Did the media collude with QUEER-O to help him hide in the closet?

The Republicans held extensive investigations into this very issue. And they never found any conection between Lois Lerner to Obama.

That is a FLAT OUT LIE. Lerner was in the WH. What did she do there? Did she suck MICHELLE's dick?

Nope. There's no evidence that Lois Lerner was ever in the white house. Let alone met Obama. Let alone took orders from Obama on the IRS scandal.

You imagined it. Just like you imagined your bizarre fixation on Obama's sex life.
What did Huffington Post have to say about QUEER-O

Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate | HuffPost

A woman who claims to have been a classmate delivered some bizarre claims about President Barack Obama in an interview.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Mia Marie Pope told right-wing preacher James David Manning that she believes that Obama was not only active within the gay community, but also a heavy cocaine user during his years in Hawaii.

“He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said. “Girls were never anything that he ever was interested in ... He would get with these older white gay men, and this is how we just pretty much had the impression that that’s how he was procuring his cocaine.”

She then notes, “In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys and that’s how he was getting this cocaine to be able to freebase.”

Pope, of course, isn’t the first conservative voice to make such claims about the president’s personal life. In May, “Coach” Dave Daubenmire implied Obama was “openly gay” or “better yet, openly bisexual” in a News With Views broadcast, nothing that the president’s “face seems to really light up when he begins to talk about the gay agenda.”

In fall 2012, gossip columnist turned Tea Party author Jerome Corsi alleged that the president had been actively involved in Chicago’s gay bar and bathhouse scene.
What did Huffington Post have to say about QUEER-O

Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate | HuffPost

A woman who claims to have been a classmate delivered some bizarre claims about President Barack Obama in an interview.

As Right Wing Watch first reported, Mia Marie Pope told right-wing preacher James David Manning that she believes that Obama was not only active within the gay community, but also a heavy cocaine user during his years in Hawaii.

“He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said. “Girls were never anything that he ever was interested in ... He would get with these older white gay men, and this is how we just pretty much had the impression that that’s how he was procuring his cocaine.”

She then notes, “In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys and that’s how he was getting this cocaine to be able to freebase.”

Pope, of course, isn’t the first conservative voice to make such claims about the president’s personal life. In May, “Coach” Dave Daubenmire implied Obama was “openly gay” or “better yet, openly bisexual” in a News With Views broadcast, nothing that the president’s “face seems to really light up when he begins to talk about the gay agenda.”

In fall 2012, gossip columnist turned Tea Party author Jerome Corsi alleged that the president had been actively involved in Chicago’s gay bar and bathhouse scene.

Mia Pope....the insane lady that wasn't Obama's school mate, has no evidence that she even met Obama, yet bizarrely insisted that Obama got into a prep school when he was a teenager because of the CIA?

That Mia Pope? I just want to be sure we're talking about the same batshit crazy gal.
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So "batshit" that HuffPo published it....

Perhaps you should apply for "Mossad Censor" if the position opens up at HuffPo....
So "batshit" that HuffPo published it....

Perhaps you should apply for "Mossad Censor" if the position opens up at HuffPo....

Perhaps you should show us the 'evidence' that the man cited in the article supposedly has?

Laughing.....good luck with that. Like virtually all of your conspiracy batshit, it all falls apart when you ask for evidence.
Let's face it, if QUEER-O had been outed as gay with a man for a wife, he would not have won in 2008. He likely doesn't win the Dem primary either, as Black Americans are very anti-homosexual.

WHO KNEW Obama was gay?

A: CNN did, which is why they censored Joan Rivers except for that which actually aired for a few seconds...

There is a trail of dead bodies here. Jeremiah Wright's choirmaster Don Young, a gay lover of QUEER-O... a blogger, Joan Rivers, and perhaps many many more.

The "US" media, including Fox, has never touched this subject. Never.



If "collusion" to "mislead the American people during an election" is wrong, WHY ISN'T THIS WRONG?

Wow so many ridiculous right ring conspiracies in one post. It’s hard to keep track. Or even count them all.
Let's face it, if QUEER-O had been outed as gay with a man for a wife, he would not have won in 2008. He likely doesn't win the Dem primary either, as Black Americans are very anti-homosexual.

WHO KNEW Obama was gay?

A: CNN did, which is why they censored Joan Rivers except for that which actually aired for a few seconds...

There is a trail of dead bodies here. Jeremiah Wright's choirmaster Don Young, a gay lover of QUEER-O... a blogger, Joan Rivers, and perhaps many many more.

The "US" media, including Fox, has never touched this subject. Never.



If "collusion" to "mislead the American people during an election" is wrong, WHY ISN'T THIS WRONG?

Wow so many ridiculous right ring conspiracies in one post. It’s hard to keep track. Or even count them all.

And they're all gloriously evidence free. That's pure molten batshit.....untained by even a scintilla of reason.
Or even count them all.

Democrat voters educated in US public schools have real trouble with COUNTING.

Many cannot answer the question....

How many ZEROES in 10 trillion come after the 1....
I'm more interested in the 'evidence' from the man cited in the article. The moment I ask you to show it to us....

......you start babbling about zeros. Which convenient. As zero is exactly what you've got to back up your silly conspiracy.

Try again, Ruskie.
I'm more interested in the 'evidence'

"evidence" = that which covers up MOSSAD hostility against America

Laughing! So the reason that you can't show us any of the 'evidence' from your supposed source....is the Mossad?

Its like a turduckin of conspiracy batshit! With you using your new conspiracy as an excuse for the laughable failure of your *last* conspiracy.

With your bizarre sexual obsession with your Obama inspired homo-erotic fan fiction being the only consistent part of your every changing tale.
I've showed you plenty of evidence.

You just sit there in Tel Aviv responding that my evidence doesn't matter, because you are here to post BS to cover up for ISRAEL... that's your JOB.
I've showed you plenty of evidence.

You just sit there in Tel Aviv responding that my evidence doesn't matter, because you are here to post BS to cover up for ISRAEL... that's your JOB.

You haven't show us *any* evidence. You've shown us accusations backed by nothing.

You insisted, for example, that Michelle Obama's birth certificate reads 'Michael Robinson'. But when asked to show us said birth certificate........you admit you've never seen it.

That's not evidence. That's just you making shit.

And the evidence that Michelle and Barack aren't the parents of their children is.....

......absolutely nothing.

But someone made a picture on internet that says otherwise. So of course, Dex believes.

You can't fix stupid.
The Obamas are totally irrelevant. There is neither a legacy, nor anything to remember then by, nor are they doing anything important today. They just exist. Let them fade into oblivion where they belong.

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