Did Trump repeatedly use the “N” Word?

Disgruntled WH staffer, with an axe to grind and no job prospects, writes a book for money disparaging the man who fired her.

Yep, should be a best seller among the looney liberals. .... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
It had been reported before she was dismissed

If it is a false accusation. .......why doesn’t Trump just authorize release of the tapes?

I dunno, why doesn't Rosenstein just release all the documents, lol. We get ours 1st because we have been asking longer-)
i wonder what Joe Biden says every time a group of black americans take their time crossing the street in front of his car
I heard you were beating your wife and kids. If that’s not true please release the tapes I say you have to prove me wrong.

I have nothing to hide and I am not blocking release of Apprentice tapes
Breaking news: I was just informed someone just saw a video of Rightwinger exposing himself to grade school boys. Will he release this damning video to clear himself? USMB wants to know.

I heard the same thing. NOw it is independently verified!
Well there it is. Two sources. He must release those tapes or be convicted of the crime. Is he scared? Why not just release the tapes we say he has?
Sounds more like Nixon every day
Where are the tapes? We need to hear or see them to find you are innocent. Until then you’re guilty.
i wonder what Joe Biden says every time a group of black americans take their time crossing the street in front of his car
What age and gender are they?
i wonder what Hillary says when shes in that same situation
She cant talk with that dick in her mouth.
i wish someone would make that similar challange that Harry Ried did....tell some liberal leader thay he/she doesnt have to prove anything, that the bad mouth liberal leader needs to go on television and claim that they never said {something with the N word}
i cant think of any politician who has never said the N word in their entire life. well, maybe Miss Piggy
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