On the road to TYRANNY...

Their Spirit Never Ended

In the year 2024, a haunting sight,
Trump won the race, his power alight.
With a stroke of his pen, he aimed to decree,
An end to birthright citizenship, for all to see.

The Constitution trembled, its principles shaken,
As the path to creeping fascism was taken.
He disregarded equality, justice, and grace,
Embracing division, with a scornful embrace.

No longer a nation of dreams and hope,
But a land where intolerance began to elope.
Families torn apart, hearts filled with despair,
As the promise of America vanished in the air.

The outcry was fierce, voices raised high,
Defending the rights of those who would cry.
But Trump remained stubborn, unmoved by their plea,
His vision of exclusion, his twisted decree.

Yet in the shadows, a resistance took form,
A united front against this brewing storm.
Voices united, hearts filled with might,
Fighting to reclaim what was just and right.

The battle was long, the struggle profound,
But unity prevailed, as truth did resound.
And in the end, the people did rise,
Casting away the veil of divisive lies.

With hope and courage, they sought to restore,
The values and ideals they cherished before.
Birthright citizenship, once again embraced,
As freedom's beacon, not to be erased.

Though the scars may remain, a reminder true,
Of the dangers when power goes askew,
The people stood strong, their democracy defended,
In the face of darkness, their spirit never ended.

Humbly tendered,
Poem by ChatGPT-4 rendered from a prompt by Rumpole

Critique: Hmmm, not too bad for a machine. Not epic or going to win contests,
but good enough to supplement the article, the basis of this thread.
(and if you on the right want to enlist ChatGPT to write you a poem
to counter this one, I welcome the exchange, but know that the Chat
will dutifully fulfill your request, but not a drop more than your request.
So, if it doesn't do as good as job as the one above, that's on you, not Chat.)

Trump pledges to end birthright citizenship on first day in office​

Former President Trump is returning to his calls to remove birthright citizenship, with his 2024 White House campaign announcing Tuesday he would seek to end it via executive order on his first day in office.

Trump announced his plan on the 125th anniversary of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, the Supreme Court case that established the constitutional right to birthright citizenship.

The proposal echoes a longtime demand of immigration restrictionists and a measure Trump toyed with while in office, attracting criticism from both immigration advocates and legal experts.
Now now, calm down, mommy is bringing some warm milky..... :itsok: Stupid poem, don't quit your day job.
Their Spirit Never Ended

In the year 2024, a haunting sight,
Trump won the race, his power alight.
With a stroke of his pen, he aimed to decree,
An end to birthright citizenship, for all to see.

The Constitution trembled, its principles shaken,
As the path to creeping fascism was taken.
He disregarded equality, justice, and grace,
Embracing division, with a scornful embrace.

No longer a nation of dreams and hope,
But a land where intolerance began to elope.
Families torn apart, hearts filled with despair,
As the promise of America vanished in the air.

The outcry was fierce, voices raised high,
Defending the rights of those who would cry.
But Trump remained stubborn, unmoved by their plea,
His vision of exclusion, his twisted decree.

Yet in the shadows, a resistance took form,
A united front against this brewing storm.
Voices united, hearts filled with might,
Fighting to reclaim what was just and right.

The battle was long, the struggle profound,
But unity prevailed, as truth did resound.
And in the end, the people did rise,
Casting away the veil of divisive lies.

With hope and courage, they sought to restore,
The values and ideals they cherished before.
Birthright citizenship, once again embraced,
As freedom's beacon, not to be erased.

Though the scars may remain, a reminder true,
Of the dangers when power goes askew,
The people stood strong, their democracy defended,
In the face of darkness, their spirit never ended.

Humbly tendered,
Poem by ChatGPT-4 rendered from a prompt by Rumpole

Critique: Hmmm, not too bad for a machine. Not epic or going to win contests,
but good enough to supplement the article, the basis of this thread.
(and if you on the right want to enlist ChatGPT to write you a poem
to counter this one, I welcome the exchange, but know that the Chat
will dutifully fulfill your request, but not a drop more than your request.
So, if it doesn't do as good as job as the one above, that's on you, not Chat.)

Trump pledges to end birthright citizenship on first day in office​

Former President Trump is returning to his calls to remove birthright citizenship, with his 2024 White House campaign announcing Tuesday he would seek to end it via executive order on his first day in office.

Trump announced his plan on the 125th anniversary of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, the Supreme Court case that established the constitutional right to birthright citizenship.

The proposal echoes a longtime demand of immigration restrictionists and a measure Trump toyed with while in office, attracting criticism from both immigration advocates and legal experts.
Biden is a senile old joke
he sleeps all day
but says he is woke
he likes to fondle
all little girls
but they know he
wears depends
full of shit
just like him..
foreign governments
give him cash
now he is rich
despite his worthless
his brain doesnt work
to well these days
he walks around confused
in a real purple haze
the injections arent working
his brain cells are fried
at least reverent al
pretends to try
the democrats love
and hate the usa
they drink lots of queer beer
and when a queer steals
they look the other way
Not at all.
While not a fan of reparations, the process would NOT be to take from some to be given to others.
The point would be to RESTORE what was originally take from them as they produced as slaves.
The money stolen from the labor of slaves, created dynasties of wealth and privilege that still exist.

