Did Political-correctness Cause Shutdown Of Terrorist Group Investigation?


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Whistleblower: DHS Pulled Plug on Surveillance That Could've ID'ed CA Terrorists

A former anti-terrorism expert claims that an investigation he and others were conducting on the group that is suspected of close ties to several attacks was shut down by the Obama Administration in 2012.

This is not to say the latest attack could have been prevented, but it appears they were being watched, and the administration wanted to avoid profiling Muslims.
when people don't want to violate the 4th amendment, it has nothing to do with PCism...
Obama thinks we deserve being targeted by our enemies because we are a mean mean country.
you guys seem really confused lately...

you flip out at the thought of heavily vetted refugees entering the USA...

but then you flip out that we should keep guns from those who are suspected terrorists in the USA...
The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides, "[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

The ultimate goal of this provision is to protect people’s right to privacy and freedom from arbitrary governmental intrusions. Private intrusions not acting in the color of governmental authority are exempted from the Fourth Amendment.
Whistleblower: DHS Pulled Plug on Surveillance That Could've ID'ed CA Terrorists

A former anti-terrorism expert claims that an investigation he and others were conducting on the group that is suspected of close ties to several attacks was shut down by the Obama Administration in 2012.

This is not to say the latest attack could have been prevented, but it appears they were being watched, and the administration wanted to avoid profiling Muslims.

"According to Mr. Haney, the agencies argued that since the radical Islamist groups are not specially designated as terrorist organizations, tracking individuals related to them was a violation of the their “civil liberties.

After his work was shut down he says he met with the DHS Inspector General several Members of Congress in 2013. The DHS and the Justice Department subjected him to an investigation, which showed wrongdoing on his part, Mr. Haney claims.

However, in September 2014 they sequestered him and revoked his access to the database and his security clearance."

People are upset about privacy invasion and then they scream about how these terrorist's got through the system .

so you'd have police go barge in on citizens just because a neighbor has nebulous "suspicions"???

we're all getting packages and having gatherings with friends all the time so wtf do you expect exactly?

some neighbor says they didn't report suspicions cuz they FELT like they would be "labeled"...?

labeled by whom exactly? :lol:

Investigators looking into the San Bernardino shooting have discovered that at least one neighbor of the shooters was suspicious of the activities of the house. The neighbor described the events prior to the shooting that included an unusually large amount of packages being delivered to the home of Syed Farook as well as a half-dozen Middle Eastern men who were congregating at the residence.

Do The PC Police Have Blood On Their Hands?? Suspicious Neighbor Of San Bernardino Shooter Didn't Say Anything Due To Fear Of Being Labeled Islamophobic Or Racist -
and let's just say the neighbor did call police about "suspicions"...

do you all not understand the meaning of our 4th amendment?
what a bunch of horseshit... emotional pandering to fear and loathing.

The neighbor, sensing something was not quite right, chose not to report their suspicions for fear of being labeled Islamophobic or racist. Because the suspicion was not reported, eleven people lost their lives in the shooting.
So Val is against the terror watch list but is for people n the terror watch list not having guns? Did I get that right? :dunno:
what a bunch of horseshit... emotional pandering to fear and loathing.

The neighbor, sensing something was not quite right, chose not to report their suspicions for fear of being labeled Islamophobic or racist. Because the suspicion was not reported, eleven people lost their lives in the shooting.
Uh.....this investigation into this group was going on years ago. The administration shut down the investigation.
So Val is against the terror watch list but is for people n the terror watch list not having guns? Did I get that right? :dunno:

it would be right if only you could show where i ever said i was against a terror watch list? :doubt:
Uh.....this investigation into this group was going on years ago. The administration shut down the investigation.

they did? what group? they closed down an investigation on this couple cuz of the PC boogeyman?
and let's just say the neighbor did call police about "suspicions"...

do you all not understand the meaning of our 4th amendment?

You do realize there is all sorts of investigating the police/FBI can do without even needing a warrant, right? Things that do not violate the 4th amendment.

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