Did the MSM intend for people to jump to this conclusion??

Now gee, how does one demolish an amendment to the US constitution, anyone? Can anyone from the right answer that?

Same way Progressives always degrade the Constitution.

Excessive and draconian regulations.
Of course they did. I saw one interview with a reporter at the event who indicated that they had gone around asking people if they took it that Trump was calling for her to be shot and admitted they couldn't find anybody who thought that was what he meant, but then the reporter turned around and parroted the line that was really what he meant.
Gun nuts wanted people to fear them, this is what it looks like. You think people are being overly sensitive? It's nothing compared with the flood of over-the-top reactions that comes from the right when democrats even mention the epidemic of gun violence in this country. The gun nuts are the most overly reactionary segment of the population, they have no right to complain after the way they have acted and reacted in the past.
The ONLY "epidemic of gun violence in this country" is negro on negro gun violence.
I doubt not one in 10,000 guns used in negroes murdering other negroes so they can STEAL THEIR FUCKING GARBAGE CANS! is legal.
Why don't you attempt to be honest for once?
Send the NG into the negro shitholes and confiscate every fucking gun and the "endemic" gun violence in the country will drop by 99% overnight!

I see you're attempting to make a joke but it really falls flat. Aside from being unconstitutional, share with us what the result would be of the National Guard marching into the South and West side of Chicago searching and confiscating all guns?

IF you are serious, then you, most definitely, are a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Of course they did. I saw one interview with a reporter at the event who indicated that they had gone around asking people if they took it that Trump was calling for her to be shot and admitted they couldn't find anybody who thought that was what he meant, but then the reporter turned around and parroted the line that was really what he meant.
Gun nuts wanted people to fear them, this is what it looks like. You think people are being overly sensitive? It's nothing compared with the flood of over-the-top reactions that comes from the right when democrats even mention the epidemic of gun violence in this country. The gun nuts are the most overly reactionary segment of the population, they have no right to complain after the way they have acted and reacted in the past.

There's no "epidemic of gun violence" fool why do you make up blatant lies?

I strongly suggest that you stay well away from the South and West Side of Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis and a number of other cities.
So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results
I just googled "Trump calls for assassination" and got 1250 results.
Why are you lying?
You are the liar, bitch.


If I were as ignorant as you about Google or Bing searches, I sure wouldn't boast about that lack of knowledge.

Your search, resulting in 1.6 million sources actually gave you all the finds for "Trump" plus all those for "calls" and all those for "assassination".

Cute try though!
So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results
I just googled "Trump calls for assassination" and got 1250 results.
Why are you lying?
You are the liar, bitch.


If I were as ignorant as you about Google or Bing searches, I sure wouldn't boast about that lack of knowledge.

Your search, resulting in 1.6 million sources actually gave you all the finds for "Trump" plus all those for "calls" and all those for "assassination".

Cute try though!

When a person gives a search string in a regular text, the string is put in quotes. If the original string search was all one string, then you would have the search string in two sets of quotes that enclosed all of the search string terms.

Lol, you are an idiot.
Like most popular items guns , if a shortage is predicted people will stock up.
Then again there's the fad aspect like
Pokemon Go .
No question you are right! But why is a shortage predicted as you point out?? Hmmm... could it be the call for a ban on all guns by Obama,et.al.???
Wishful thinking ...

That makes no sense! Obama et.al. have called for a ban on guns!
False !
Not all guns only assault style rifles and clips with more than a 10 shot capacity.
That leaves thousands of other types of guns for your dining and dancing pleasure.

You have no clue, whatsoever as to what is or is NOT an assault rifle do you?

ALL these guns fire in the same manner. Pull the trigger, one bullet is fired, pull it again, another is fired. These are NOT assault rifles.


Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama:

** Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
** Obama to supporters: “I’m itching for a fight.”
Obama to UAW mob: “Fight for me!”


FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton Talks About Obama’s Assassination During Primary Race

Jim Hoft Aug 10th, 2016 8:22 am 24 Comments

In May 2008 Hillary Clinton defended staying in the Democratic primary because there might be an assassination.

Hillary told the Argus Leader:

“We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.”

Coming from a Clinton this caused serious concern for Obama and his supporters.

Here’s Keith Olbermann talking about the threat.

FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton Talks About Obama's Assassination During Primary Race

And, not to leave out gaffe-prone Vice President Joe Biden.

“Joe Biden, in 2008: If Obama “tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem” #2A #2ndAmendment”

“I guarantee ya. Barack Obama ain’t takin’ my shotgun, so don’t buy that malarkey, don’t buy that malarkey. They’re gonna start peddlin’ that deal. I got two, if he tries to fool with my Beretta he’s got a problem. I like that little over and under–you know I’m not bad with it.”

