Did you hear about the progressive Democrat who loved America?

Social Security Bankrupt.

Medicare Riddled with corruption, fraud waste and abuse.

Obamacare Speaks for itself.

Environmental Protections Yeah, only prog tools cared about the environment.

Labor laws That keep kids out of jobs so that illegals can take them.

Affirmative Action So that race based promotions get oxygen thieves promoted rather than people who have merit.

Handicapped access Another bullshit bed wetter cause that does more harm than good.


Care for more Koolaid?

Conservatives have predicted the demise of Social Security for 75 years

Still Butthurt over environmental laws, handicapped protections and labor laws?

Wronwinger, I must say you're a delightful ass.

If it has escaped your attention, moonbat enemy #1 Richard Nixon helped create the fucking EPA. It may also not occur to you that conservatives generally dominate the hunting/fishing/conservation communities. They're not a bunch of bed wetters living downtown who's only connection with nature is a bike ride on Saturday through a well manicured city park. These people have a vested interest in a clean habitable environment. It's you moonbats who've used that federal government power to abuse property owners, industrialists, and ranchers. That's why environazis are vilified.

Secondly, is social security solvent? I'll leave it at that.

Handicap protections arbitrarily mandated by the feds inconvenience far more people than they help. Localities are more capable of addressing the needs of their populations than blanket legislation that affects people in areas where the disabled don't live. It may not have occurred to you either that many people are abusing the system by getting listed as "disabled" when there's really nothing wrong with them.\

"Labor laws" thwarted me as a teenager from getting jobs that didn't just pay below minimum wage in cash. No one is suggesting the US would be better off if 8 year olds were working in steel plants. No one with any brains would argue that a 15 year old shouldn't be able to work nights at Mcy D's or the local diner (even for their PARENTS) rather than have illegal aliens with fake SS#'s doing those jobs.

For all your bullshit "progressive" laws, there are consequences you're unwilling to acknowledge. Conservatives don't oppose them because "we don't care", we actually care more than you do.

More lies from the right.


Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Care for more Koolaid?

Conservatives have predicted the demise of Social Security for 75 years

Still Butthurt over environmental laws, handicapped protections and labor laws?

Wronwinger, I must say you're a delightful ass.

If it has escaped your attention, moonbat enemy #1 Richard Nixon helped create the fucking EPA. It may also not occur to you that conservatives generally dominate the hunting/fishing/conservation communities. They're not a bunch of bed wetters living downtown who's only connection with nature is a bike ride on Saturday through a well manicured city park. These people have a vested interest in a clean habitable environment. It's you moonbats who've used that federal government power to abuse property owners, industrialists, and ranchers. That's why environazis are vilified.

Secondly, is social security solvent? I'll leave it at that.

Handicap protections arbitrarily mandated by the feds inconvenience far more people than they help. Localities are more capable of addressing the needs of their populations than blanket legislation that affects people in areas where the disabled don't live. It may not have occurred to you either that many people are abusing the system by getting listed as "disabled" when there's really nothing wrong with them.\

"Labor laws" thwarted me as a teenager from getting jobs that didn't just pay below minimum wage in cash. No one is suggesting the US would be better off if 8 year olds were working in steel plants. No one with any brains would argue that a 15 year old shouldn't be able to work nights at Mcy D's or the local diner (even for their PARENTS) rather than have illegal aliens with fake SS#'s doing those jobs.

For all your bullshit "progressive" laws, there are consequences you're unwilling to acknowledge. Conservatives don't oppose them because "we don't care", we actually care more than you do.

Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP

The Tea Party faction are Libertarians rather than conservatives in my opinion. Their funding comes directly from the wealthiest Libertarians in the nation today. The concepts being pushed by the TP'ers are Libertarian. In essence they have all but transformed the GOP into the Libertarian Party. They are pushing for a Libertarian candidate for 2016 too. Right now that would be Rand Paul in my opinion.
Spare me with the sniveling bullshit about any political whore, from any party, ever "caring" about people.

Then use the insipid and tired bed wetter tactic of class warfare with "
Now they only care about the wealthy " The issue isn't about parties, or political whores "caring" about shit.

The issue is about an individual's rights, over the interests of the state.

Idiots like you might value a collective authoritarian government over your own life, but YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT to promote the interest of the state over my life.

