Did President Trump Give the Order to Liquidate the Iranian General?

Te president is certainly being led on military matters but it's nothing that complicated, The MIC makes an obscene amount of money off a shooting war. So many presidents have reversed their decisions on war that there is a fable that has been around for ages. It goes like this:

Soon after taking office the president visits the pentagon. He is led to a room where all the generals sit around a conference table and he is shown a film. It seems to be a clip of the Kennedy assassination of a very high quality and from an angle no one has ever seen before. The generals get up and file from the room. The last one says "Do we have an understanding?" before leaving the president alone with his thoughts.
Te president is certainly being led on military matters but it's nothing that complicated, The MIC makes an obscene amount of money off a shooting war. So many presidents have reversed their decisions on war that there is a fable that has been around for ages. It goes like this:

Soon after taking office the president visits the pentagon. He is led to a room where all the generals sit around a conference table and he is shown a film. It seems to be a clip of the Kennedy assassination of a very high quality and from an angle no one has ever seen before. The generals get up and file from the room. The last one says "Do we have an understanding?" before leaving the president alone with his thoughts.

Is it that people exposing the lies of the political elite can also be invited to the Pentagon ??? Haven't ever been there...

It seems that Trump was repeatedly invited to the Pentagon - how else to explain the blue circles under his eyes a couple of days ago ?! Definitely from thoughts...

The nearest I can get to agreeing with the OP is that while I believe presidents make the decisions, I wonder how slanted is the information being fed to them by the Pentagon and CIA? Maybe that's where the deepest of the Deep State exists.
A couple of years ago, one of the CNN programs featured three of the country's leading political experts. They were asked IF the White House is in the control of the Pentagon.

All three experts unequivocally answered "NO".

In this regard, there is another interpretation of events related to the act of state terrorism committed by the United States in Bagdad:

Version One.
Pro-Zionist circles in the US political elite decided to provoke a US war with Iran, the Pentagon or another special service decided to eliminate Iran's military commander, Gen Qasem Soleimani. That was done, POST FACTUM the President was informed about the assasination and HAD to take responsibility for it.

Version Two:
Representatives of the Democratic Party (historically, the Party of War) in the special services made a conspiracy to assasinate the Iranian general, post-factum notifying the President.The criminal plan was carried out and ANOTHER campaign to compromise Trump was launched in the Lower House of the Congress.

Judging by the development of events, the second version is more "viable"...

Where you crazy,Trump Deranged people get those ideas?? :cuckoo: do you pluck them out of your ***?:cuckoo:
A couple of years ago, one of the CNN programs featured three of the country's leading political experts. They were asked IF the White House is in the control of the Pentagon.

All three experts unequivocally answered "NO".
Is it possible neither the White House nor Pentagon controls US foreign policy?

America Escalates its "Democratic" Oil War in the Near East | Michael Hudson

"The mainstream media are carefully sidestepping the method behind America’s seeming madness in assassinating Islamic Revolutionary Guard general Qassim Suleimani to start the New Year.

"The logic behind the assassination was a long-standing application of U.S. global policy, not just a personality quirk of Donald Trump’s impulsive action.

"His assassination of Iranian military leader Suleimani was indeed a unilateral act of war in violation of international law, but it was a logical step in a long-standing U.S. strategy.

"It was explicitly authorized by the Senate in the funding bill for the Pentagon that it passed last year."
The Israeli zionist jews have been lobbying the U.S. government for years to take out Iran for them.

Looks like it's finally gonna happen. ... :cool:
If the Jews where as controlling as most believe the US would have wiped out most of the Middle East by now.
A couple of years ago, one of the CNN programs featured three of the country's leading political experts. They were asked IF the White House is in the control of the Pentagon.

All three experts unequivocally answered "NO".
Is it possible neither the White House nor Pentagon controls US foreign policy?

America Escalates its "Democratic" Oil War in the Near East | Michael Hudson

"The mainstream media are carefully sidestepping the method behind America’s seeming madness in assassinating Islamic Revolutionary Guard general Qassim Suleimani to start the New Year.

"The logic behind the assassination was a long-standing application of U.S. global policy, not just a personality quirk of Donald Trump’s impulsive action.

"His assassination of Iranian military leader Suleimani was indeed a unilateral act of war in violation of international law, but it was a logical step in a long-standing U.S. strategy.

"It was explicitly authorized by the Senate in the funding bill for the Pentagon that it passed last year."



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The Israeli zionist jews have been lobbying the U.S. government for years to take out Iran for them.

Looks like it's finally gonna happen. ... :cool:

If the Jews where as controlling as most believe the US would have wiped out most of the Middle East by now.

100 million of Native Americans HAVE BEEN WIPED OUT. To "wipe out" all the "others' is "time consuming".

Do not forget the "Others" might be VERY USEFUL if they apply for loans... :)))

I guess the destruction of 100 million Native Indians was a mistake. They should have been limited to the destruction of 50 million ... What financial losses !!!
A couple of years ago, one of the CNN programs featured three of the country's leading political experts. They were asked IF the White House is in the control of the Pentagon.

All three experts unequivocally answered "NO".
Is it possible neither the White House nor Pentagon controls US foreign policy?

America Escalates its "Democratic" Oil War in the Near East | Michael Hudson

"The mainstream media are carefully sidestepping the method behind America’s seeming madness in assassinating Islamic Revolutionary Guard general Qassim Suleimani to start the New Year.