VIDEO: Biden Threatens to Shoot Obama if He Tries to Take His Guns
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Like most popular items guns , if a shortage is predicted people will stock up.
Then again there's the fad aspect like
Pokemon Go .
No question you are right! But why is a shortage predicted as you point out?? Hmmm... could it be the call for a ban on all guns by Obama,et.al.???
Wishful thinking ...

That makes no sense! Obama et.al. have called for a ban on guns!
False !
Not all guns only assault style rifles and clips with more than a 10 shot capacity.
That leaves thousands of other types of guns for your dining and dancing pleasure.

You have no clue, whatsoever as to what is or is NOT an assault rifle do you?

ALL these guns fire in the same manner. Pull the trigger, one bullet is fired, pull it again, another is fired. These are NOT assault rifles.

If you lie, lie big
What I said is assault"style"rifles
The AR at the top of the photo is an assault style weapon. (Semiauto)
The third weapon is a carbine also capable of using a 10 round clip it's also semi auto matic and could be classified as an assault style weapon.
Guns Like The AR-15 Were Never Fully Banned

You can stfu up now
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So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results
I just googled "Trump calls for assassination" and got 1250 results.
Why are you lying?
You are the liar, bitch.


You are so stupid.


So tell me was Hillary also speaking of assassination of Obama when she said:
"We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California," Clinton told the editorial board of a South Dakota newspaper. " I don't understand it," Clinton added, alluding to the calls for her to quit.

Clinton made the statement after pointing out that her husband didn't lock up the nomination until June of 1992, trying to point out that, by past history, it's not late in the campaign. (See a clip of the interview here.)

But Barack Obama received Secret Service protection one year ago this month, the earliest ever in presidential history, after reports of threats.

Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement: “Sen. Clinton's statement before the Argus Leader editorial board was unfortunate and has no place in this campaign."

Clinton's made the comment to the Argus Leader newspaper in Sioux Falls, S.D.

UPDATE: Clinton's campaign has put out a statement in her name, apologizing for the remark.
Hillary cites RFK assassination in explaining why she's still in race - - POLITICO.com

And SHE used the term "assassinated"! Trump never said anything of violence much less an assassination!
So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results
I just googled "Trump calls for assassination" and got 1250 results.
Why are you lying?
You are the liar, bitch.


You are so stupid.


So tell me was Hillary also speaking of assassination of Obama when she said:
"We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California," Clinton told the editorial board of a South Dakota newspaper. " I don't understand it," Clinton added, alluding to the calls for her to quit.

Clinton made the statement after pointing out that her husband didn't lock up the nomination until June of 1992, trying to point out that, by past history, it's not late in the campaign. (See a clip of the interview here.)

But Barack Obama received Secret Service protection one year ago this month, the earliest ever in presidential history, after reports of threats.

Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement: “Sen. Clinton's statement before the Argus Leader editorial board was unfortunate and has no place in this campaign."

Clinton's made the comment to the Argus Leader newspaper in Sioux Falls, S.D.

UPDATE: Clinton's campaign has put out a statement in her name, apologizing for the remark.
Hillary cites RFK assassination in explaining why she's still in race - - POLITICO.com

And SHE used the term "assassinated"! Trump never said anything of violence much less an assassination!
Best false equivalence ever!
So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results
I just googled "Trump calls for assassination" and got 1250 results.
Why are you lying?
You are the liar, bitch.


You are so stupid.


So tell me was Hillary also speaking of assassination of Obama when she said:
"We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California," Clinton told the editorial board of a South Dakota newspaper. " I don't understand it," Clinton added, alluding to the calls for her to quit.

Clinton made the statement after pointing out that her husband didn't lock up the nomination until June of 1992, trying to point out that, by past history, it's not late in the campaign. (See a clip of the interview here.)

But Barack Obama received Secret Service protection one year ago this month, the earliest ever in presidential history, after reports of threats.

Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement: “Sen. Clinton's statement before the Argus Leader editorial board was unfortunate and has no place in this campaign."

Clinton's made the comment to the Argus Leader newspaper in Sioux Falls, S.D.

UPDATE: Clinton's campaign has put out a statement in her name, apologizing for the remark.
Hillary cites RFK assassination in explaining why she's still in race - - POLITICO.com

And SHE used the term "assassinated"! Trump never said anything of violence much less an assassination!
Best false equivalence ever!

You got to be kidding! Hillary used the term "assassinated"! Trump never did!
She was describing how Kennedy who was running was assassinated therefore the importance of others running... something might happen!
For that SHE apologized! "Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement: “Sen. Clinton's statement before the Argus Leader editorial board was unfortunate and has no place in this campaign."

