Did the MSM intend for people to jump to this conclusion??

So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results
I just googled "Trump calls for assassination" and got 1250 results.
Why are you lying?
You are the liar, bitch.

So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results


I just googled "Trump calls for assassination" and got 1250 results.

Why are you lying?

Hey maybe you don't know how to google! I see 1,490,000 ... I am not sure why you had those results!

Screen Shot 2016-08-10 at 1.01.54 PM.png
My solution is for gun nuts to start acting like responsible adults and quit talking all that cold dead hands bullshit.
No, I think it would be smarter to start killing you gun grabbing Nazis in your sleep before you get to be a real problem.
Maybe he was alluding to civil war, not assassination. Not sure. Just another in a long string of Trumpism. I am sure there will a few new ones by next week. He is a steady supplier of outrage. It keeps people from attacking him on his actual weak spot--specific policy proposals.
Or, since he was speaking at a POLITICAL RALLY he simply meant more political action? 2A people are very active politically, though only about a quarter have woken up as of yet, they make up for it in energy.
So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results


I just googled "Trump calls for assassination" and got 1250 results.

Why are you lying?

Hey maybe you don't know how to google! I see 1,490,000 ... I am not sure why you had those results!

View attachment 85031

When you google for exact phrase you put it in quotes, like you did in the OP.

Your search gives you tens of thousands of hits like this:

Did Trump Just Make An Assassination Threat Against Clinton?

where nowhere in it do you actually see the phrase "Trump calls for assassination"

and btw, the above link is to a conservative site DEFENDING Trump.
Of course they did. I saw one interview with a reporter at the event who indicated that they had gone around asking people if they took it that Trump was calling for her to be shot and admitted they couldn't find anybody who thought that was what he meant, but then the reporter turned around and parroted the line that was really what he meant.
Gun nuts wanted people to fear them, this is what it looks like. You think people are being overly sensitive? It's nothing compared with the flood of over-the-top reactions that comes from the right when democrats even mention the epidemic of gun violence in this country. The gun nuts are the most overly reactionary segment of the population, they have no right to complain after the way they have acted and reacted in the past.

The only solution you've offered is to disarm victims
My solution is for gun nuts to start acting like responsible adults and quit talking all that cold dead hands bullshit.
So explain this chart? http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/12/10/us/gun-sales-terrorism-obama-restrictions.html?_r=0
View attachment 85028
Like most popular items guns , if a shortage is predicted people will stock up.
Then again there's the fad aspect like
Pokemon Go .
No question you are right! But why is a shortage predicted as you point out?? Hmmm... could it be the call for a ban on all guns by Obama,et.al.???
What has happened in this thread is getting mired in the weeds and most of you are losing sight of the purpose...i.e. did the MSM want people to think Trump
was calling for Hillary's assassination.
yes, the news media wanted people to understand the meaning of trump's chosen words
So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results


I just googled "Trump calls for assassination" and got 1250 results.

Why are you lying?

Hey maybe you don't know how to google! I see 1,490,000 ... I am not sure why you had those results!

View attachment 85031

When you google for exact phrase you put it in quotes, like you did in the OP.

Your search gives you tens of thousands of hits like this:

Did Trump Just Make An Assassination Threat Against Clinton?

where nowhere in it do you actually see the phrase "Trump calls for assassination"

and btw, the above link is to a conservative site DEFENDING Trump.

You are right. I did the "Trump calls for assassination" and got 1,080.

But no where as I've pointed out did Trump EVER call for assassination of anyone. Regardless if it is 1,080 or 1,490,000 the point is
we are seeing the gross exaggeration of the MSM making something out of NOTHING!
My solution is for gun nuts to start acting like responsible adults and quit talking all that cold dead hands bullshit.
No, I think it would be smarter to start killing you gun grabbing Nazis in your sleep before you get to be a real problem.
Awesome example of the paranoia I have been talking about. The Godwin violation and the threat of cold-blooded murder was icing on the cake.
When you google for exact phrase you put it in quotes, like you did in the OP.

You lying shit4brains, the string itself is put entirely within quotes and if the whole thing is a single text search entirely enclosed in a strong, then you put it entirely in TWO quotes at each end.

Fucking retards.
Gun nuts wanted people to fear them, this is what it looks like. You think people are being overly sensitive? It's nothing compared with the flood of over-the-top reactions that comes from the right when democrats even mention the epidemic of gun violence in this country. The gun nuts are the most overly reactionary segment of the population, they have no right to complain after the way they have acted and reacted in the past.