As much as I'd like to have you sterilized, not just for the collective interest of the state being burdened by your retarded offspring, but for the human gene pool in general. I would fight against any sort of sociopathic asshole who would attempt to attain such power.

Prove me wrong...

Show me a recent Republican initiative that didn't favor the wealthy

Show me a democrook one dipshit.

I'm not the one who believes in government or political whores.


On edit, Fuck it, show me one democrook initiative that doesn't fuck over more people than it "helps".

BTW, making people dependent isn't "help".

Blue lettering and large fonts does not a point make

When asked to provide a single GOP initiative that helps anyone but the wealthy, you swung and missed
Wronwinger, I must say you're a delightful ass.

If it has escaped your attention, moonbat enemy #1 Richard Nixon helped create the fucking EPA. It may also not occur to you that conservatives generally dominate the hunting/fishing/conservation communities. They're not a bunch of bed wetters living downtown who's only connection with nature is a bike ride on Saturday through a well manicured city park. These people have a vested interest in a clean habitable environment. It's you moonbats who've used that federal government power to abuse property owners, industrialists, and ranchers. That's why environazis are vilified.

Secondly, is social security solvent? I'll leave it at that.

Handicap protections arbitrarily mandated by the feds inconvenience far more people than they help. Localities are more capable of addressing the needs of their populations than blanket legislation that affects people in areas where the disabled don't live. It may not have occurred to you either that many people are abusing the system by getting listed as "disabled" when there's really nothing wrong with them.\

"Labor laws" thwarted me as a teenager from getting jobs that didn't just pay below minimum wage in cash. No one is suggesting the US would be better off if 8 year olds were working in steel plants. No one with any brains would argue that a 15 year old shouldn't be able to work nights at Mcy D's or the local diner (even for their PARENTS) rather than have illegal aliens with fake SS#'s doing those jobs.

For all your bullshit "progressive" laws, there are consequences you're unwilling to acknowledge. Conservatives don't oppose them because "we don't care", we actually care more than you do.

Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP

The Tea Party faction are Libertarians rather than conservatives in my opinion. Their funding comes directly from the wealthiest Libertarians in the nation today. The concepts being pushed by the TP'ers are Libertarian. In essence they have all but transformed the GOP into the Libertarian Party. They are pushing for a Libertarian candidate for 2016 too. Right now that would be Rand Paul in my opinion.

Actually, they remind me more of the John Birch Society
Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP

The Tea Party faction are Libertarians rather than conservatives in my opinion. Their funding comes directly from the wealthiest Libertarians in the nation today. The concepts being pushed by the TP'ers are Libertarian. In essence they have all but transformed the GOP into the Libertarian Party. They are pushing for a Libertarian candidate for 2016 too. Right now that would be Rand Paul in my opinion.

Actually, they remind me more of the John Birch Society

Probably because that was where the wealthy TP funders began their interest in politics.
The Tea Party faction are Libertarians rather than conservatives in my opinion. Their funding comes directly from the wealthiest Libertarians in the nation today. The concepts being pushed by the TP'ers are Libertarian. In essence they have all but transformed the GOP into the Libertarian Party. They are pushing for a Libertarian candidate for 2016 too. Right now that would be Rand Paul in my opinion.

Actually, they remind me more of the John Birch Society

Probably because that was where the wealthy TP funders began their interest in politics.

I find these statements funny.... progressives are the most funded politicians around

tapatalk post
Probably because that was where the wealthy TP funders began their interest in politics.

I find these statements funny.... progressives are the most funded politicians around

tapatalk post

But they are not funded by Libertarians whereas the TP is addicted to wealthy Libertarian funding.

I would guess they are funded by the same people that Fund liberals seeing they are really just another arm of the Liberal Democrat Party

tapatalk post
auditor0007 beat his chest like a gorilla and growled[/quote said:
Yes, only far right wing conservatives love America. :cuckoo:

My leaves for Parris Island in three weeks. He's definitely a liberal and he definitely loves this country. Fuck off.

Well, semper fi and hoorah to your kid if if he makes it. I wish him the best. Regardless of the outcome, it won't take much for him to realize your politics are those of someone who should be institutionalized.

