Did the wrong country win WW2 ???

I think 1930s Germany looked more like 1920s America...

You fucking retard. The KKK, when they existed, was a fringe group, as opposed to Nazi Germany where Naziism was the orthodoxy. America has never been a a country that can in any way be compared to Nazi Germany. Only a complete sleaze bag would post something like this.
What they have done to Trump is
Enjoy your fantasy world and delusions.
it’s the USSR with a big nice smiley face

now American Nazism is showing its extreme HATE to white males and chrisistans
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My biological father saw shitstain obama as the harbinger of evil. Dad was a WWII hero. Part of the force that landed at Normandy. When shitstain obama was elected Dad said if he had known that this was going to happen he would have defected to the Germans.

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