Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Right, he will just be positively giddy about it, as will the mentally ill Christian fundamentalists.
So does that excuse the wicked who seek to destroy all who do not worship the beast? Jesus is the God of freedom. He is the God of love. He is the God of forgiveness. He is the God of righteousness. He will prevail and bring peace and joy for 1000 years upon the earth. And every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is the Christ and will live happily and peacefully for an entire millennium. He will be the greatest leader the earth has ever known and ever will know.
So does that excuse the wicked who seek to destroy all who do not worship the beast? Jesus is the God of freedom. He is the God of love. He is the God of forgiveness. He is the God of righteousness. He will prevail and bring peace and joy for 1000 years upon the earth. And every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is the Christ and will live happily and peacefully for an entire millennium. He will be the greatest leader the earth has ever known and ever will know.

Beautifully plagairised. It's a shame it is all lies.
My personal view is that there will be some who are born in this current generation who will see the face of Jesus Christ and partake of his eternal goodness and mercy.
This just shows how lost your mind is.

Supernatural belief is for children.

No, saying so would be a non sequitur, and none of those people exist anyway.
Beautifully plagairised. It's a shame it is all lies.
This just shows how lost your mind is.

Supernatural belief is for children.


You are all a fulfillment of prophecy.

Jude 1:18
18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.
Plagiarizing the bible is like accusing a lawyer of plagiarizing the law on the books. A ridiculous accusation.

My point the OP was not written by the author.
I don't give a rats about any silly bible. The whole thing is a book of lies and myths and you quote it like it is legislated by government.
There is no God and only delusion fools think there is.

How's that for an accusation?
You hypocrite.
My point the OP was not written by the author.
I don't give a rats about any silly bible. The whole thing is a book of lies and myths and you quote it like it is legislated by government.
There is no God and only delusion fools think there is.

How's that for an accusation?
You hypocrite.
You are not telling me anything new that I and many on this board don't already know about you. We've read your countless accusations in defiance of God as if we really care to hear it. If you want to believe that way, that is your choice, but the rest of us have our choice of what we want to believe and your cursing and mockery will not change that. Sorry to break it to you. Congrats on making it on to my ignore list.
You are all a fulfillment of prophecy.

Jude 1:18
18 How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.
All who adore a genocidal prick, like you do, show just how evil your belief system is.

Take your St. Hitler and shove him where your prick of a god should be.

An assumption among almost everyone is that the gist of the creation story is not covenantal but rather biological or natural, and that Adam is the father of all – the Chinese, the South Africans, the Australians, the Amerindians, the Scandinavians, and all the rest – all people all around the planet, even though the writer of Genesis did not even know the world was a planet.

And then the subject of Genesis inexplicitly changes to a tiny nation in the Ancient Near East called Israel, which remains the subject of pretty much the rest of the Bible.

Well, that’s not how people tell stories. In a story, the subject doesn’t change.

And in the Bible are passages that trace Israel’s lineage to Adam. Luke 3, for example. Adam and Israel share the same genealogy. Adam and Israel are the same people.

Adam means mankind, and that does not include foreigners, such as Nod. Anyone not a part of that tribe was a beast of the field, like bison and wildebeests.

When Adam (Israel) forsook God and ate the fruit of another, sin didn’t enter the world of the Chinese, the South Africans, the Australians, the Amerindians, the Scandinavians, or any of the rest. It entered Israel. Israel was the idolatrous nation. Read the Old Testament. Israel is the subject.
Israel is the subject.

Israel means to strive both for and against god.

Every good author wants all to see themselves in the characters created.

We are all to try to see ourselves as Adam, Eve, Yahweh and Satan.

We all have to decide if Yahweh's plan was actually kept on track by, as Christians sing, of Adam's sin being a happy fault and necessary to god's plan.

It is both in Christianity and nature, but most cannot dither out why?

The Jews have the right idea with Original Virtue, but Christians see Original Sin as evil when it is good.

Christians do not care enough to find out.

Gnostic Christians have and have condemned Yahweh and his religions to hell for not understanding their own bible.

The dumbing down Christianity and it's lying clergy wanted is here and now.

Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Most, as well as scriptures, say that it was through Adam, even though Christians sing that Adam’s sin was a happy fault and necessary to Yahweh’s plan.

Given the necessity, Adam, from that, may not be the culpable one and his punishment would be unjust.

Satan had already sinned in heaven before being cast into Eden.

It can be truthfully said that she was the first sinner on earth if we ignore Yahweh.

Further, would you say that Eve sinned, given that Satan or the talking serpent deceived her?

That deception would take lies, and that is a sin, and that sin also preceded Adam’s sin.

Many do not see what the serpent says as a lie, which complicates things.

Was the initial sin, regardless of who did it, a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan like Christians sing in their Exultet hymn?

Did Yahweh lie when he told Adam that he would die if he educated himself with the knowledge in the Tree of Knowledge?

Why and how does knowledge kill us?

If it does, should we keep our children as blind to it as Adam and Eve initially were?

The Eden myth can get quite complicated, especially when Christians call it a fall, then say it was necessary so as not to derail Yahweh’s plan.

This last being what the Jews wrote into their myth and which they say is not the Original Sin of the Christian interpretation, but more like the Original virtue that the Jews call it.

The opposite of what Christianity says, if you ignore their happy fault view.

In terms of first sin, I see Yahweh, since sin was necessary to him as the first sinner, followed by Satan, Yahweh’s loyal opposition and teacher of humankind, and then Adam.

Why Eve at the end of Genesis 3 has to then be second class to Adam, --- he shall rule over you, --- would seem like Yahweh punishing the wrong party.


The fallen Lucifer who fell. That being brought sin when that being was cast down to the earth. Eve went to that Tree. She was beguiled by a beutiful sepent, of many colors. She fell losing her light covering. Adam sees that eating of the fruit. Adam was relaxed in the presence of Eve, who was possessed, even as the serpent, who was possessed. Eve was a moving tree of knowledge of good and evil.
The fallen Lucifer who fell. That being brought sin when that being was cast down to the earth. Eve went to that Tree. She was beguiled by a beutiful sepent, of many colors. She fell losing her light covering. Adam sees that eating of the fruit. Adam was relaxed in the presence of Eve, who was possessed, even as the serpent, who was possessed. Eve was a moving tree of knowledge of good and evil.
So it is Lucifer that Christians thank and not Yahweh for sin.

Why do you sing that Adam's is a happy fault and necessary to god's plan, which indicates that he send Satan to Eden to insure Eve ate.

She was supposed to do as she did. Right?

That is why Satan was in Eden. Right?

Did sin enter the world through Adam, Satan or Yahweh?

Most, as well as scriptures, say that it was through Adam, even though Christians sing that Adam’s sin was a happy fault and necessary to Yahweh’s plan.

Given the necessity, Adam, from that, may not be the culpable one and his punishment would be unjust.

Satan had already sinned in heaven before being cast into Eden.

It can be truthfully said that she was the first sinner on earth if we ignore Yahweh.

Further, would you say that Eve sinned, given that Satan or the talking serpent deceived her?

That deception would take lies, and that is a sin, and that sin also preceded Adam’s sin.

Many do not see what the serpent says as a lie, which complicates things.

Was the initial sin, regardless of who did it, a happy fault and necessary to god’s plan like Christians sing in their Exultet hymn?

Did Yahweh lie when he told Adam that he would die if he educated himself with the knowledge in the Tree of Knowledge?

Why and how does knowledge kill us?

If it does, should we keep our children as blind to it as Adam and Eve initially were?

The Eden myth can get quite complicated, especially when Christians call it a fall, then say it was necessary so as not to derail Yahweh’s plan.

This last being what the Jews wrote into their myth and which they say is not the Original Sin of the Christian interpretation, but more like the Original virtue that the Jews call it.

The opposite of what Christianity says, if you ignore their happy fault view.

In terms of first sin, I see Yahweh, since sin was necessary to him as the first sinner, followed by Satan, Yahweh’s loyal opposition and teacher of humankind, and then Adam.

Why Eve at the end of Genesis 3 has to then be second class to Adam, --- he shall rule over you, --- would seem like Yahweh punishing the wrong party.


I can see you need some help.


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