"The logic behind the assassination was a long-standing application of U.S. global policy, not just a personality quirk of Donald Trump’s impulsive action.

"His assassination of Iranian military leader Suleimani was indeed a unilateral act of war in violation of international law, but it was a logical step in a long-standing U.S. strategy.

"It was explicitly authorized by the Senate in the funding bill for the Pentagon that it passed last year."


NY Times prints Netanyahu-Trump cartoon with ‘anti-Semitic tropes,’ retracts it

"On Monday, the New York Times announced that its international edition will no longer feature political cartoons, a decision precipitated by the appearance several weeks ago of an anti-Semitic caricature.

"That particular image—which depicted Benjamin Netanyahu as a dog pulling Donald Trump by its leash—brought comparisons to the Nazi periodical Der Stürmer, but a more accurate comparison, writes Izabella Taborovsky, would be to the anti-Zionist cartoons found in Soviet publications:"

The Soviet Roots of Today’s Anti-Semitic Cartoons
A couple of years ago, one of the CNN programs featured three of the country's leading political experts. They were asked IF the White House is in the control of the Pentagon.

All three experts unequivocally answered "NO".

In this regard, there is another interpretation of events related to the act of state terrorism committed by the United States in Bagdad:

Version One.
Pro-Zionist circles in the US political elite decided to provoke a US war with Iran, the Pentagon or another special service decided to eliminate Iran's military commander, Gen Qasem Soleimani. That was done, POST FACTUM the President was informed about the assasination and HAD to take responsibility for it.

Version Two:
Representatives of the Democratic Party (historically, the Party of War) in the special services made a conspiracy to assasinate the Iranian general, post-factum notifying the President.The criminal plan was carried out and ANOTHER campaign to compromise Trump was launched in the Lower House of the Congress.

Judging by the development of events, the second version is more "viable"...
Dude, Barry BRAGGED about running his own personal drone assassination program in which HE declared HE chose the targets and gave the order to conduct the strikes killing people, including US citizens.

Snowflakes kept their pie holes shut then, seeing no problem with it.

President Trump just directed the strike of the leader of the largest officially recognized terrorist group in the world, terrorists who have attacked, kidnapped, and murdered Americans since 1979, terrorists who have killed over 600 Americans....

...and Democrats and snowflakes suddenly become the biggest anti-American terrorist sympathizers and cheerleaders on the planet...

...going as far as calling the Mullahs to APOLOGIZE for taking down Soleimani and voicing solidarity with these 'peace-loving' terrorists who shot down another airliner and killed 176 more innocent people....


A couple of years ago, one of the CNN programs featured three of the country's leading political experts. They were asked IF the White House is in the control of the Pentagon.

All three experts unequivocally answered "NO".
Is it possible neither the White House nor Pentagon controls US foreign policy?

America Escalates its "Democratic" Oil War in the Near East | Michael Hudson

"The mainstream media are carefully sidestepping the method behind America’s seeming madness in assassinating Islamic Revolutionary Guard general Qassim Suleimani to start the New Year.

"The logic behind the assassination was a long-standing application of U.S. global policy, not just a personality quirk of Donald Trump’s impulsive action.

"His assassination of Iranian military leader Suleimani was indeed a unilateral act of war in violation of international law, but it was a logical step in a long-standing U.S. strategy.

"It was explicitly authorized by the Senate in the funding bill for the Pentagon that it passed last year."

His assassination


a unilateral act of war

Unilateral? Act of war?

in violation of international law,

Which one?
n violation of international law,

Which one?

Legality of Targeted Killing Program under International Law

"Academics, policymakers, the media, and others regularly debate the international legality of the U.S. government’s targeted killing program.

"That debate centers on the permissibility of USG targeting under two international legal frameworks: jus ad bellum (which governs the decision of whether or not to use force) and jus in bello (which governs the way that warfare, once undertaken, is conducted)."
n violation of international law,

Which one?

Legality of Targeted Killing Program under International Law

"Academics, policymakers, the media, and others regularly debate the international legality of the U.S. government’s targeted killing program.

"That debate centers on the permissibility of USG targeting under two international legal frameworks: jus ad bellum (which governs the decision of whether or not to use force) and jus in bello (which governs the way that warfare, once undertaken, is conducted)."

"Academics, policymakers, the media, and others regularly debate the international legality of the U.S. government’s targeted killing program.


"That debate centers on the permissibility of USG targeting under two international legal frameworks: jus ad bellum (which governs the decision of whether or not to use force) and jus in bello (which governs the way that warfare, once undertaken, is conducted)."

More debate? Just post the law.

Executive Order 11905 is a United States Presidential Executive Order signed on February 18, 1976, by President Gerald R. Ford as an attempt to reform the United States Intelligence Community, improve oversight on foreign intelligence activities, and ban political assassination.[1][2][3] Much of this EO would be changed or strengthened by Jimmy Carter's Executive Order 12036 in 1978.

You said International Law. Were you lying? Or just stupid?
The Israeli zionist jews have been lobbying the U.S. government for years to take out Iran for them.

Looks like it's finally gonna happen. ... :cool:

If the Jews where as controlling as most believe the US would have wiped out most of the Middle East by now.

100 million of Native Americans HAVE BEEN WIPED OUT. To "wipe out" all the "others' is "time consuming".

Do not forget the "Others" might be VERY USEFUL if they apply for loans... :)))
Huh and or what ?

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