So, where did I ever mention the word "liberal"? I stated "progressive". Do you even know the difference? Or, are you one of those America-hating commies whom hijacked the word liberal as a cover to further your communist/progressive agenda? Go back through my posts, you will see when I attack, I use "leftist", "progressive", "communist", "marxist". If you and your son are truly liberals, yes you can love America. However; you can't be progressive and love America. Progressives are communists with a slower time table. Progressives hate America, and the Democrat party is full of radical moonbat progressives.

If you think I'm Democrat v. Republican, think again. A progressive, regardless of being Democrat or Republicommunist is truly an evil America-hater. Graham, McConjob, Boehner, Cunntor, and McCain all hate America every bit as much as Obama, Schumer, Feinstein, Boxer, Pelosh*t and Reidtard. Regardless of party affiliation, they all hate America. They are all turds in the same sewer.

So Auditor, are you a progressive or a liberal? I've read enough of your posts to be able to ascertain that you are no liberal. I'll leave it at that.

Wow, guy, I'd say you need help, but I ccan't think of a therapist I dislike enough to wish you upon.

SO let me get this straight. John McCain fights for this country, spends 5 years in a Vietnamese Prison Camp, serves his country for 30 years as a senator, and because he supports a few policies you don't like, he's a "progressive turd" who "Hates America".

But Uncle Tom Cain works as a guy who managed fast food resturants paying people minimum wage and putting thousands of them out of jobs to make a quick profit, and he's a "Hero" in your eyes.

Nice to see you have your priorities straight there, buddy.

I wasn't aware that ccan't was a word in the English vocabulary. Thank you for continuing to prove what an idiotic communist America-hater you truly are.

While I respect McCain's past, it has nothing to do with what he is currently doing. As for Herman Cain, need I say more, your comments about him are more than enough proof you are a hard core racist. With that in mind, I realize you have crosses to burn, and black people to lynch; I will keep the remainder of my reply to a minimum.

You can ascertain whatever assessment of me your racist demented mind can convolute, do what you feel is best for you. Regardless of the outcome, and regardless of what people in this forum think of me, at least for one thing; they know where I stand. I'm not a pathological liar like you. You pathologically lie about being a republican. With that in mind, I do not believe there is any therapy or psychological counseling that could help you with your profound racism and pathological lying.

Joe, I will conclude this reply with this, while I disagree with many people in this forum, you are truly one of only 3 people I truly believe is a worthless pile of shit outside this forum. If someone were to flush you down the toilet, it truly would be for the betterment of society.
Last edited:
Care for more Koolaid?

Conservatives have predicted the demise of Social Security for 75 years

Still Butthurt over environmental laws, handicapped protections and labor laws?

Wronwinger, I must say you're a delightful ass.

If it has escaped your attention, moonbat enemy #1 Richard Nixon helped create the fucking EPA. It may also not occur to you that conservatives generally dominate the hunting/fishing/conservation communities. They're not a bunch of bed wetters living downtown who's only connection with nature is a bike ride on Saturday through a well manicured city park. These people have a vested interest in a clean habitable environment. It's you moonbats who've used that federal government power to abuse property owners, industrialists, and ranchers. That's why environazis are vilified.

Secondly, is social security solvent? I'll leave it at that.

Handicap protections arbitrarily mandated by the feds inconvenience far more people than they help. Localities are more capable of addressing the needs of their populations than blanket legislation that affects people in areas where the disabled don't live. It may not have occurred to you either that many people are abusing the system by getting listed as "disabled" when there's really nothing wrong with them.\

"Labor laws" thwarted me as a teenager from getting jobs that didn't just pay below minimum wage in cash. No one is suggesting the US would be better off if 8 year olds were working in steel plants. No one with any brains would argue that a 15 year old shouldn't be able to work nights at Mcy D's or the local diner (even for their PARENTS) rather than have illegal aliens with fake SS#'s doing those jobs.

For all your bullshit "progressive" laws, there are consequences you're unwilling to acknowledge. Conservatives don't oppose them because "we don't care", we actually care more than you do.

Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP

I love this kind of talk, to hear people on this board, the democrat party didn't exist 50 years ago.

