Did you hear about the progressive Democrat who loved America?

If the Left loved the country they wouldn't always want to fundamentally change it would they? They want a Socialist democracy that will inevitably turn into the fascist socialist state because that's just what Socialism is where as the rest of us wish to keep our constitutional republic.

We can go a long way to saving this country by repealing the 16th and 17th amendment. Take income tax away from the government and stop electing senators.

Exactly. How can you say you love something and want to fundamentally change it? That means you will only love it when certain conditions have been met. This is also known as conditional love.
Neither did I.

Progressive Democrats gave us

Social Security
Environmental Protections
Labor laws
Affirmative Action
Handicapped access

All opposed by Conservatives

Social Security Bankrupt.

Medicare Riddled with corruption, fraud waste and abuse.

Obamacare Speaks for itself.

Environmental Protections Yeah, only prog tools cared about the environment.

Labor laws That keep kids out of jobs so that illegals can take them.

Affirmative Action So that race based promotions get oxygen thieves promoted rather than people who have merit.

Handicapped access Another bullshit bed wetter cause that does more harm than good.


Care for more Koolaid?

Conservatives have predicted the demise of Social Security for 75 years

Still Butthurt over environmental laws, handicapped protections and labor laws?
after my savior, family, neighbors, country is on the love list somewhere. Its a great place to raise a family and live one's life no doubt. Its got a lot of great perks.... but since the 80's its changed... its a place where greed is rampant and for a country founded on Christian principles I find it very hypocritical to what the bible preaches.... The so called "American exceptionalism" is a little over the top.
Progressive Democrats gave us

Social Security
Environmental Protections
Labor laws
Affirmative Action
Handicapped access

All opposed by Conservatives

Social Security Bankrupt.

Medicare Riddled with corruption, fraud waste and abuse.

Obamacare Speaks for itself.

Environmental Protections Yeah, only prog tools cared about the environment.

Labor laws That keep kids out of jobs so that illegals can take them.

Affirmative Action So that race based promotions get oxygen thieves promoted rather than people who have merit.

Handicapped access Another bullshit bed wetter cause that does more harm than good.


Care for more Koolaid?

Conservatives have predicted the demise of Social Security for 75 years

Still Butthurt over environmental laws, handicapped protections and labor laws?

You're lumping all of the bleeding heart issues together like you own them.

You don't.

Talking about the environment and talking about helping the poor is what every dictator does to keep the poor on their side. It's a distraction to keep the gullible from questioning their abuse of power. You say to yourself "How can someone who loves the planet and the poor be a bad person?"

If you notice, neither issue can be solved. We will always have the poor, and no matter how many ways the government regulates business and regulates our lives in favor of the environment, it's never enough.

The reason the cost of living constantly skyrockets under these people and your wages stay the same is because of their environmental policies. The cost of building a home has gone up because they do everything in their power to prevent logging. The reason the price of gas went up is because they're fighting oil producers tooth and nail along with the devaluation of the U.S. Dollar.

No new refineries are allowed to be built. We have to send 30% of our oil to other countries just to have it refined. Oil companies cannot make a profit by selling gas in America because of taxes imposed by the government. The costs of everything that is made with oil byproducts has jumped because of environmentalists. All of the plastics that we make our cell phones, our laptops, our computers of is way too expensive thanks to environmentalist. The very same environmentalists that use jets that use 100,000 pounds of jet fuel per trip to attend Katy Perry concerts and to attend Cannes film festivals in Europe.
I think a metaphor is in order. Let's say you love your house. You do not love the cracks in the foundation and feel compelled to repair them before the place sags and falls down. You do not keep the cracks because they have been there a long time or because you really like the guy who built a faulty foundation. Cracks cannot be fixed by hiding them behind America flag stickers or praying to Jesus, it takes spending some money and doing some unpleasant tasks and the house is better for it in the long run.

Marines don't let treasonous bed wetters like bradley manning to slip through.

Actually, the Army wanted to throw Manning out in Boot Camp, but the politicians insisted we keep as many people in uniform as possible.

Which is what happens when you fight a war based on lies and eventually people figure out it's a lie.
Like everyone with a brain has figured out everything obamashitforbrains is about is a lie, including his presidency.
Progressive Democrats gave us

Social Security
Environmental Protections
Labor laws
Affirmative Action
Handicapped access

All opposed by Conservatives

Social Security Bankrupt.

