Did we hack North Korea's nuclear test? It failed. Un is a joke

Let's just take him out and start making TVs and cars in North Korea.

We sold them nuclear reactors two years before we placed them on an "axis of evil list". Sold from a company Don Rumsfeld had sat on the board of directors of. Under the auspices of a plan initiated under the Clinton administration and completed under the Bush administration. And Bush ponied up US taxpayer funding to assist North Korea in completing the deal. Utterly bipartisan.

Ever question anything?
It's the perfect natural habitat to transplant all those California costal liberals to.

Without the coastal liberals, your deficit would triples. Liberal states are financing red states. Without them, Republicans couldn't go to war every time they get into power.
Sure they could, war is just business and america profits from war. It's not like we pay for going to war, we just add it to the debt so corporate power can rack up bigger numbers. 59 missiles lobbed on Syria at $1.4M each. Raytheon stock surges, everyone makes bank, including Don who has investements with Raytheon. The economic colonization of others is good for Wall Street, that's why they've brought it back home to us.
It's the perfect natural habitat to transplant all those California costal liberals to.

Without the coastal liberals, your deficit would triples. Liberal states are financing red states. Without them, Republicans couldn't go to war every time they get into power.
Sure they could, war is just business and america profits from war. It's not like we pay for going to war, we just add it to the debt so corporate power can rack up bigger numbers. 59 missiles lobbed on Syria at $1.4M each. Raytheon stock surges, everyone makes bank, including Don who has investements with Raytheon. The economic colonization of others is good for Wall Street, that's why they've brought it back home to us.
800k each.
It's the perfect natural habitat to transplant all those California costal liberals to.

Without the coastal liberals, your deficit would triples. Liberal states are financing red states. Without them, Republicans couldn't go to war every time they get into power.

Is that why California asked Obama to bail out their state due to their $330 billion pension shortfall? You libs really suck at math. :laugh:
When NK tests go bad.....does the NKorean Bob Becthel kill or torture the entire crew? The pay is considered good I suppose....while you can get it.

Bring me more scientists! What? We ran out?

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