Did the MSM intend for people to jump to this conclusion??

Why don't we just call this payback for the RW propaganda machine's dishonest rendering of Hillary's word 'aren't' into 'are',

just a few days ago.
She said 'are' not 'arent'. That was the desperate spin her liars in the media are trying to put on it.

See what I mean?
Anyone can listen to it for themselves here.

She clearly says 'are' not 'arent'.

No she clearly does not. Use your fucking head.

Anyone can listen to it for themselves here.

As my thread title again is proven... The MSM intended for people to jump to the conclusion...Trump calls for assassination"!
As I've shown before with out quotes Google search "Trump is anti-immigrant" over 6,620,000 or with quotes 7,310 BUT either way!
He is married to an immigrant so why would he be anti-immigrant"?
He is as millions of us including "legal immigrants" anti-illegal immigrants"!
BIG difference but no where has it ever been said by Trump he is "anti-immigrant"!!!

But once again the MSM attempting to get people to hate Trump vote for Clinton!
What you fail to consider is that by invoking "2nd amendment folks" he invoked all their bullshit fears and empty threats of armed insurrection. His comment was meant to be just more bullshit to fire people up at a rally, we all know that, it is the irresponsibility of using such language in a presidential campaign. Since "2nd amendment remedies" became an acceptable republican ideal to use in campaign rhetoric you people need to get used to people taking it seriously.
The RW myth of the activists judges rears it's mishapen head.
As if there have never been any RW activist judges.

You bring that up w/o giving an example. Cite one please.
faux is about as mainstream as it gets.
if you believe it's not than it's no wonder you support trump.
What did I just say, dummy?
nothing as usual ,slapdick...
IOW you can't read. Got it.
False! You can't write or more accurately understand what you've written.
If it was sarcasm it failed .
Keep digging. The more you post, the dumber you look.
As my thread title again is proven... The MSM intended for people to jump to the conclusion...Trump calls for assassination"!
As I've shown before with out quotes Google search "Trump is anti-immigrant" over 6,620,000 or with quotes 7,310 BUT either way!
He is married to an immigrant so why would he be anti-immigrant"?
He is as millions of us including "legal immigrants" anti-illegal immigrants"!
BIG difference but no where has it ever been said by Trump he is "anti-immigrant"!!!

But once again the MSM attempting to get people to hate Trump vote for Clinton!
What you fail to consider is that by invoking "2nd amendment folks" he invoked all their bullshit fears and empty threats of armed insurrection. His comment was meant to be just more bullshit to fire people up at a rally, we all know that, it is the irresponsibility of using such language in a presidential campaign. Since "2nd amendment remedies" became an acceptable republican ideal to use in campaign rhetoric you people need to get used to people taking it seriously.

Again... where in these words was Trump calling for an assassination????

Trump said:
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if -- if -- Hillary gets to put her judges in.

In context: Trump's 'Second Amendment' comment

I do NOT see one call by Trump to violence. Or to assassination.

You have NOT proven your point!
Gun nuts wanted people to fear them, this is what it looks like. You think people are being overly sensitive? It's nothing compared with the flood of over-the-top reactions that comes from the right when democrats even mention the epidemic of gun violence in this country. The gun nuts are the most overly reactionary segment of the population, they have no right to complain after the way they have acted and reacted in the past.

The only solution you've offered is to disarm victims
My solution is for gun nuts to start acting like responsible adults and quit talking all that cold dead hands bullshit.
So explain this chart? http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/12/10/us/gun-sales-terrorism-obama-restrictions.html?_r=0
View attachment 85028
Like most popular items guns , if a shortage is predicted people will stock up.
Then again there's the fad aspect like
Pokemon Go .
No question you are right! But why is a shortage predicted as you point out?? Hmmm... could it be the call for a ban on all guns by Obama,et.al.???
Wishful thinking ...
As my thread title again is proven... The MSM intended for people to jump to the conclusion...Trump calls for assassination"!
As I've shown before with out quotes Google search "Trump is anti-immigrant" over 6,620,000 or with quotes 7,310 BUT either way!
He is married to an immigrant so why would he be anti-immigrant"?
He is as millions of us including "legal immigrants" anti-illegal immigrants"!
BIG difference but no where has it ever been said by Trump he is "anti-immigrant"!!!

