Did the Obama administration commit 'the biggest accounting fraud in history"?

Not sure if it was accounting fraud, but it sure as hell fucked things up worse than they had been.
fraud is promising something, taking funding for that "something", and knowing it was a lie from the start -

take Trump University for instance.

You can keep your doctor

I know, I did.

btw, STFU
Did what? Have an Abortion?
LibTard Parents should do America a favor and be frequent fliers at Planned Parenthood.
Maybe they can start a Lib Tard Dem Nazi Loyalty Card discount.
50% off for aborting twins!
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No, he didn't. And that's why you're Trump appointed attorney general won't press charges.
Stop making up fake crimes.
fraud is promising something, taking funding for that "something", and knowing it was a lie from the start -

take Trump University for instance.

You can keep your doctor

I kept mine, didn't you?
Millions of Americans could not, and had to pay for shit they want nothing to do with

did you keep your doctor?
If you show us your tax returns and list of charitable donations, perhaps he will answer you.
fraud is promising something, taking funding for that "something", and knowing it was a lie from the start -

take Trump University for instance.

You can keep your doctor

I kept mine, didn't you?
Millions of Americans could not, and had to pay for shit they want nothing to do with

did you keep your doctor?
Of course, I’ve been paying out of pocket for 20 years… So I get to choose
The Obama administration and Dem's scheme was to lock in as much government spending as humanly possible, then later when the bill comes due spin a narrative while acting all innocent that government must pay its bills, that's the schemed excuse for massive tax increases.

Dem's can't win elections by promising massive tax increases, this was one of their schemes to force tax increases.
fraud is promising something, taking funding for that "something", and knowing it was a lie from the start -

take Trump University for instance.

You can keep your doctor

I kept mine, didn't you?

Nope.. My plan type was outlawed and made illegal.. ALL professional group policies written on a nation wide were banned outright... That means doctors, veterinarians, self-employed techies, restaurant owners, and all the others that had VIBRANT and healthy group plans got tossed into "the pool"...

That's ripping up the 90% that WERE covered to fix a 10% problem.. It's basically unforgiveable..

I also had a small biz insurance company with combined knowledge of a couple hundred years of experience to look for alternatives.. ObamaCare took THAT away also and replaced with telephone help that literally COULD NOT ADD and didn't know shit.. My guess is they were pushing a falafel cart the week before the govt hired them..

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