Did the parties switch on civil rights?

I think the reason that people still hang on to the idea that parties represent ideologies ("Democrats are for racism," for example) is that for most of our lives, Republican has meant conservative, and Democrat has meant liberal. It hasn't always been that way, and in fact was almost never that way.

Parties are coalitions of people who have some purpose or ideal in common, but they always have wings of some kind, and they naturally change as issues and concerns of the times change. The idea that any group of people would have the same common ground about social and political issues now, as they did centuries or even decades ago, doesn't make any sense.

We're on our sixth two-party system now since the Constitution was written. They shuffle pretty regularly, and we're overdue for an upheaval to the seventh, if we're not in it already.
The old Democratic Party of RW white southerners has morphed into the current GOP of Trump & McConnell. Their tacit motto is keep the Blacks in their place forever. These are the descendants of those greedy white Europeans who brought Black Africans to the South in the first place.

Yet the reality is just what LBJ said it would do. It’s the demleftists that keep blacks in their place. In the inner cities voting dem 95%.
We have no party working for the average American, Its tooth to nail fight over power, & money. Run by those seeking both. little interest or connection to the majority.
Determine when more Blacks began voting Democrat than Republican and you'll have your answer...

Sumfin' tells me yer gonna hafta go pretty far back in time to find that data-point, though... :laugh:
Determine when more Blacks began voting Democrat than Republican and you'll have your answer...

Sumfin' tells me yer gonna hafta go pretty far back in time to find that data-point, though... :laugh:
That would be right around 1933, when FDR was elected and started to institute the New Deal.
To belabor the obvious, the Republican Party has always been our more conservative political party, and the South has always been our most conservative region. But Southern conservatives were alienated from the GOP because of slavery and the Civil War. However much affinity they might have for Republicans on issues such as national defense or taxes, they were never going to formally join the party of Abraham Lincoln.

And so America had a historical anomaly, in which conservative Southerners found themselves permanent members of our more liberal political party, the Democrats. It took a great deal of compromise and political skill to keep Northern liberals and Southern conservatives sufficiently allied to win the White House and control of Congress.

Region played a greater factor in civil rights than party did.

Note how the votes break down in 1964:

By party and region[edit]​

The House of Representatives:[3][34]

Note that four Representatives voted Present while 13 did not vote.

The Senate:[34]


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