Did theives steal Shakespeare's skull?


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The findings of a new investigation of William Shakespeare’s grave in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon in England support claims made more than a century ago about the contents of the grave. Or the lack of contents, specifically.

After the first archaeological study of the playwright’s grave at Holy Trinity Church, 400 years after his death, researchers say they believe his skull is missing. They determined this by using ground-penetrating radar to scan the contents of the grave.

A magazine called The Argosy first claimed in 1879 that the writer’s skull had been stolen nearly a century before, when grave robbing was common, though that claim was and continues to be dismissed by some. According to Reuters, skulls were collectible items because genius was expected to be observable in the remains of the deceased. Shakespeare’s own character, Hamlet, in a famous scene holds the skull of a friend while he muses on death, as Reuters points out.
Did theives steal Shakespeare's skull?

There was a period of body snatching in US history which was the cause of a riot:
The Gory New York City Riot that Shaped American Medicine | History | Smithsonian


But, if his skull is missing then I would bet it was taken during the social Darwinism era.
That makes no sense. He's been dead for 400 years and buried inside of the church, but nobody has ever mentioned coming in one morning and finding the church floor has been pulled up.
It was a common enough occurrence for him to curse his own grave.
It's not a question of how common an occurrence skull stealing was, but someone would have had to dig up the floor of the church to do so. If that happened, it would be in the church records.
Unless someone in the church was involved.

A friend of mine lives in London and said there was a documentary on it that makes a pretty good case for it. I haven't seen it. I'm not sure I have enough time or interest to hunt it down. It may be one of those little mysteries that gets shelved to the meh pile. Also known as the someday when I retire pile.

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