Did Trump just cost himself a Nobel Prize?

Trump had an opportunity in his hands

Peace on the Korean Peninsula

Instead he wasted it away
There's a long way to go there. The Iran stuff doesn't necessarily directly impact it. We'll just have to see what happens when Trump meets with Kim and so on.
He was never going to get one anyway.

Trump is also smart enough to not run the nations international affairs based upon getting a prize. Obie worries about that kind of crap, it’s what made him so worthless.
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy

Trump is so not worthy until like NK, he forces Iran to come around to our side, gets their nuke ambitions under control and brokers a new better peace in the Middle East.

Who cares? Trump absolutely just saved Israel from a second Holocaust.....I say he gets one for both moves.

BTW, Alfred Nobel (along with Al Gore and Jake Starkey) invented dynamite so the prize is pretty much a farce in the first place.

HOW did Trump just save Israel from a second Holocaust. I think there are some steps required to get from where we are today to there.
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy

It will be Jinping and Moon Jae-In (South Korean president). Possibly they may award it to the two nations North Korea and South Korea if a deal to end the war officially is struck and detente takes firm hold. I don't see how they can include Kim Jong Un but they may.

Trump now qualifies for the Beelzebub Perpetual War Prize that all Republicans seem to covet. The US has now violated the Iran Agreement unilaterally and appears to be trying to coerce it's allies to support this illegal move. Our allies already told Trump go fuck yourself, you're a Mussolini wannabe that will never be.
NOT getting one is more of an honor than GETTING one. It would lower him to the level of Yasir Arafat and Barack Obama. THAT is not an honor.
It will be Jinping and Moon Jae-In (South Korean president). Possibly they may award it to the two nations North Korea and South Korea if a deal to end the war officially is struck and detente takes firm hold. I don't see how they can include Kim Jong Un but they may.

Trump now qualifies for the Beelzebub Perpetual War Prize that all Republicans seem to covet. The US has now violated the Iran Agreement unilaterally and appears to be trying to coerce it's allies to support this illegal move. Our allies already told Trump go fuck yourself, you're a Mussolini wannabe that will never be.

Isn’t that wonderful?

How will you react if Kim Jong Il wins a peace prize and Crooked Donnie has to watch from jail?
Trump is not going to jail dummy...he isn't getting impeached and he isn't stepping down...he is making America great again and beginning his re election campaign which he will win...he is picking up support from the minority community and his approval numbers are still higher than Obuttfucks and rising...the Mueller investigation is a bust and the dems realize it....you are always a month or two behind...
Further evidence that it matters not what Trump does or doesn't do; they'll whine, bitch and moan regardless. Fuck all these psychopaths.
The thought of awarding Drumpf a Nobel Peace Prize after he tore up the Iran Agreement is as laughable as it is ironic. And it's as ironic as was Melania's initiative against cyber-bullying when she's hitched to the Cyber-bully in Chief. :)

Who cares? Trump absolutely just saved Israel from a second Holocaust.....I say he gets one for both moves.

BTW, Alfred Nobel (along with Al Gore and Jake Starkey) invented dynamite so the prize is pretty much a farce in the first place.
HOW did Trump just save Israel from a second Holocaust. I think there are some steps required to get from where we are today to there.

For one thing, Obumu practically pulled all but the rug out from under Israel, even conspiring to thwart Bibi's reelection. In contrast, Trump has poured it on since elected, giving Israel everything they could use to get their legs back under them.
Trump is not going to jail dummy...he isn't getting impeached and he isn't stepping down...he is making America great again and beginning his re election campaign which he will win...

They said the same thing about Nixon (Richard not Cynthia) and his lawyer wasn't caught taking $500K from the Russians

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