So because the republican party:

doesn't want to pay for liberal programs,

because they want to let people drive camaros and in black I might add

because we are ok with people setting the thermostat to what they want

because they are ok with people eating what they want

because they are ok with jokes, even off colored ones and are for freedom of speech.
Because they want murderers dead and babies alive

They somehow are for big rich corporations?
The Right hates everything about America that doesn't comform their view of how it should be; that means they hate half the people, at least, and half of everything about America because at least half of America does not agree with their vision of what the country should be.

Only 25 percent of Americans identify as Republicans. So, expecting the entire country to conform to their vision of what it should be is being totalitarian and expecting 75% of Americans to live according to your rules and values though they believe otherwise.


You say liberals don't love America, but the fact is they don't love the America you want, they love the America that is reality, not a rightwing fantasy.

So the left hates everything about America that doesn't conform to their view of how it should be. At least half of America doesn't agree with their vision of what the country should. Glad you can admit it.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Wronwinger, I must say you're a delightful ass.

If it has escaped your attention, moonbat enemy #1 Richard Nixon helped create the fucking EPA. It may also not occur to you that conservatives generally dominate the hunting/fishing/conservation communities. They're not a bunch of bed wetters living downtown who's only connection with nature is a bike ride on Saturday through a well manicured city park. These people have a vested interest in a clean habitable environment. It's you moonbats who've used that federal government power to abuse property owners, industrialists, and ranchers. That's why environazis are vilified.

Secondly, is social security solvent? I'll leave it at that.

Handicap protections arbitrarily mandated by the feds inconvenience far more people than they help. Localities are more capable of addressing the needs of their populations than blanket legislation that affects people in areas where the disabled don't live. It may not have occurred to you either that many people are abusing the system by getting listed as "disabled" when there's really nothing wrong with them.\

"Labor laws" thwarted me as a teenager from getting jobs that didn't just pay below minimum wage in cash. No one is suggesting the US would be better off if 8 year olds were working in steel plants. No one with any brains would argue that a 15 year old shouldn't be able to work nights at Mcy D's or the local diner (even for their PARENTS) rather than have illegal aliens with fake SS#'s doing those jobs.

For all your bullshit "progressive" laws, there are consequences you're unwilling to acknowledge. Conservatives don't oppose them because "we don't care", we actually care more than you do.

Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP

I love this kind of talk, to hear people on this board, the democrat party didn't exist 50 years ago.

So because the republican party:

doesn't want to pay for liberal programs,

because they want to let people drive camaros and in black I might add

because we are ok with people setting the thermostat to what they want

because they are ok with people eating what they want

because they are ok with jokes, even off colored ones and are for freedom of speech.
Because they want murderers dead and babies alive

They somehow are for big rich corporations?

I wish it existed today like it did 50, 60 or even 70 years ago!

They were the most radically anti-communist bunch of racist assholes in the world.

Now they're communist racist assholes.

I wasn't aware that ccan't was a word in the English vocabulary. Thank you for continuing to prove what an idiotic communist America-hater you truly are.

While I respect McCain's past, it has nothing to do with what he is currently doing. As for Herman Cain, need I say more, your comments about him are more than enough proof you are a hard core racist. With that in mind, I realize you have crosses to burn, and black people to lynch; I will keep the remainder of my reply to a minimum.

You can ascertain whatever assessment of me your racist demented mind can convolute, do what you feel is best for you. Regardless of the outcome, and regardless of what people in this forum think of me, at least for one thing; they know where I stand. I'm not a pathological liar like you. You pathologically lie about being a republican. With that in mind, I do not believe there is any therapy or psychological counseling that could help you with your profound racism and pathological lying.

Joe, I will conclude this reply with this, while I disagree with many people in this forum, you are truly one of only 3 people I truly believe is a worthless pile of shit outside this forum. If someone were to flush you down the toilet, it truly would be for the betterment of society.

I really can not agree with this post more. I wish I could put it in my sig. Thanks Locke, for articulating it so well.

"People" like joe are oxygen thieves of the worst sort.

Herman Cain is an outstanding American. A man of irreproachable character and integrity. He was brought down by character assassins who immediately receded into obscurity where they belong. That should be enough to tell any rational person that their allegations were false. Yet for mindless sniveling bed wetters like JoeB, Mr Cain is still a threat, because he represents what EVERY American should endeavor to be.

The democrook party will be destroyed once the black community realizes they have been conservatives all along. That fact terrifies moonbat cum dumpsters like joeB.


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