The only solution you've offered is to disarm victims
My solution is for gun nuts to start acting like responsible adults and quit talking all that cold dead hands bullshit.
So explain this chart? http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/12/10/us/gun-sales-terrorism-obama-restrictions.html?_r=0
View attachment 85028
Like most popular items guns , if a shortage is predicted people will stock up.
Then again there's the fad aspect like
Pokemon Go .
No question you are right! But why is a shortage predicted as you point out?? Hmmm... could it be the call for a ban on all guns by Obama,et.al.???

Speculative purchasing combined with some manufacturers slow walking increased production for fear the bottom will fall out and they will be stuck in the red.
Trump said:
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if -- if -- Hillary gets to put her judges in.

In context: Trump's 'Second Amendment' comment

So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results

Where in Trump's comment was there a "call for assassination"????? WHERE?
Once again the MSM totally in bed with Hillary ignoring that Hillary's backer Seddique Matteen...
Gee, that’s strange. Especially in light of the fact that Hillary Clinton killed a Department of Homeland Security investigation that related to Omar Mateen’s mosque, the Islamic Center of Ft. Pierce. Stopped the investigation dead in it’s tracks. And made sure that the records were destroyed so that the case couldn’t be reopened. Hillary sure likes deleting things.
Orlando Killer’s Father Held Meetings At The White House

So where is the same ANGST? The same call. View attachment 85017

Trump is such a c*nt.
Why don't we just call this payback for the RW propaganda machine's dishonest rendering of Hillary's word 'aren't' into 'are',

just a few days ago.
She said 'are' not 'arent'. That was the desperate spin her liars in the media are trying to put on it.

See what I mean?
Anyone can listen to it for themselves here.

She clearly says 'are' not 'arent'.

No she clearly does not. Use your fucking head.
Trump said:
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if -- if -- Hillary gets to put her judges in.

In context: Trump's 'Second Amendment' comment

So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results

Where in Trump's comment was there a "call for assassination"????? WHERE?
Once again the MSM totally in bed with Hillary ignoring that Hillary's backer Seddique Matteen...
Gee, that’s strange. Especially in light of the fact that Hillary Clinton killed a Department of Homeland Security investigation that related to Omar Mateen’s mosque, the Islamic Center of Ft. Pierce. Stopped the investigation dead in it’s tracks. And made sure that the records were destroyed so that the case couldn’t be reopened. Hillary sure likes deleting things.
Orlando Killer’s Father Held Meetings At The White House

So where is the same ANGST? The same call. View attachment 85017

quote in the first minute, no context whatsoever. Stupid lie to begin with, took me about a minute to find it.
You are right. I did the "Trump calls for assassination" and got 1,080.
No, he is not right. Had the original poster intende to show a search string that was entirely within a set of quote marks, then he would ahve shown it within TWO SETS of quote marks, as any search string, when given in a document outside of the program itslef is put in one set of quotes.

If I search on the string: dog runs fast : I would normally put that in an emails, for example, as "dog runs fast".

But if I search on the string: 'dog runs fast' : I would put that in an email as "'dog runs fast'".

He did that deliberately to side track the discussion and back you off the correct point of argument and that is the overblown hype that the media is placing on a perfectly legit statement and taking everyones mind off Hillarys mounting evidence of criminal entanglement.
As my thread title again is proven... The MSM intended for people to jump to the conclusion...Trump calls for assassination"!
As I've shown before with out quotes Google search "Trump is anti-immigrant" over 6,620,000 or with quotes 7,310 BUT either way!
He is married to an immigrant so why would he be anti-immigrant"?
He is as millions of us including "legal immigrants" anti-illegal immigrants"!
BIG difference but no where has it ever been said by Trump he is "anti-immigrant"!!!

But once again the MSM attempting to get people to hate Trump vote for Clinton!
Why don't we just call this payback for the RW propaganda machine's dishonest rendering of Hillary's word 'aren't' into 'are',

just a few days ago.
She said 'are' not 'arent'. That was the desperate spin her liars in the media are trying to put on it.

See what I mean?
Anyone can listen to it for themselves here.

She clearly says 'are' not 'arent'.

No she clearly does not. Use your fucking head.

Listen again, shill.
As my thread title again is proven... The MSM intended for people to jump to the conclusion...Trump calls for assassination"!
As I've shown before with out quotes Google search "Trump is anti-immigrant" over 6,620,000 or with quotes 7,310 BUT either way!
He is married to an immigrant so why would he be anti-immigrant"?
He is as millions of us including "legal immigrants" anti-illegal immigrants"!
BIG difference but no where has it ever been said by Trump he is "anti-immigrant"!!!

But once again the MSM attempting to get people to hate Trump vote for Clinton!
And it is working, obviously.


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