….don’t flatter yourself.

So, a guess eh? Good, who gives a shit what your thoughts on any matter are?

And my life is pretty good….Solid job, good income, grand daughter, what else you want to lie about lib?

Clearly you care since you cannot stop responding to me hoping to get my attention.

If you have a granddaughter why are you humping my leg on here all the time?
It is possible one of the far left judges did it on their own and simply they will never tell anyone.

That makes a hell of a lot more sense than a conservative judge leaking it, if it was any judge at all. But remember what side is renown for leaking information everywhere. The New York Times often sites anonymous sources for their stories. Let's not forget the Comey leaks to them as well. Yes, he was supposed to be a Republican, but hardly one at all. No real Republican is part of the deep state.
One may argue though that the leak created a fire storm that would not have been otherwise.

I don't think that one can argue that at all. The firestorm was over the repeal of Roe. It has nothing to do with when before the midterms people found out.
Oh, you mean that after 2000 years of worshiping naked zombie on a stick, you guys ONLY stopped murdering in his name 78 years ago? Um.. Progress? I mean, that is if you ignore places like Northern Ireland, the Balkans, etc. where they didn't get the memo.
Yeah, currently Christians aren't the problem. Maybe you haven't figured that out yet. What about all the anti religious folks, you know you're kind, that have murdered over the years and continue to do so on a daily basis?
That totally defies logic. I'm a right-winger that wants to see Roe overturned. So to do that, I'm going to leak information that will rile up the pro-life people, and that will bring a judge or two to my side because they don't want to look weak. it doesn't even make sense.
And this is how a left wing narrative is formed….These people believe their own bullshit…
And this is how a left wing narrative is formed….These people believe their own bullshit…
Two days from now these idiots will be in here saying their wild garbage is fact.
Okay, I try not to have conversations with religious fanatics and their silly analogies, because there's no reasoning with you people.
None of which applies to me, you retarded fuck.

… and slaves weren’t people. They were property. That’s the point. The slave equivalent of “animal cruelty” laws doesn’t help your case.

You deny that those you want dead are human beings and you are insane and stupid to do so. You can point out that those you want dead are currently denied personhood, and they are, but so were so many other human beings throughout history denied personhood by scum like you.

Again, even if there were NO GOVERNMENT and NO LAW ANYWHERE there could be homicides. In such anarchy there would probably be a lot of homicides, violent scum like you would like that I think.

There would not be any “people,” and there would not be any “murder,” but anytime a human was killed, that would be a homicide.

QED, you’re proven wrong, now fuck right off.
Hi Bro…. cool avatar you have there I’m trying to think of what movie that is from?

How did the leak affect the midterms? It seems to have affected the election process. In run up to the midterm elections and right after the leaked announcement of the overturning of roe versus wade … talking Heads on the media were saying “don’t vote Republican they want to take away your rights.”

So the propaganda was starting full swing. It was getting us nowhere all of the time when our economy was really bad and inflation was high. Mortgage rates over 7% and that’s still an issue. What a major concern the economy is…. it’s all the more reason for us to have better morals I would say. A Society that outlaws abortion is surely one with a better work force, one that is more productive and more healthy and just more positive. Right now in America we have political leaders and laws that teach laziness. Were legalizing marijuana all over the place. People young people that is are lazy they don’t wanna go out and work. They’re being told not to have children because they can’t afford it they’re being told to have pets instead of kids by the government.

Hey, Stupid, the LEAK wasn't the problem. The actual decision was.

Everyone knew that the Taliban Caucus on the court was going to overturn Roe and turn America into a live-action version of "A Handmaid's Tale".

I don't need some religious nut preaching morals to me. If I choose not to smoke pot or agree with my partner to have an abortion, that's MY BUSINESS. Not the government, not society's, not the Church's.

If young people don't want to work, it's because they don't see much point in it. They look at their parents working into their 70's because they can't afford to retire and say, "Fuck that, might as well go on the dole." Screaming "JESUS" at them isn't going to work. If you actually understood why FDR was a great president, you'd get that.
None of which applies to me, you retarded fuck.

You are the one who wants to give Globby the Fetus more rights than the woman it is inside, so yeah, religious crazy abounds.

… and slaves weren’t people. They were property. That’s the point. The slave equivalent of “animal cruelty” laws doesn’t help your case.

Um, no, they were people who were property. They had less rights than a free person, but sweet evil Jesus, man, black people have less rights than white people NOW. Fetuses have no rights at all because they aren't people.

You deny that those you want dead are human beings and you are insane and stupid to do so. You can point out that those you want dead are currently denied personhood, and they are, but so were so many other human beings throughout history denied personhood by scum like you.

Um, most of them didn't have to depend on another person making a decision to keep them alive. This is the problem you anti-choice nuts have. At the end of the day, it's the WOMAN'S choice to continue a pregnancy. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant. and if the day comes when you put a woman on trial for ending her pregnancy, all holy fucking hell is going to break loose.

Again, even if there were NO GOVERNMENT and NO LAW ANYWHERE there could be homicides. In such anarchy there would probably be a lot of homicides, violent scum like you would like that I think.

Um, okay. Killing a fetus is still not homicide, it's feticide. Because a fetus is not a person.

There would not be any “people,” and there would not be any “murder,” but anytime a human was killed, that would be a homicide.
And every day, in places like Somalia, people are killed and no one cares... so you are kind of defeating your own point.
Yeah, currently Christians aren't the problem. Maybe you haven't figured that out yet. What about all the anti religious folks, you know you're kind, that have murdered over the years and continue to do so on a daily basis?

And which ones are those? The Nazis were religious. As for China, most of that was mismanagement, compounded by economic sanctions from the west. Yes, people were starving in China, so you better eat your vegetables... because our government won't sell them the vegetables until they could make an obscene profit doing so.

(My girlfriend was actually born in China when they were doing the starving....)

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