Did These Guys Get Background Checks...before Killing 9 Year Old...

If guns are registered then when someone is found with one of those 232,000 stolen guns it can be identified. Whoever has it now will be jailed as the thief or for buying it without a background check and the gun will be returned to original owner. This person if not the thief may rat out the seller. Then you go to the seller who is probably the thief and capture him. Since he sold an unregistered gun he is now also in trouble even if not the thief. So all this makes it much more likely to be thrown in jail for dealing in stolen guns. That should make you happy.

besides....you are the one always carping on 232,000 guns stolen every year....those,guns can be,registered 100 times over and it does nothing to help stop crimes with guns or solve crimes with guns...they are stolen to sell on the street for drug money....

and as we,learned from bill "the serial sexual predator" Clinton, one of his campaign donors, Wan Jun, was caught trying to sell AK-47s to L.A. Street gangs...again...weapons smuggled,in from other countries,will also not be,registered, so again registering guns will not stop crimes with guns or solve those crimes.
Well Bill we agree on most of that I think. The problem I see is without guns being registered or requiring background checks on all sales the ability to do that is limited.

. Maybe even catch the criminal trying to buy a gun illegally.

I'm all for this...set up stings...and then arrest the actual felons buying the illegal guns...set up fake gun stores or internet sales,or gun show sales...then arrest the actual criminal and leave,law,abiding citizens alone...
"The gun has been linked to another homicide and a separate shooting, both this year, according to McCarthy. He said a partial trace indicated it came from Indiana, which has less restrictive gun laws than Illinois and has been a major source of guns used in crimes in Cook County. Private gun sales in Indiana don't require background checks, a waiting period or even a record of the transaction."

and here you have deep gun grabber stupidity....please,explain to me why it is relevant that criminals in Chicago go to Indiana to get guns....

Why do I ask this....because there are states in this country where guns are bought, owned and actually carried...with lots and lots,of gun stores....meaning their criminals can get guns without leaving their states.....and yet...their gun violence is no where close to Chicago's gun violence level...

Please explain that dynamic....if they were serious about stopping gun crime in Chicago, they would get prosecutors,and judges to give long prison sentences to these felons with guns....another shooting happened earlier this year...2 gang members shot up a park...they had prior gun arrests...and we're out in less than three years...

the solution is,to lock up the falcons with guns for a long time...that will stop gun violence...

but you don't care,about that...you just care,about the guns....
here is politician gun grabber stupidity, which is allowed because the media supports gun grabbing....

police commissioner McCarthy complained about gang members,getting illegal guns in Indiana because Indiana doesn't have background checks, waiting periods or registration...

Riddle me this Batman....why then does Indiana have a lower gun murder rate than illinois....


gun mureder rate,in Chicago...

Despite bloody weekend Chicago s murder rate is down chief says - CNN.com
It is relevant because city gun laws are very limited. It is easy to go out of the city and avoid those laws and return with a gun.

"The gun has been linked to another homicide and a separate shooting, both this year, according to McCarthy. He said a partial trace indicated it came from Indiana, which has less restrictive gun laws than Illinois and has been a major source of guns used in crimes in Cook County. Private gun sales in Indiana don't require background checks, a waiting period or even a record of the transaction."

and here you have deep gun grabber stupidity....please,explain to me why it is relevant that criminals in Chicago go to Indiana to get guns....

Why do I ask this....because there are states in this country where guns are bought, owned and actually carried...with lots and lots,of gun stores....meaning their criminals can get guns without leaving their states.....and yet...their gun violence is no where close to Chicago's gun violence level...

Please explain that dynamic....if they were serious about stopping gun crime in Chicago, they would get prosecutors,and judges to give long prison sentences to these felons with guns....another shooting happened earlier this year...2 gang members shot up a park...they had prior gun arrests...and we're out in less than three years...

the solution is,to lock up the falcons with guns for a long time...that will stop gun violence...

but you don't care,about that...you just care,about the guns....
Large cities are always going to have a higher rate. Really large population density.

here is politician gun grabber stupidity, which is allowed because the media supports gun grabbing....

police commissioner McCarthy complained about gang members,getting illegal guns in Indiana because Indiana doesn't have background checks, waiting periods or registration...

Riddle me this Batman....why then does Indiana have a lower gun murder rate than Chicago...the city vs. Indiana, the state....


gun mureder rate,in Chicago...