But once again the MSM attempting to get people to hate Trump vote for Clinton!
What you fail to consider is that by invoking "2nd amendment folks" he invoked all their bullshit fears and empty threats of armed insurrection. His comment was meant to be just more bullshit to fire people up at a rally, we all know that, it is the irresponsibility of using such language in a presidential campaign. Since "2nd amendment remedies" became an acceptable republican ideal to use in campaign rhetoric you people need to get used to people taking it seriously.

Again... where in these words was Trump calling for an assassination????

Trump said:
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if -- if -- Hillary gets to put her judges in.

In context: Trump's 'Second Amendment' comment

I do NOT see one call by Trump to violence. Or to assassination.

You have NOT proven your point!
are you stupid or dishonest?
The only solution you've offered is to disarm victims
My solution is for gun nuts to start acting like responsible adults and quit talking all that cold dead hands bullshit.
So explain this chart? http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/12/10/us/gun-sales-terrorism-obama-restrictions.html?_r=0
View attachment 85028
Like most popular items guns , if a shortage is predicted people will stock up.
Then again there's the fad aspect like
Pokemon Go .
No question you are right! But why is a shortage predicted as you point out?? Hmmm... could it be the call for a ban on all guns by Obama,et.al.???
Wishful thinking ...

That makes no sense! Obama et.al. have called for a ban on guns!
Trump said:
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if -- if -- Hillary gets to put her judges in.

In context: Trump's 'Second Amendment' comment

So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results

Where in Trump's comment was there a "call for assassination"????? WHERE?
Once again the MSM totally in bed with Hillary ignoring that Hillary's backer Seddique Matteen...
Gee, that’s strange. Especially in light of the fact that Hillary Clinton killed a Department of Homeland Security investigation that related to Omar Mateen’s mosque, the Islamic Center of Ft. Pierce. Stopped the investigation dead in it’s tracks. And made sure that the records were destroyed so that the case couldn’t be reopened. Hillary sure likes deleting things.
Orlando Killer’s Father Held Meetings At The White House

So where is the same ANGST? The same call. View attachment 85017

The DNC controlled press lies.

In other news, water is wet....
The RW myth of the activists judges rears it's mishapen head.
As if there have never been any RW activist judges.

You bring that up w/o giving an example. Cite one please.
No need to bring up the obvious.

But since you need to play stupid.

Antonin Scalia
Hate to bring you up to date...Scalia is DEAD!
so is the republican messiah Reagan.
It has no bering on the myth that only democratic judges are "activists. "
Donald is recruiting for his own Murder Inc crew.

Since he knows he can't beat Hillary he knows he needs to whack her instead.

He has been hanging around too many Sicilians.

There are a lot of dead people who knew the clintons....you might want to reconsider your post......
My solution is for gun nuts to start acting like responsible adults and quit talking all that cold dead hands bullshit.
So explain this chart? http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/12/10/us/gun-sales-terrorism-obama-restrictions.html?_r=0
View attachment 85028
Like most popular items guns , if a shortage is predicted people will stock up.
Then again there's the fad aspect like
Pokemon Go .
No question you are right! But why is a shortage predicted as you point out?? Hmmm... could it be the call for a ban on all guns by Obama,et.al.???
Wishful thinking ...

That makes no sense! Obama et.al. have called for a ban on guns!
False !
Not all guns only assault style rifles and clips with more than a 10 shot capacity.
That leaves thousands of other types of guns for your dining and dancing pleasure.
Trump said:
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if -- if -- Hillary gets to put her judges in.

