Did Trump repeatedly use the “N” Word?

She lied

Omarosa says Trump is a racist who uses N-word – and claims there's tape to prove it. Omarosa says Trump is a racist who uses N-word – and claims there's tape to prove it

There’s one claim in particular concerning pollster Frank Luntz and Trump’s use of the N-word that Luntz said was flatly untrue:

I’m in @Omarosa’s book on page 149. She claims to have heard from someone who heard from me that I heard Trump use the N-word.

Not only is this flat-out false (I’ve never heard such a thing), but Omarosa didn’t even make an effort to call or email me to verify. Very shoddy work.
In her book Omarosa claims Trump used offensive language about blacks and minorities

Omarosa tells NPR she heard tape of Trump using the N-word, contradicting her book

For some reason, the tapes and manuscripts are locked up so nobody can verify

He could say the N word in the middle of times square instead of shooting someone, and as long as his presidency produces results, as long as the African American community experience less police brutality, has more jobs and economic opportunity, more health, housing & education opportunities, and are seen as more equal in ever way, they will consider HIM their N---- and will vote accordingly.

Most minorities never really trusted the white man's media anyhow. . . .

So does it matter if there is a tape of him singing to some rap music?
Who to believe????? The crown prince of lies or the crown princess of lies?? Ah, the conundrums of life.

You like drama? We! Got! Drama! Live! 24/7 on the news outlet of your choice!

I hate reality shows, but this one in particular really sucks. Actually, pretty much all of them do. Boo.
Chris Rock used it 47 times in performances back in the day. Guys use it now frequently.
How can you so trivialize ithe word yet expect others to hold it with such reverence?
In her book Omarosa claims Trump used offensive language about blacks and minorities

Omarosa tells NPR she heard tape of Trump using the N-word, contradicting her book

For some reason, the tapes and manuscripts are locked up so nobody can verify
You know that the guy who called countries with people of color “shithole countries” totally uses that word.

Just like his little white supremacist trumpkins

The only well managed country in either Africa or South America I can think of is Wakanda.
We all know who repeatedly uses the N word-blacks, but they have a boatload of bs excuses trying to legitimize it
What does that have to do with Trump using it

Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the Left.

Who is the president?

Isn’t he held to a higher standard than a rap star?


1. There is no evidence that Trump repeatedly used the word, other than an unverified report from a fired employee.

I know that that is all you need. Because it serves your purpose.

2. Also, your double standard is based on race and you know it. Any white person using the n word, is taboo, while it is ok for black people. You are a liar.
In her book Omarosa claims Trump used offensive language about blacks and minorities

Omarosa tells NPR she heard tape of Trump using the N-word, contradicting her book

For some reason, the tapes and manuscripts are locked up so nobody can verify

Seems unlikely. If it were true, considering how much of Trump's life was in the spotlight, some lefty would have found it already and posted it EVERYWHERE.
So you think a known racist didn’t ever use the N word?
Your blind loyalty to him will never waver.

Just because his enemies "know" something, does not make it true, loser.
In her book Omarosa claims Trump used offensive language about blacks and minorities

Omarosa tells NPR she heard tape of Trump using the N-word, contradicting her book

For some reason, the tapes and manuscripts are locked up so nobody can verify

While it wouldn't surprise me, nothing about that woman is credible.

She is as credible as Stormy Daniels! Lol

You shouldn't type with such sticky fingers.
In her book Omarosa claims Trump used offensive language about blacks and minorities

Omarosa tells NPR she heard tape of Trump using the N-word, contradicting her book

For some reason, the tapes and manuscripts are locked up so nobody can verify

Seems unlikely. If it were true, considering how much of Trump's life was in the spotlight, some lefty would have found it already and posted it EVERYWHERE.
So you think a known racist didn’t ever use the N word?
Your blind loyalty to him will never waver.

Just because his enemies "know" something, does not make it true, loser.

People are hypersensitive to the issue of racism and so once it is invoked it produces irrational thought that supersedes fact finding and context. The emotion then overrides logic, which has produced the extreme emotional reactions to the subject and it closes off any discussion to try to clarify points or positions.

We see it here, I am all for legal immigration to this country however I am against illegal immigration, so I am branded a racist, therefore the opposing side does not have to support their argument, they demean and villianize on the basis of something that doesn’t exist and shuts down any real dialogue to find any solution.