So again... tell me the "false equivalence" when the word "assassinated" was never used by Trump?
I think you are treading on very thin ice just as the biased MSM not sure how to handle Trump who by the way it's been calculated and here is the link: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/16/u...mps-mammoth-advantage-in-free-media.html?_r=0
$2 Billion Worth of Free Media for Donald Trump
So keep up the stupidity as all you are doing as the MSM is doing is showing the general public there must be something OK with
Trump if the MSM is working this hard to BASH HIM!

Remember what Evan Thomas editor of Newsweek once said...
These are suppose to be the objective, hard nosed, bash the president, news people that here is a quote from Evan Thomas that exemplifies this extreme bias:
Evan Thomas was once asked about George Bush and this is his response.
"our job is to bash the president[Bush], that's what we do." Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007.He-Could-Go-All-The-Way: 'Today' Cheers Obama's Football Play

RIGHT HIS job was to BASH Bush. He is a journalist. Unbiased. Objective. Professional. RIGHT??
But when it came to Obama? This same hard-nosed "bashing journalist"- Editor of NewsWeek gushed about Obama.....
"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Newsweek’s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ‘Sort of God’
A professional NEWS editor calling a mortal man "sort of God"??? That's not reporting, that's gushing!

Perhaps if he were somewhat more coherent and less train of thought in his comments controversies like this would not come up. Another problem is that gun nuts are always talking about guns being the ultimate protection against government tyranny. There is price to pay for all that apocalyptic talk of insurrection against the government. Quit talking crazy about armed conflict against the "gun grabbers" and maybe people will quit thinking you are out to murder your political opposites.

Here's a reading resource so you can see the intended effect of the 2nd Amendment. I don't expect that you'll actually read any of it, but you can't say the opportunity wasn't there.

Amendment II
Where in Trump's comment was there a "call for assassination"????? WHERE?
From your own link:
Trump campaign senior communications advisor released a statement that said, "It’s called the power of unification – 2nd Amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power. And this year, they will be voting in record numbers, and it won’t be for Hillary Clinton, it will be for Donald Trump."

So where in Trump's quote was there a "call for unification" or a call to vote??????? WHERE?

TRUMP: Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
So where in these words
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if -- if -- Hillary gets to put her judges in.

Any reference to violence? To assassination?
Are you that grossly ignorant of what words mean and you still insist the words "violence" and "assassination" in what Trump said????

Really shows the ignorance of people like you that make ASSUMPTIONS!
And by the same token are the words "unification" or "vote" in what Trump said?????
Trump said:
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if -- if -- Hillary gets to put her judges in.

In context: Trump's 'Second Amendment' comment

So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results

Where in Trump's comment was there a "call for assassination"????? WHERE?
Once again the MSM totally in bed with Hillary ignoring that Hillary's backer Seddique Matteen...
Gee, that’s strange. Especially in light of the fact that Hillary Clinton killed a Department of Homeland Security investigation that related to Omar Mateen’s mosque, the Islamic Center of Ft. Pierce. Stopped the investigation dead in it’s tracks. And made sure that the records were destroyed so that the case couldn’t be reopened. Hillary sure likes deleting things.
Orlando Killer’s Father Held Meetings At The White House

So where is the same ANGST? The same call. View attachment 85017
there was a implication nothing more .... if you want to spin it differently so be it we the people can't change that.... republicans leaders saw it that way .... independent leaders saw it that way ... green party Leaders saw it that way ... right wing nuts like your self tried to spin i... never saw so many trumpsters smile when they said he was talking about voters ... they couldn't keep a straight
So where in these words
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if -- if -- Hillary gets to put her judges in.

Any reference to violence? To assassination?
Are you that grossly ignorant of what words mean and you still insist the words "violence" and "assassination" in what Trump said????

Really shows the ignorance of people like you that make ASSUMPTIONS!
And by the same token are the words "unification" or "vote" in what Trump said?????

No those words weren't in Trump's words... AND NEITHER WAS THE WORD ASSASSINATE!

Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if -- if -- Hillary gets to put her judges in.

By the way is there an official organization that performs "assassinations" known as "Second Amendment" people?
I've done a Google search and haven't found an official organization known as "Second Amendment" that perform assassinations.

Words do have meaning. Not one word in Trump's statement calling for an assassination!
Hey the ONLY positive thing from this exercise in hyperbole is it shows to the masses of people who are undecided that if the MSM is against Trump so much
that the MSM makes UP statements like these...when you do a Google search "Trump calls for assassination" there are 1,570 totally blatantly made up
claim! There are a growing number of people like me who are really recognizing how biased the MSM is.

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