Despite bloody weekend Chicago s murder rate is down chief says - CNN.com
but Chicago has more restrictive gun laws than Indiana...right...so no matter what that, according to gun grabber logic, means their murder rate should be lower...right?

considering gangs in Indiana and other criminals don't have to leave the state to get illegal guns....right?

Illinois has a higher gun murder rate,than Indiana...Indiana has less,restrictive gun laws....

gun grabber logic defeated...

thank you...I'll be here all week....be sure to tip you waiters...
And city gun laws are extremely weak as it is easy to leave the city and return with a gun.

but Chicago has more restrictive gun laws than Indiana...right...so no matter what that, according to gun grabber logic, means their mureder rate,should be,lower...right?
And city gun laws are extremely weak as it is easy to leave the city and return with a gun.

Brain357... You missed again...criminals,in Indiana don't have,to leave their state to get those guns the Illinois gang bangers get....and Chicago has draconian gun laws....for law abiding citizens....the gang bangers break the law....

so again...why does Indiana, with extremely lax gun laws have a lower gun murder rate than Chicago that has draconian gun laws?

any answer for that?
Cities with large population density are going to have higher crime rates. Indianapolis has a population of about 840k, Chicago 2.7 million. City gun laws are very weak because you can just leave the city and return with a gun. What part are you not understanding? Draconian gun laws mean very little when it's easy to go to someplace without them.

And city gun laws are extremely weak as it is easy to leave the city and return with a gun.

Brain357... You missed again...criminals,in Indiana don't have,to leave their state to get those guns the Illinois gang bangers get....and Chicago has draconian gun laws....for law abiding citizens....the gang bangers break the law....

so again...why does Indiana, with extremely lax gun laws have a lower gun murder rate than Chicago that has draconian gun laws?

any answer for that?
Cities with large population density are going to have higher crime rates. Indianapolis has a population of about 840k, Chicago 2.7 million. City gun laws are very weak because you can just leave the city and return with a gun. What part are you not understanding? Draconian gun laws mean very little when it's easy to go to someplace without them.

Thank you for agreeing with the pro gun arguments made in post after post....city gun laws are,weak....because criminals,ignore them....gun laws,mean very little....when criminals ignore them....

population density....drug gangs, welfare policies, criminal justice,policies....those determine gun crime level...and arming law,abiding citizens deters crime as well...considering Chicago just implemented concealed,carry in January and the crime rate is down 20%...

Background checks, gun registration and magazine limits...do not stop gun crime and do not stop mass shooters....
FBI gun murder rates by state...Illinois...with stricter gun laws...has a higher gun murder rate than Indiana, the state the Chicago police Commissioner keeps complaining about...again...why is that?

FBI mdash Table 20

Illinois 2011 ....377

Indiana 2011...183

Again...since criminals in Indiana don't have to even leave their state to get guns, and Indiana gun laws are lax...why does Chicago with draconian gun laws have a higher murder rate?

According to gun grabber logic...Chicago has more gun laws and prevents more people from having, owning, buying and carrying guns...they don't even allow gun stores inside the city....yet...so they should have a lower crime rate...right? two states right next to each other...
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I'm actually with the Wrongpublicans on the issue of background checks before gun purchases--I believe there shouldn't be any, because I believe there shouldn't be any guns to buy. No matter how much we regulate them, they're still dangerous tools of mass murder. The only way to stop the senseless violence guns are used for is to ban them completely.
You know it to be true.

You know there is another way we could cut the homicide rate in half and not touch guns at all.

Ban black people.

Makes as much sense as banning guns.

"so tell me....what law prevented this from happening....? (Bill)

9-Year-Old Boy Shot And Killed By Gang Member In Chicago Concealed Nation"

By all means, since the law failed to protect this boy, let's just repeal it. After all, in inner city needs expanded economic opportunities, so it would be a good idea to allow vendors to set up flea markets in the lower 9th Ward in New Orleans on Saturday nights, for the purpose of buying and selling weapons. Business would be booming.....
Indiana has no large city comparable to Chicago.

FBI gun murder rates by state...Illinois...with stricter gun laws...has a higher gun murder rate than Indiana, the state the Chicago police Commissioner keeps complaining about...again...why is that?

FBI mdash Table 20

Illinois 2011 ....377

Indiana 2011...183

Again...since criminals in Indiana don't have to even leave their state to get guns, and Indiana gun laws are lax...why does Chicago with draconian gun laws have a higher murder rate?

