Zone1 Did The Message Board Just Crash?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I got booted out after I tried to click on one of my alerts and couldn't get back on for like ten minutes. Did this happen to anybody else?
Yes. Got a message twice from something called cloudfire saying the site was unresponsive.
I'm in a poor signal area, so I chalked it up to that.
However it could have been China.(jk)
There are a few cloudflare servers in North America that have been rerouted. That's probably the cause of the little hiccups people are getting.

I have been informed by someone that is well informed that USMB will soon begin charging a fee to post on here....could that possibly be true?

I kinda doubt it.
I have been informed by someone that is well informed that USMB will soon begin charging a fee to post on here....could that possibly be true?

I kinda doubt it.
Anyone can say something and try to pass it off as fact. I hear that's how rumors start.
I have been informed by someone that is well informed that USMB will soon begin charging a fee to post on here....could that possibly be true?

I kinda doubt it.

They should be paying us; we're the content providers. lol
I've heard that there may b a rumor going around.

Do you know anything about that?
I heard someone was talking about something they don't know a damn thing about but swore up and down that their nextdoor neighbors' best friends' sister was told something by her great aunt's nephews' cousin twice removed and that he heard it from the town gossiper that speaks fluent shit.
I heard someone was talking about something they don't know a damn thing about but swore up and down that their nextdoor neighbors' best friends' sister was told something by her great aunt's nephews' cousin twice removed and that he heard it from the town gossiper that speaks fluent shit.

I'm not sure what shocks me more, the fact that you swore,.. or you did it in a zone 1 thread. At times like these I try to come up with something funny because I feel like it's only fair if I'm allowed to cuss if a moderator screws up,... But I'm trying to watch my fucking mouth these days so I got nothing.
Site just wrecked for a few mins on me...

Screen Shot 16.jpg

So I had to wait for like five minutes before I could post a picture of a random person trying to catch a hot dog with no hands. :mad:

I heard someone was talking about something they don't know a damn thing about but swore up and down that their nextdoor neighbors' best friends' sister was told something by her great aunt's nephews' cousin twice removed and that he heard it from the town gossiper that speaks fluent shit.

I heard the same damn thing!

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