Did Walter Scott run because he stole a car?

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He ran because there was a warrant out for him for child support.

But a black guy in a Mercedes? He must have jacked it! Or at least that's probably what the cop thought.

Still makes shooting him in the back and planting a Taser on him wrong.

The most baffling part of it is he wasn't running away very fast. The cop could have just tackled him, and that would have been that. There was zero reason for the officer to discharge his firearm.
Of course YOU were on the scene between the two videos.

We get it.

What was between the two videos was meaningless, considering the officer appears to be uninjured. He was unarmed, in some distress, and moving AWAY from the officer at a slow, halting speed. There is no justification for lethal force at that point.
"Appears to be uninjured"? How the fuck do you know what happened?
Should it be proven the officer had sustaining any injuries during the fight when "they were both on the ground" the stupid 'Tree Dweller simians will claim either the cop inflicted his own injuries or some of his fellow cops did it for him back at the station.
If the cop walks the simians will have another excuse to burn the shit hole they live in down AFTER stealing anything of value from their innocent neighbors.
If it's proven in a court of law the cop is guilty so be it. Fry him.

Sad, Sad, racist. (actual racist, not a progressive labelled "racist")

Get help.
Dead-beat father not paying to help support his kids driving a fucking Mercedes.
The cop Tased him in the leg.Both of them were fighting each other "on the ground" according to an eyewitness.
Someone gets into a fight with a cop usually the cop wins.

This cop will be spending the rest of his life in prison, so I don't think he "won".
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