Did These Guys Get Background Checks...before Killing 9 Year Old...

You seem to have missed the main point. Other countries aren't incarcerating everyone to fix the problem and yet have lower crime rates. It would seem foolish to think that is the answer. Just like it's foolish to think more guns is the answer when we have more than any other country.

costing $24,000 per inmate per year, and $5.1 billion in new prison construction, consumes $60.3 billion in budget expenditures.

I read somewhere that a criminal out in the world costs society 3 million dollars a year...so excuse me if 24,000 dollars sounds like a deal...and it keeps them from killing 9'year olds....kind,of seals the deal....if stopping crime was you goal...which it obviously isn't....
since anti gunners love the anti gun laws of other countries, and hearing stories about failed gun laws in other countries might make a difference to rational people here....

Registration and licensing of America's 60-65 million gun owners and their 200 million firearms would require the creation of a huge bureaucracy at tremendous cost to the taxpayer, with absolutely no tangible anti-crime return. Indeed, New Zealand authorities repealed registration in the 1980s after police acknowledged its worthlessness, and a similar recommendation was made by Australian law enforcement. Law enforcement would be diverted from its primary responsibility, apprehending and arresting criminals, to investigating and processing paperwork on law-abiding citizens.
What failed gun laws would this be?
Passing more gun laws is going to jack squat for those that have no intention of following the law in the first place. It places a burden law abiding citizens in hopes it will deter criminals. It doesn't. The easy access criminals have to guns isn't going to change if you make it more difficult for lawful following citizens to obtain their own guns. It only makes it them easier prey. I am not saying we should have a free for all devoid of any regulations either.
Requiring background checks on all sales will make it so the seller can't just say I didn't know he was a felon.

Or...you do the thing that will actually work...and lock up e felon with the illegal gun for 10 or more years solely on the gun charge...for those,gun grabbers,who like foreign gun control laws that is how they lower gun violence in Japan...long sentences for using guns to commit crimes....

then you don't have to,register any guns and have leverage with the criminal to I.D. The seller....no registration is required....

makes you wonder about these democrat cities and their prosecutors....why do they let these criminals back on the street with such light sentences for gun crimes when they keep bitching and moaning about gun crime....
. If you are a law abiding citizen and it becomes the law to register your guns then you will do it.

Seig Heil....

the true totalitariann finally peaks out....
What failed gun laws would this be?

if you read the whole quote you would see it refers to New Zealand's failed registration law....it was dropped,because it didn't help fight crime and consumed lots of police time investigating non criminal,citizens....
Again we have the fullest jails in the world. If that were the solution we would also have the lowest crime rate. Clearly we do not.

Requiring background checks on all sales will make it so the seller can't just say I didn't know he was a felon.

Or...you do the thing that will actually work...and lock up e felon with the illegal gun for 10 or more years solely on the gun charge...for those,gun grabbers,who like foreign gun control laws that is how they lower gun violence in Japan...long sentences for using guns to commit crimes....

then you don't have to,register any guns and have leverage with the criminal to I.D. The seller....no registration is required....

makes you wonder about these democrat cities and their prosecutors....why do they let these criminals back on the street with such light sentences for gun crimes when they keep bitching and moaning about gun crime....
t. Other countries aren't incarcerating everyone to fix the problem and yet have lower crime rates. It would seem foolish to think that is the answer. J

You miss the point...Japan is incarcerating the right criminals...the ones using guns for long periods of time...so long in fact that their criminals don't want to be caught with a gun....that is how you stop gun violence....target criminals using guns and lock them up for a long time...make room by letting the dope heads out...

But stopping crime isn't the goal is it...getting rid of guns is....but the gun grabbers still haven't figured out how to stop criminals from breaking the law....
Guns can get sold now to felons with very little worry to the seller. The gun is unregistered and unlikely to come back to them. If it does come back we don't require a background check for private sales so he can just say he didn't know he was a felon. Registration and required background checks would change this making it much harder for criminals to get guns.

Passing more gun laws is going to jack squat for those that have no intention of following the law in the first place. It places a burden law abiding citizens in hopes it will deter criminals. It doesn't. The easy access criminals have to guns isn't going to change if you make it more difficult for lawful following citizens to obtain their own guns. It only makes it them easier prey. I am not saying we should have a free for all devoid of any regulations either.
How,does,Japan keep the gun crime rate low...by being a police state...police search people and homes at will, and police and prosecutors,collude,in getting witness confessions, while defense attorneys look the other way and judges ignore the coercion....hey...this sounds like exactly the thing gun grabbers would love....