Medicare Riddled with corruption, fraud waste and abuse.

Obamacare Speaks for itself.

Environmental Protections Yeah, only prog tools cared about the environment.

Labor laws That keep kids out of jobs so that illegals can take them.

Affirmative Action So that race based promotions get oxygen thieves promoted rather than people who have merit.

Handicapped access Another bullshit bed wetter cause that does more harm than good.


Care for more Koolaid?

Conservatives have predicted the demise of Social Security for 75 years

Still Butthurt over environmental laws, handicapped protections and labor laws?

Wronwinger, I must say you're a delightful ass.

If it has escaped your attention, moonbat enemy #1 Richard Nixon helped create the fucking EPA. It may also not occur to you that conservatives generally dominate the hunting/fishing/conservation communities. They're not a bunch of bed wetters living downtown who's only connection with nature is a bike ride on Saturday through a well manicured city park. These people have a vested interest in a clean habitable environment. It's you moonbats who've used that federal government power to abuse property owners, industrialists, and ranchers. That's why environazis are vilified.

Secondly, is social security solvent? I'll leave it at that.

Handicap protections arbitrarily mandated by the feds inconvenience far more people than they help. Localities are more capable of addressing the needs of their populations than blanket legislation that affects people in areas where the disabled don't live. It may not have occurred to you either that many people are abusing the system by getting listed as "disabled" when there's really nothing wrong with them.\

"Labor laws" thwarted me as a teenager from getting jobs that didn't just pay below minimum wage in cash. No one is suggesting the US would be better off if 8 year olds were working in steel plants. No one with any brains would argue that a 15 year old shouldn't be able to work nights at Mcy D's or the local diner (even for their PARENTS) rather than have illegal aliens with fake SS#'s doing those jobs.

For all your bullshit "progressive" laws, there are consequences you're unwilling to acknowledge. Conservatives don't oppose them because "we don't care", we actually care more than you do.
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Marines don't let treasonous bed wetters like bradley manning to slip through.

Actually, the Army wanted to throw Manning out in Boot Camp, but the politicians insisted we keep as many people in uniform as possible.

Which is what happens when you fight a war based on lies and eventually people figure out it's a lie.


Yeah, congressional republicrats got involved to keep bed wetters in the military. Or was it just BOOOSSHHH???

Yeah, the military needed to keep a quota, and that little fag would have fought tooth and nail to stay in because he wanted to do what he did. manning entered the military to deliberately damage it from the inside.

Furthermore bed wetter, the "lies" you assholes keep whining about were those of George Tenet, a KKKlinton appointee who Bush foolishly kept on the payroll.

CNN.com - Woodward: Tenet told Bush WMD case a 'slam dunk' - Apr 19, 2004

About two weeks before deciding to invade Iraq, President Bush was told by CIA Director George Tenet there was a "slam dunk case" that dictator Saddam Hussein had unconventional weapons, according to a new book by Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward.

That declaration was "very important" in his decision making, according to "Plan of Attack," which is being excerpted this week in The Post.

The same "lies" KKKlinton used to bomb the country TWICE. If it was up to you insipid assholes we would have spent just as much by now keeping Hussein isolated and fucking around with the malignancy that is the UN.

I truly can't believe how fucking stupid some of you libtards are.

Social Security Bankrupt.

Medicare Riddled with corruption, fraud waste and abuse.

Obamacare Speaks for itself.

Environmental Protections Yeah, only prog tools cared about the environment.

Labor laws That keep kids out of jobs so that illegals can take them.

Affirmative Action So that race based promotions get oxygen thieves promoted rather than people who have merit.

Handicapped access Another bullshit bed wetter cause that does more harm than good.


Care for more Koolaid?

Conservatives have predicted the demise of Social Security for 75 years

Still Butthurt over environmental laws, handicapped protections and labor laws?

Wronwinger, I must say you're a delightful ass.

If it has escaped your attention, moonbat enemy #1 Richard Nixon helped create the fucking EPA. It may also not occur to you that conservatives generally dominate the hunting/fishing/conservation communities. They're not a bunch of bed wetters living downtown who's only connection with nature is a bike ride on Saturday through a well manicured city park. These people have a vested interest in a clean habitable environment. It's you moonbats who've used that federal government power to abuse property owners, industrialists, and ranchers. That's why environazis are vilified.

