Did Scientology Play a Role in Jett Travolta's Death?

You are a complete idiot. Stating that there are people who don't have seizures, people who sometimes have them, and people who have them regularly does not establish you as the guru of seizure disorder.

Good grief.
never claimed to be the guru of it...seems you grabbed that title for yourself..and those are the three groups you divide people into....concerning seizure disorders...does the air even blow on your hair?
okay i will type real slow here.....name another religion that as a whole rejects medically proven proceeds and denys diseases...before you just on the jw's they only deny blood..and as a religion have aided in research to replace blood products with things they can take...even serpent handlers will seek medical attention and are allowed to...most dont...as you say depending on their faith...that is there choice ...as adults..they do not allow the wee ones to handle...you must be 18 and over to take up the serpents

o hell....and there are people of many faiths that leave their kids in hot cars to die....you simply are not getting what i am putting down...

Church of Christ has some of those same rules. Here's a news story from your favorite news source (FAUX News).........

Religion vs. Medicine - FOXNews.com
"what you have here is a law in the state of Oregon that allows someone. Fourteen years old and older to dictate. Whether or not they want to refuse medical treatment and instead based upon their religion. Pray and that's what his family did and so the issue right now is whether or not the right to religion trumps a person a child's right to live. And -- family's right to practice a religion that they think wouldn't or doesn't allow medical treatment and does a fourteen year old have the judgment to decide whether or not --they want medical treatment. "

Apparantly it was not illegal. This is part of the transcript from abikersailors upload.
What none of you understands is seizure disorder. My son had it and I cared for a man who had it for two years. The man I cared for was in constant danger of epileticus staticus, which is prolonged seizure that eventually results in death. Each time someone has a prolonged seizure, the brain is compromised.

Medication does not make seizure disorder go away, and often does very little to make the patient's life any better at all. You can't just jump around between medications...depakote is a big nasty one with all sorts of side effects...including liver damage. People get to decide for themselves and their loved ones how they want to cope with seizure disorder. Many choose not to medicate, because the medication can be just as troublesome and potentially deadly as the disorder.

My son hated it. We experimented with medications until we landed on depakote..and each experiment resulted in increased seizures. He missed a whole year of school and never regained his footing academically or socially.

My client hated it, though I actually counted a seizure a minute for a prolonged period of time while he was in my care. That was with medication. Huge doses of it.

Unless you've actually been there, you really don't know what prompted the decisions the family of somebody with seizure disorder makes. These people have to make very difficult decisions, and they all have consequences of one sort or another. And I know scientology is nutzoid. But I have no problem with parents of a teenager opting not to medicate their son to death if he has seizure disorder, and just to deal with the seizures. There's no guarantee the medication will save an epileptic's life at any rate...and often it makes the situation that much worse.

Oh come on, it's so much more fun to ignore those facts and blame scientology instead. Plus we get to rip on Tom Cruise!
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Oh come on, it's so much more fun to ignore those facts and blame scientology instead. Plus we get to rip on Tom Cruise!

Ripping on Scientology? Good.

Ripping on Tom Cruise? Even better.

But......leave John Travolta and his family out of it, they've got enough to deal with now.
Strolling has a fondness for gossip rags, apparently. Hence her disproportionate anger when anyone challenges the left field judgements she passes on celebrities.
Strolling has a fondness for gossip rags, apparently. Hence her disproportionate anger when anyone challenges the left field judgements she passes on celebrities.

i have a fondness for facts...you declare that you are the only one who understands or knows shit about seizure disorders when in fact you are totally full of shit...

my judgement is on any parent who does not do the best they can for their child...celebrities or not....

o btw i am not angry lol nor am i like you...fucking clueless
Ripping on Scientology? Good.

Ripping on Tom Cruise? Even better.

But......leave John Travolta and his family out of it, they've got enough to deal with now.

travolta and his wife are responsible for the decisions they have made concerning a special needs child.
"what you have here is a law in the state of Oregon that allows someone. Fourteen years old and older to dictate. Whether or not they want to refuse medical treatment and instead based upon their religion. Pray and that's what his family did and so the issue right now is whether or not the right to religion trumps a person a child's right to live. And -- family's right to practice a religion that they think wouldn't or doesn't allow medical treatment and does a fourteen year old have the judgment to decide whether or not --they want medical treatment. "

Apparantly it was not illegal. This is part of the transcript from abikersailors upload.

Were they in Oregon?
What none of you understands is seizure disorder. My son had it

Has he recovered now? I hope so. Any idea what caused it?

I agree with you about people's right and often good reasons for opting out of medication. Not all medications work for everyone and for some the accompanying side effects and risks can outweigh the potential benefits.
We are an over medicated society thanks to the for profit drug companies.
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okay i will type real slow here.....name another religion that as a whole rejects medically proven proceeds and denys diseases...before you just on the jw's they only deny blood..and as a religion have aided in research to replace blood products with things they can take...even serpent handlers will seek medical attention and are allowed to...most dont...as you say depending on their faith...that is there choice ...as adults..they do not allow the wee ones to handle...you must be 18 and over to take up the serpents

o hell....and there are people of many faiths that leave their kids in hot cars to die....you simply are not getting what i am putting down...

Christian Scientists.
Was his son a scientologist himself?

Probably, if both his parents were. I wish we had more laws protecting young children from religious indoctrination. We never will though. Religious leaders would fight it because they know that if people were shielded from religious brainwashing till adulthood or a reasonable age of consent, most people would be openly agnostic or atheist.
I don't know how we would manage that, since it's difficult to draw a line between direct indoctrination of a coercive nature and mere influence when it comes to parents imparting beliefs to children. My solution would simply be to expose youth to a wider degree of influences and media from a young age, though censorship from religious lobbies and the absolute monopoly that parents have over the minds of young children inhibits the development of such a solution.
Why all the fucking hooplah about this kid?

Is he somehow more important than all the other kids who died in the past week?

Did his parents love him more than than other parents loved their kids who died?

Seriously the idiocy of celebrity in this country is sickening.

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