Japanese Gun Control
III. A Police State
Illegal gun possession, like illegal drug possession, is a consensual offense. There is no victim to complain to the police. Accordingly, in order to find illegal guns, the Japanese police are given broad search and seizure powers. The basic firearms law permits a policeman to search a person's belongings if the officer judges there is 'sufficient suspicion that a person is carrying a fire-arm, a sword or a knife' or if he judges that a person 'is likely to endanger life or body of other persons judging reasonably from his abnormal behavior or any other surrounding circumstances'.[32] Once a weapon is found, the policeman may confiscate it. Even if the confiscation is later admitted to be an error, the firearm is sometimes not returned.[33](p.29)

In practice, the special law for weapons searches is not necessary, since the police routinely search at will. They ask suspicious characters to show them what is in their purse or sack.[34] In the rare cases where a policeman's search (for a gun or any other contraband) is ruled illegal, it hardly matters; the Japanese courts permit the use of illegally seized evidence.[35] And legal rules aside, Japanese, both criminals and ordinary citizens, are much the more willing than their American counterparts to consent to searches and to answer questions from the police.[36]
again....arrest the felon with the illegal gun and you don't have to,worry about the guy who sold it to him...put the felon away for 10 or more,years for the illegal possession and that will dry up the use of guns to commit crime without registering guns for later banning....

problem actually solved....
You might have a point there. Do you have any stats for what % of our prisons are violent criminals vs the dope heads?

t. Other countries aren't incarcerating everyone to fix the problem and yet have lower crime rates. It would seem foolish to think that is the answer. J

You miss the point...Japan is incarcerating the right criminals...the ones using guns for long periods of time...so long in fact that their criminals don't want to be caught with a gun....that is how you stop gun violence....target criminals using guns and lock them up for a long time...make room by letting the dope heads out...

But stopping crime isn't the goal is it...getting rid of guns is....but the gun grabbers still haven't figured out how to stop criminals from breaking the law....
What failed gun laws would this be?

if you read the whole quote you would see it refers to New Zealand's failed registration law....it was dropped,because it didn't help fight crime and consumed lots of police time investigating non criminal,citizens....
I live in a country with strict gun laws and they work.
So rather than stop the criminal from getting the gun you want to catch him after he has already killed somebody? I'd rather make it harder to get the gun in the first place so somebody doesn't have to die. Maybe even catch the criminal trying to buy a gun illegally.

again....arrest the felon with the illegal gun and you don't have to,worry about the guy who sold it to him...put the felon away for 10 or more,years for the illegal possession and that will dry up the use of guns to commit crime without registering guns for later banning....

problem actually solved....
Well, they seem to have caught the gang members who murdered a 9'year old boy...Why did they kill the boy...they were out looking to kill rival gang members and thought he was going to shout a warning...so they shot him 4 times killing him....

Now...these guys are all full time gang members....with prior criminal convictions...in fact....the murderer did 3 1/2 years for a previous gun crime...okay...none of these guys could legally buy a gun, own a gun or carry a gun....they did not register their gun...they did not go through 16 hours of training to get a concealed carry permit...

And they somehow had a gun and used it to slaughter a 9 year old boy...without hesitation, mercy or regret....

so tell me....what law prevented this from happening....?

9-Year-Old Boy Shot And Killed By Gang Member In Chicago Concealed Nation
Antonio Smith, a 9-year-old boy, was shot at least four times by Allmon and died at the hospital. The boy, nor any of his family members, were affiliated with any gangs.

Allmon threw the handgun down a sewer and was later recovered by police during their investigation. The handgun was traced back to two other shootings, one of which was fatal.

Also important to note is that Allmon had been arrested in 2012 on gun charges and served 3 1/2 years for those crimes. He was released just a few weeks before gunning down this innocent 9-year-old boy.
The law that allowed this to happen was the Indiana law on private gun sales, which require no background check, waiting period, or record keeping.

In other words, the law that you favor.

"The gun has been linked to another homicide and a separate shooting, both this year, according to McCarthy. He said a partial trace indicated it came from Indiana, which has less restrictive gun laws than Illinois and has been a major source of guns used in crimes in Cook County. Private gun sales in Indiana don't require background checks, a waiting period or even a record of the transaction."

Police Gang members thought boy 9 was warning rivals and killed him - Chicago Tribune

Police Gang members thought boy 9 was warning rivals and killed him - Chicago Tribune
besides....you are the one always carping on 232,000 guns stolen every year....those,guns can be,registered 100 times over and it does nothing to help stop crimes with guns or solve crimes with guns...they are stolen to sell on the street for drug money....

and as we,learned from bill "the serial sexual predator" Clinton, one of his campaign donors, Wan Jun, was caught trying to sell AK-47s to L.A. Street gangs...again...weapons smuggled,in from other countries,will also not be,registered, so again registering guns will not stop crimes with guns or solve those crimes.
In other words, the law that you favor.

Yes, because the guy would still get the gun...no matter how many guns you register...he is a criminal...they will get guns...he was out of prison from another gun offense after only 3 1/2 years...that is the problem...
exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?

You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.
I totally disagree. Women should all be issued guns and trained to use them...with Concealed Weapon permits.
. Maybe even catch the criminal trying to buy a gun illegally.

I'm all for this...set up stings...and then arrest the actual felons buying the illegal guns...set up fake gun stores or internet sales,or gun show sales...then arrest the actual criminal and leave,law,abiding citizens alone...

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