Secondly, is social security solvent? I'll leave it at that.

Handicap protections arbitrarily mandated by the feds inconvenience far more people than they help. Localities are more capable of addressing the needs of their populations than blanket legislation that affects people in areas where the disabled don't live. It may not have occurred to you either that many people are abusing the system by getting listed as "disabled" when there's really nothing wrong with them.\

"Labor laws" thwarted me as a teenager from getting jobs that didn't just pay below minimum wage in cash. No one is suggesting the US would be better off if 8 year olds were working in steel plants. No one with any brains would argue that a 15 year old shouldn't be able to work nights at Mcy D's or the local diner (even for their PARENTS) rather than have illegal aliens with fake SS#'s doing those jobs.

For all your bullshit "progressive" laws, there are consequences you're unwilling to acknowledge. Conservatives don't oppose them because "we don't care", we actually care more than you do.

Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP
Care for more Koolaid?

Conservatives have predicted the demise of Social Security for 75 years

Still Butthurt over environmental laws, handicapped protections and labor laws?

Wronwinger, I must say you're a delightful ass.

If it has escaped your attention, moonbat enemy #1 Richard Nixon helped create the fucking EPA. It may also not occur to you that conservatives generally dominate the hunting/fishing/conservation communities. They're not a bunch of bed wetters living downtown who's only connection with nature is a bike ride on Saturday through a well manicured city park. These people have a vested interest in a clean habitable environment. It's you moonbats who've used that federal government power to abuse property owners, industrialists, and ranchers. That's why environazis are vilified.

Secondly, is social security solvent? I'll leave it at that.

Handicap protections arbitrarily mandated by the feds inconvenience far more people than they help. Localities are more capable of addressing the needs of their populations than blanket legislation that affects people in areas where the disabled don't live. It may not have occurred to you either that many people are abusing the system by getting listed as "disabled" when there's really nothing wrong with them.\

"Labor laws" thwarted me as a teenager from getting jobs that didn't just pay below minimum wage in cash. No one is suggesting the US would be better off if 8 year olds were working in steel plants. No one with any brains would argue that a 15 year old shouldn't be able to work nights at Mcy D's or the local diner (even for their PARENTS) rather than have illegal aliens with fake SS#'s doing those jobs.

For all your bullshit "progressive" laws, there are consequences you're unwilling to acknowledge. Conservatives don't oppose them because "we don't care", we actually care more than you do.

Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP

It is amazing you can tie your shoes

tapatalk post
Last edited:
Neither did I.

neat, you made a stupid troll post, and a bunch of turds liked it, because they think you are sticking it to progressives, because they dont wave the flag enough for you people, and want to destroy everything you seem to hold dear, because you can't handle any change that society throws at you, because you are lame, and yes i wrote this exactly how its supposed to look.......
Wronwinger, I must say you're a delightful ass.

If it has escaped your attention, moonbat enemy #1 Richard Nixon helped create the fucking EPA. It may also not occur to you that conservatives generally dominate the hunting/fishing/conservation communities. They're not a bunch of bed wetters living downtown who's only connection with nature is a bike ride on Saturday through a well manicured city park. These people have a vested interest in a clean habitable environment. It's you moonbats who've used that federal government power to abuse property owners, industrialists, and ranchers. That's why environazis are vilified.

Secondly, is social security solvent? I'll leave it at that.

Handicap protections arbitrarily mandated by the feds inconvenience far more people than they help. Localities are more capable of addressing the needs of their populations than blanket legislation that affects people in areas where the disabled don't live. It may not have occurred to you either that many people are abusing the system by getting listed as "disabled" when there's really nothing wrong with them.\

"Labor laws" thwarted me as a teenager from getting jobs that didn't just pay below minimum wage in cash. No one is suggesting the US would be better off if 8 year olds were working in steel plants. No one with any brains would argue that a 15 year old shouldn't be able to work nights at Mcy D's or the local diner (even for their PARENTS) rather than have illegal aliens with fake SS#'s doing those jobs.