According to gun grabber logic...Chicago has more gun laws and prevents more people from having, owning, buying and carrying guns...they don't even allow gun stores inside the city....yet...so they should have a lower crime rate...right? two states right next to each other...
"The gun has been linked to another homicide and a separate shooting, both this year, according to McCarthy. He said a partial trace indicated it came from Indiana, which has less restrictive gun laws than Illinois and has been a major source of guns used in crimes in Cook County. Private gun sales in Indiana don't require background checks, a waiting period or even a record of the transaction."

and here you have deep gun grabber stupidity....please,explain to me why it is relevant that criminals in Chicago go to Indiana to get guns....

Why do I ask this....because there are states in this country where guns are bought, owned and actually carried...with lots and lots,of gun stores....meaning their criminals can get guns without leaving their states.....and yet...their gun violence is no where close to Chicago's gun violence level...

Please explain that dynamic....if they were serious about stopping gun crime in Chicago, they would get prosecutors,and judges to give long prison sentences to these felons with guns....another shooting happened earlier this year...2 gang members shot up a park...they had prior gun arrests...and we're out in less than three years...

the solution is,to lock up the falcons with guns for a long time...that will stop gun violence...

but you don't care,about that...you just care,about the guns....
Talk about stupidity! You asked two questions in your OP: Did the shooter get background checks?, and What law would have prevented this from happening?

I gave you both answers. So now you deflect elsewhere.

Going "out of state" for weapons is no big deal for Chicagoans, with Gary, Indiana, being about 25 miles from downtown Chicago. It looks like the answer to the problem you pose is a simple one - make background checks for all gun sales mandatory.
Yes city gun laws are weak, that is why we need national gun laws.

This mass shooter would have had a lot more trouble getting a gun if he had to have a background check. Maybe he'd have been caught trying to buy a gun rather than after people died:
Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn t A Problem Blog Media Matters for America

This mass shooter was stopped when he reloaded. Lives would have been saved if he had a smaller magazine:
2011 Tucson shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Cities with large population density are going to have higher crime rates. Indianapolis has a population of about 840k, Chicago 2.7 million. City gun laws are very weak because you can just leave the city and return with a gun. What part are you not understanding? Draconian gun laws mean very little when it's easy to go to someplace without them.

Thank you for agreeing with the pro gun arguments made in post after post....city gun laws are,weak....because criminals,ignore them....gun laws,mean very little....when criminals ignore them....

population density....drug gangs, welfare policies, criminal justice,policies....those determine gun crime level...and arming law,abiding citizens deters crime as well...considering Chicago just implemented concealed,carry in January and the crime rate is down 20%...

Background checks, gun registration and magazine limits...do not stop gun crime and do not stop mass shooters....
Indiana has no large city comparable to Chicago.

According to you guys it doesn't matter....chicago has draconian gun laws...end of story...there should be much less gun crime there...regardless of Indiana's gun laws...and Indiana should be like Mad Max because they have loose gun laws...
How many mass shooters passed criminal background checks...Colorado theater shooter, Navy Yard shooter, both Fort Hood shooters, the Santa Barbara shooter... and the list goes on and on...and the guy you point to...bought from a private seller..

How many mass shooters just ignored the background check altogether and stole their guns...Columbine, Sandy Hook...and the list goes on and on....

even if you registered the gun...if the guy selling it stole the gun, registering the gun does nothing...get it...you will simply trace the gun back to the law abiding citizen who had the gun stolen....wow...crime not solved...

Magazine limits...the latest killer in Santa Barbara just legally bought more 10 round magazines...and then they could also just buy more guns and simply draw another gun and start shooting...

Background checks, registration (or the prelude to confiscation), and magazine limits are stupid...they do not stop crime and they do not stop mass shooters...

Lock up criminals with felonies who use guns for a long time....that will stop gun crime...

But no...you don't really care about stopping mass shooters or gun crime...you care about making it harder for regular people to have guns...it is the irrational fear of guns, not crime that motivates you...
As to your answers...

Did the shooter get background checks?, and What law would have prevented this from happening?

The answer to both questions is No...and None...

The three guys were career gang bangers with extensive criminal histories and none of them could buy, own, or carry the gun that was used to kill the 9 year old boy...

I know...again...let's make a new law for gang bangers that says....hey...you gang bangers....it is now super, duper, triple illegal for you guys to own, buy or carry a gun....and we really, really, really mean it this time...and if you do it again we will be really, really, really, seriously upset with you...

There...I guess problem solved...

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