We saw it with Obama and Hillary Clinton, I am fundamentally opposed to many of their ideas, just as I am with most Democrats, however given the are black and female, the rhetoric is I am racist and a misogynist. This provides the emotion of hate and dissolves any dialogue for change or working together for solutions.

It is very effective because it invokes emotions I into issues and not logic.
I judge someone by their actions not the alleged words that come out of their mouths. Trump is no racist. There simply is no proof of such an allegation
We all know who repeatedly uses the N word-blacks, but they have a boatload of bs excuses trying to legitimize it
What does that have to do with Trump using it

Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the Left.

Who is the president?

Isn’t he held to a higher standard than a rap star?


1. There is no evidence that Trump repeatedly used the word, other than an unverified report from a fired employee.

I know that that is all you need. Because it serves your purpose.

2. Also, your double standard is based on race and you know it. Any white person using the n word, is taboo, while it is ok for black people. You are a liar.
There is evidence that Trump is blocking access to Apprentice tapes that would confirm whether this happened or is just a rumor

In the absence of audio tapes, we just have to go on the value of Trumps word
We all know who repeatedly uses the N word-blacks, but they have a boatload of bs excuses trying to legitimize it
What does that have to do with Trump using it

Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the Left.

Who is the president?

Isn’t he held to a higher standard than a rap star?


1. There is no evidence that Trump repeatedly used the word, other than an unverified report from a fired employee.

I know that that is all you need. Because it serves your purpose.

2. Also, your double standard is based on race and you know it. Any white person using the n word, is taboo, while it is ok for black people. You are a liar.
There is evidence that Trump is blocking access to Apprentice tapes that would confirm whether this happened or is just a rumor

In the absence of audio tapes, we just have to go on the value of Trumps word
There is no evidence of any tapes at all. Demands that Trump produce tapes that don't exist is something more than the usual democrat nonsense.

Omarosa claims that someone heard a third party make the claim that Frank Luntz told someone else that there were such tapes. Luntz said he never made that claim to anyone.
We all know who repeatedly uses the N word-blacks, but they have a boatload of bs excuses trying to legitimize it
What does that have to do with Trump using it

Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the Left.

Who is the president?

Isn’t he held to a higher standard than a rap star?


1. There is no evidence that Trump repeatedly used the word, other than an unverified report from a fired employee.

I know that that is all you need. Because it serves your purpose.

2. Also, your double standard is based on race and you know it. Any white person using the n word, is taboo, while it is ok for black people. You are a liar.
Omarosa tried to get cover. She never heard Trump use a perjorative on the Apprentice. If she had she would never have gone over to the administration. So that didn't support her lie. She had to find someone else. Someone credible. She picked Frank Luntz. Again she could not say she heard Luntz say anything. It would have to be third or fourth hand. Now, just shift the burden to Trump to produce tapes to prove his innocence. Done and done.
We all know who repeatedly uses the N word-blacks, but they have a boatload of bs excuses trying to legitimize it
What does that have to do with Trump using it

Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the Left.

Who is the president?

Isn’t he held to a higher standard than a rap star?


1. There is no evidence that Trump repeatedly used the word, other than an unverified report from a fired employee.

I know that that is all you need. Because it serves your purpose.

2. Also, your double standard is based on race and you know it. Any white person using the n word, is taboo, while it is ok for black people. You are a liar.
There is evidence that Trump is blocking access to Apprentice tapes that would confirm whether this happened or is just a rumor

In the absence of audio tapes, we just have to go on the value of Trumps word

I would be shocked if Trump or any other 70 yr old never used the word.

Actions speak louder than words so does it matter?

He has never been accused that I am aware of of not hiring or promoting any black people. He doesn't want to kick all the Hispanics out either. Who will hire for house keeping in his hotels?

There is no upside for him to release any tape for the simple reason of his haters will find some "micro racism" and his supporters don't care.
Well let’s listen to the tapes

Why won’t Trump authorize their release?

Where's Barry's birff certificate....not the photoshopped phony, but the real one....from Kenya? He claimed he was born in 1961 and later claimed his parents met on the bridge in Selma in 1965...Even commiecrat math can't make that happen.

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