For all your bullshit "progressive" laws, there are consequences you're unwilling to acknowledge. Conservatives don't oppose them because "we don't care", we actually care more than you do.

Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP

It is amazing you can tie your shoes

tapatalk post

well it is harder than watching the hotdogs roll on the roller.
Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP

It is amazing you can tie your shoes

tapatalk post

well it is harder than watching the hotdogs roll on the roller.

Isn't is funny the welfare queen trying to insult honest work.

tapatalk post
Care for more Koolaid?

Conservatives have predicted the demise of Social Security for 75 years

Still Butthurt over environmental laws, handicapped protections and labor laws?

Wronwinger, I must say you're a delightful ass.

If it has escaped your attention, moonbat enemy #1 Richard Nixon helped create the fucking EPA. It may also not occur to you that conservatives generally dominate the hunting/fishing/conservation communities. They're not a bunch of bed wetters living downtown who's only connection with nature is a bike ride on Saturday through a well manicured city park. These people have a vested interest in a clean habitable environment. It's you moonbats who've used that federal government power to abuse property owners, industrialists, and ranchers. That's why environazis are vilified.

Secondly, is social security solvent? I'll leave it at that.

Handicap protections arbitrarily mandated by the feds inconvenience far more people than they help. Localities are more capable of addressing the needs of their populations than blanket legislation that affects people in areas where the disabled don't live. It may not have occurred to you either that many people are abusing the system by getting listed as "disabled" when there's really nothing wrong with them.\

"Labor laws" thwarted me as a teenager from getting jobs that didn't just pay below minimum wage in cash. No one is suggesting the US would be better off if 8 year olds were working in steel plants. No one with any brains would argue that a 15 year old shouldn't be able to work nights at Mcy D's or the local diner (even for their PARENTS) rather than have illegal aliens with fake SS#'s doing those jobs.

For all your bullshit "progressive" laws, there are consequences you're unwilling to acknowledge. Conservatives don't oppose them because "we don't care", we actually care more than you do.

Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP

Spare me with the sniveling bullshit about any political whore, from any party, ever "caring" about people.

Then use the insipid and tired bed wetter tactic of class warfare with "
Now they only care about the wealthy " The issue isn't about parties, or political whores "caring" about shit.

The issue is about an individual's rights, over the interests of the state.

Idiots like you might value a collective authoritarian government over your own life, but YOU HAVE NO FUCKING MORAL VIRTUE in promoting the interest of the state over my life.

As much as I'd like to have you sterilized, not just for the collective interest of the state being burdened by your retarded offspring, but for the human gene pool in general. I would fight against any sort of sociopathic asshole who would attempt to attain such power.

Last edited:
Wronwinger, I must say you're a delightful ass.

If it has escaped your attention, moonbat enemy #1 Richard Nixon helped create the fucking EPA. It may also not occur to you that conservatives generally dominate the hunting/fishing/conservation communities. They're not a bunch of bed wetters living downtown who's only connection with nature is a bike ride on Saturday through a well manicured city park. These people have a vested interest in a clean habitable environment. It's you moonbats who've used that federal government power to abuse property owners, industrialists, and ranchers. That's why environazis are vilified.

Secondly, is social security solvent? I'll leave it at that.

Handicap protections arbitrarily mandated by the feds inconvenience far more people than they help. Localities are more capable of addressing the needs of their populations than blanket legislation that affects people in areas where the disabled don't live. It may not have occurred to you either that many people are abusing the system by getting listed as "disabled" when there's really nothing wrong with them.\

"Labor laws" thwarted me as a teenager from getting jobs that didn't just pay below minimum wage in cash. No one is suggesting the US would be better off if 8 year olds were working in steel plants. No one with any brains would argue that a 15 year old shouldn't be able to work nights at Mcy D's or the local diner (even for their PARENTS) rather than have illegal aliens with fake SS#'s doing those jobs.

For all your bullshit "progressive" laws, there are consequences you're unwilling to acknowledge. Conservatives don't oppose them because "we don't care", we actually care more than you do.

Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP

Spare me with the sniveling bullshit about any political whore, from any party, ever "caring" about people.

Then use the insipid and tired bed wetter tactic of class warfare with "
Now they only care about the wealthy " The issue isn't about parties, or political whores "caring" about shit.