In context: Trump's 'Second Amendment' comment

So who is making a bigger deal of this statement that had NO...NONE... context issue.
Google search just in 24 hours..."Trump calls for assassination" About 1,490,000 results

Where in Trump's comment was there a "call for assassination"????? WHERE?
Once again the MSM totally in bed with Hillary ignoring that Hillary's backer Seddique Matteen...
Gee, that’s strange. Especially in light of the fact that Hillary Clinton killed a Department of Homeland Security investigation that related to Omar Mateen’s mosque, the Islamic Center of Ft. Pierce. Stopped the investigation dead in it’s tracks. And made sure that the records were destroyed so that the case couldn’t be reopened. Hillary sure likes deleting things.
Orlando Killer’s Father Held Meetings At The White House

So where is the same ANGST? The same call. View attachment 85017

The DNC controlled press lies.

In other news, water is wet....
As my thread title again is proven... The MSM intended for people to jump to the conclusion...Trump calls for assassination"!
As I've shown before with out quotes Google search "Trump is anti-immigrant" over 6,620,000 or with quotes 7,310 BUT either way!
He is married to an immigrant so why would he be anti-immigrant"?
He is as millions of us including "legal immigrants" anti-illegal immigrants"!
BIG difference but no where has it ever been said by Trump he is "anti-immigrant"!!!

But once again the MSM attempting to get people to hate Trump vote for Clinton!
What you fail to consider is that by invoking "2nd amendment folks" he invoked all their bullshit fears and empty threats of armed insurrection. His comment was meant to be just more bullshit to fire people up at a rally, we all know that, it is the irresponsibility of using such language in a presidential campaign. Since "2nd amendment remedies" became an acceptable republican ideal to use in campaign rhetoric you people need to get used to people taking it seriously.

Again... where in these words was Trump calling for an assassination????

Trump said:
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if -- if -- Hillary gets to put her judges in.

In context: Trump's 'Second Amendment' comment

I do NOT see one call by Trump to violence. Or to assassination.

You have NOT proven your point!
I don't either because that is not my point. He pretty much validated an entire fringe movement that is certain they will one day soon be actively resisting the government by violence because they are going to take their guns. Can you say for absolute certain that some unbalanced psycho will never be spurred to action by such irresponsible words? The answer is no. He's feeding paranoia to an already paranoid bunch, how would you feel if one of them snapped and hurt people? Why is there not a counterpart to gun safety in gun politics? Gun politics has no safety, dumb-dumb bullets, a hair trigger and is pointed at everyone.
As my thread title again is proven... The MSM intended for people to jump to the conclusion...Trump calls for assassination"!
As I've shown before with out quotes Google search "Trump is anti-immigrant" over 6,620,000 or with quotes 7,310 BUT either way!
He is married to an immigrant so why would he be anti-immigrant"?
He is as millions of us including "legal immigrants" anti-illegal immigrants"!
BIG difference but no where has it ever been said by Trump he is "anti-immigrant"!!!

But once again the MSM attempting to get people to hate Trump vote for Clinton!
What you fail to consider is that by invoking "2nd amendment folks" he invoked all their bullshit fears and empty threats of armed insurrection. His comment was meant to be just more bullshit to fire people up at a rally, we all know that, it is the irresponsibility of using such language in a presidential campaign. Since "2nd amendment remedies" became an acceptable republican ideal to use in campaign rhetoric you people need to get used to people taking it seriously.

Again... where in these words was Trump calling for an assassination????

Trump said:
Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.
Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.
But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day, if -- if -- Hillary gets to put her judges in.

In context: Trump's 'Second Amendment' comment

I do NOT see one call by Trump to violence. Or to assassination.

You have NOT proven your point!
I don't either because that is not my point. He pretty much validated an entire fringe movement that is certain they will one day soon be actively resisting the government by violence because they are going to take their guns. Can you say for absolute certain that some unbalanced psycho will never be spurred to action by such irresponsible words? The answer is no. He's feeding paranoia to an already paranoid bunch, how would you feel if one of them snapped and hurt people? Why is there not a counterpart to gun safety in gun politics? Gun politics has no safety, dumb-dumb bullets, a hair trigger and is pointed at everyone.

The only ones shooting people are followers of black lies matter......the only ones attacking people are hilary and bernie supporters actually attacking Trump supporters......

You guys.......you act like animals then blame others who aren't doing anything.....

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