Did you know Obama just took new executive action on immigration?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Just another day of Unconstitutional action from the Usurper in Chief!

The Washington Examiner ^
President Barack Obama speaks on the fifth anniversary of his healthcare law, Wednesday, March... This week President Obama took unilateral executive action — again — to change the nation's immigration laws. Almost no one noticed.Obama intends to make it easier to bring more foreign guest workers to the United States — likely at significant cost to workers already here — by loosening the rules governing something known as the L-1B visa program. Under the program, a multinational company with offices in the United States can move workers from abroad to live and work in the U.S. for as long...
Normally the blacks would be outraged about Mexicans taking the low-skill jobs but since Obama has put all the blacks on welfare, they don't give a damn any more. Smart guy, that commie.
Did you know that Obama just took a screaming hot-ass shit?

Who gives a flying fuck what the fuck that profligate does in his spare time?

He's a non sequitur and a footnote on the boot-bottom of America's history.

Obama is nothing more than a used tampon in a rain-soaked gutter.
I so wish that were true H. Here are a few things that he has already accomplished:
That man has degraded our military, socialized our healthcare, turned the IRS into the SS, has over run this country with foreigners and changed our election process to accommodate them. He has pitted black against white and the House against the Senate.
He has changed the face of the globe. He has destroyed our allies and is arming our enemies. He has created total chaos in the Middle East. He is backing the biggest terrorist country in the world and is going to see to it that they end up with nuclear warheads, and when they do the shit is going to hit the fan. He is preparing the Muslims for WW3, while he carves our military to the bone. He is single handedly the most destructive man on the planet. And no one is stopping him.
I so wish that were true H. Here are a few things that he has already accomplished:
That man has degraded our military, socialized our healthcare, turned the IRS into the SS, has over run this country with foreigners and changed our election process to accommodate them. He has pitted black against white and the House against the Senate.
He has changed the face of the globe. He has destroyed our allies and is arming our enemies. He has created total chaos in the Middle East. He is backing the biggest terrorist country in the world and is going to see to it that they end up with nuclear warheads, and when they do the shit is going to hit the fan. He is preparing the Muslims for WW3, while he carves our military to the bone. He is single handedly the most destructive man on the planet. And no one is stopping him.
You're right. He has done irreparable damage to not only our country but to the world. Nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorist countries is something only a narcissistic despot like Obama would seek to accomplish, but only because we have let him. Congratulations, liberals.
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