The issue is about an individual's rights, over the interests of the state.

Idiots like you might value a collective authoritarian government over your own life, but YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT to promote the interest of the state over my life.

As much as I'd like to have you sterilized, not just for the collective interest of the state being burdened by your retarded offspring, but for the human gene pool in general. I would fight against any sort of sociopathic asshole who would attempt to attain such power.

Prove me wrong...

Show me a recent Republican initiative that didn't favor the wealthy
Wronwinger, I must say you're a delightful ass.

If it has escaped your attention, moonbat enemy #1 Richard Nixon helped create the fucking EPA. It may also not occur to you that conservatives generally dominate the hunting/fishing/conservation communities. They're not a bunch of bed wetters living downtown who's only connection with nature is a bike ride on Saturday through a well manicured city park. These people have a vested interest in a clean habitable environment. It's you moonbats who've used that federal government power to abuse property owners, industrialists, and ranchers. That's why environazis are vilified.

Secondly, is social security solvent? I'll leave it at that.

Handicap protections arbitrarily mandated by the feds inconvenience far more people than they help. Localities are more capable of addressing the needs of their populations than blanket legislation that affects people in areas where the disabled don't live. It may not have occurred to you either that many people are abusing the system by getting listed as "disabled" when there's really nothing wrong with them.\

"Labor laws" thwarted me as a teenager from getting jobs that didn't just pay below minimum wage in cash. No one is suggesting the US would be better off if 8 year olds were working in steel plants. No one with any brains would argue that a 15 year old shouldn't be able to work nights at Mcy D's or the local diner (even for their PARENTS) rather than have illegal aliens with fake SS#'s doing those jobs.

For all your bullshit "progressive" laws, there are consequences you're unwilling to acknowledge. Conservatives don't oppose them because "we don't care", we actually care more than you do.

Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP

It is amazing you can tie your shoes

tapatalk post

Velcro keeps some of these assholes alive.

Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP

Spare me with the sniveling bullshit about any political whore, from any party, ever "caring" about people.

Then use the insipid and tired bed wetter tactic of class warfare with "
Now they only care about the wealthy " The issue isn't about parties, or political whores "caring" about shit.

The issue is about an individual's rights, over the interests of the state.

Idiots like you might value a collective authoritarian government over your own life, but YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT to promote the interest of the state over my life.

As much as I'd like to have you sterilized, not just for the collective interest of the state being burdened by your retarded offspring, but for the human gene pool in general. I would fight against any sort of sociopathic asshole who would attempt to attain such power.

Prove me wrong...

Show me a recent Republican initiative that didn't favor the wealthy

Show me a democrook one dipshit.

I'm not the one who believes in government or political whores.


On edit, Fuck it, show me one democrook initiative that doesn't fuck over more people than it "helps".

BTW, making people dependent isn't "help".
Last edited:
Oh the old befuddled......Republicans cannot be progressive chant

There was actually a time in this country when Republicans cared about America and Americans. Now they only care about the wealthy

Our problem in this country is not with Republicans. Republicans have done some fine things.....look at Teddy Roosevelt, Ike and even Nixon

Our problem is with Conservatives who now have a death grip on the GOP

Spare me with the sniveling bullshit about any political whore, from any party, ever "caring" about people.

Then use the insipid and tired bed wetter tactic of class warfare with "
Now they only care about the wealthy " The issue isn't about parties, or political whores "caring" about shit.

The issue is about an individual's rights, over the interests of the state.

Idiots like you might value a collective authoritarian government over your own life, but YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT to promote the interest of the state over my life.

As much as I'd like to have you sterilized, not just for the collective interest of the state being burdened by your retarded offspring, but for the human gene pool in general. I would fight against any sort of sociopathic asshole who would attempt to attain such power.

Prove me wrong...

Show me a recent Republican initiative that didn't favor the wealthy

Republican bills this week in the House

Latest Title: Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act
Bill Text - 113th Congress (2013-2014) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Latest Title: Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act
Bill Text - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Latest Title: Hire More Heroes Act of 2014
.R.3474Latest Title: Hire More Heroes Act of 2014

Better Education for the poor
Job bill
Job bill
Most of these will just sit on Sen. Reids desk like he has done since 2011.

Forum List
