Did the "China Virus" statement cause Asian attacks?

Trump and his supporters tried to deflect from Trump’s failure to respond to the pandemic by blaming China and propagating the lie that China was 'responsible' for the pandemic, which is completely untrue.
China is responsible for the virus

trying to blame trump is a lib lie
I can see people being angry at the Chinese government but not the people.
Are the black dudes who have attacked Asians white supremacists, too?...lol

The Democrat culture of absolutely zero personal responsibility is unbelievable. You know to expect a frantic search for some politically advantageous "cause"- Trump, guns, global climate whatever, for every almost every single bad thing that makes the news. When there seems to be a "crisis" manufactured out of thin air, you know the "cause" is already baked in to the story. They leave behind a culture of assholes with no respect and no sense of accountability - but hey, they get the votes so it's ok.
Blah Blah Blah Blah....answer the question. Did the Fat Man's continuous statements calling COVID the "China Virus" contribute to the Asian hate that is prevalent now....YES OR NO....
No. The man has a long standing sex addiction. He was killing prostitutes. Not because of a virus unless you spell virus p u s s y.
All the talk of evil Communist China is incessant lately in rightwing hangouts. That can't help. Did it have anything to do with the mass shooting? Hard tellin', at this point, but it probably has something to do with the exploding number of attacks on Asian Americans in the past year.

China (and therefore anyone with Asian features because who can tell) is the boogeyman again, for no real reason except Q and the fact that they are an economic rival. And communist. But that's their government, not the Asians that are here. They apparently didn't like their government much either. It sucks that people are raggin' on the Asians again.
Did Trumps words incite violence and intimidation towards Asian Americans?

Should we believe USMB Conservatives or the reports from Asian Americans who say racial intimidation escalated after Trumps words

This is proof that the words of the Fat Man added to the Asian hate that is sweeping the country. And....to implicate the Fat Man and the GOPQ further....the crowds roar their approval when the Fat Man continues to use his stage to denigrate Asians.

I hope to see some law suits against the Fat Man and his cult members in the coming days....just like the lie about Dominion voting machines has spawns law suits against his criminal associates.

Yes, America is blessed with the assurance of Free Speech...but when the freedom is soiled with lies and words that urge others to hate or attack, that is too far. The Fat Man is a piece of dog crap on the bottom of America's shoe.

This is proof that the words of the Fat Man added to the Asian hate that is sweeping the country. And....to implicate the Fat Man and the GOPQ further....the crowds roar their approval when the Fat Man continues to use his stage to denigrate Asians.

I hope to see some law suits against the Fat Man and his cult members in the coming days....just like the lie about Dominion voting machines has spawns law suits against his criminal associates.

Yes, America is blessed with the assurance of Free Speech...but when the freedom is soiled with lies and words that urge others to hate or attack, that is too far. The Fat Man is a piece of dog crap on the bottom of America's shoe.

The people who voted for Trump would protect him if needed. Biden....bwhahaaaa! We are now seeing what people told you was going to happen. The prices of everything is rising. Politicians use inflation as a tax. It pushes people into higher tax brackets and to pay more taxes with state, local, city taxes and fees also.

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