And who is going to determine, and how, which wealth, in the hands of which white people, constitute the spoils of slavery, which which does not? I don't know if any of my ancestors ever owned slaves, or profited from slavery, but if they did, none of that wealth found its way down to me.

I call bullshit on any claim that any “reparations” are going to go to black people, without me having to pay taxes out of what I have rightfully earned, in order to pay for those “reparations”.

I call bullshit that there is even going to be any credible, good-faith attempt to identify wealth that can be claimed to be the spoils of slavery, to be “restored” to the descendants of slaves.
Your point is debunked here:

I invoke Post 125, which I will take the rare measure of actually quoting this time.

A post that is complete bullshit when first written, is still complete bullshit if you refer back to it later.
Their Spirit Never Ended

In the year 2024, a haunting sight,
Trump won the race, his power alight.
With a stroke of his pen, he aimed to decree,
An end to birthright citizenship, for all to see.

The Constitution trembled, its principles shaken,
As the path to creeping fascism was taken.
He disregarded equality, justice, and grace,
Embracing division, with a scornful embrace.

No longer a nation of dreams and hope,
But a land where intolerance began to elope.
Families torn apart, hearts filled with despair,
As the promise of America vanished in the air.

The outcry was fierce, voices raised high,
Defending the rights of those who would cry.
But Trump remained stubborn, unmoved by their plea,
His vision of exclusion, his twisted decree.

Yet in the shadows, a resistance took form,
A united front against this brewing storm.
Voices united, hearts filled with might,
Fighting to reclaim what was just and right.

The battle was long, the struggle profound,
But unity prevailed, as truth did resound.
And in the end, the people did rise,
Casting away the veil of divisive lies.

With hope and courage, they sought to restore,
The values and ideals they cherished before.
Birthright citizenship, once again embraced,
As freedom's beacon, not to be erased.

Though the scars may remain, a reminder true,
Of the dangers when power goes askew,
The people stood strong, their democracy defended,
In the face of darkness, their spirit never ended.

Humbly tendered,
Poem by ChatGPT-4 rendered from a prompt by Rumpole

Critique: Hmmm, not too bad for a machine. Not epic or going to win contests,
but good enough to supplement the article, the basis of this thread.
(and if you on the right want to enlist ChatGPT to write you a poem
to counter this one, I welcome the exchange, but know that the Chat
will dutifully fulfill your request, but not a drop more than your request.
So, if it doesn't do as good as job as the one above, that's on you, not Chat.)

Trump pledges to end birthright citizenship on first day in office​

Former President Trump is returning to his calls to remove birthright citizenship, with his 2024 White House campaign announcing Tuesday he would seek to end it via executive order on his first day in office.

Trump announced his plan on the 125th anniversary of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, the Supreme Court case that established the constitutional right to birthright citizenship.

The proposal echoes a longtime demand of immigration restrictionists and a measure Trump toyed with while in office, attracting criticism from both immigration advocates and legal experts.
Oh God. What a long winded bore DumpHole has been and remains.
Oh God. What a long winded bore DumpHole has been and remains.

He truly does write amazingly huge numbers of words, in order to say very, very little, if anything at all. And what little he ever does actually manage to say is nearly always bullshit anyway.
Biden is a senile old joke
he sleeps all day
but says he is woke
he likes to fondle
all little girls
but they know he
wears depends
full of shit
just like him..
foreign governments
give him cash
now he is rich
despite his worthless
his brain doesnt work
to well these days
he walks around confused
in a real purple haze
the injections arent working
his brain cells are fried
at least reverent al
pretends to try
the democrats love
and hate the usa
they drink lots of queer beer
and when a queer steals
they look the other way

Conman Orange

In the realm of politics, a subject quite sordid,
There's a figure we know, quite controversial and horrid.
With a comb-over crown and an orange hue,
Trump, the man of transgressions, comes into view.

His reign began with promises grand,
To drain the swamp and make a stand.
But alas, his words were empty and hollow,
As corruption seeped from his every marrow.

First, his tweets, a never-ending barrage,
Fingers tapping, fueling a perpetual mirage.
Spewing falsehoods and spreading deceit,
Trump's words danced, a dangerous feat.

His ego, larger than any known sun,
Blinded him to the harm he had done.
From mocking the weak to praising the strong,
Trump's lack of empathy rang out so wrong.

In the White House, a den of greed and vice,
With cronies and sycophants, each paying a price.
Lobbyists whispered in his ear, their influence high,
As ethics took a backseat, waving goodbye.

Emoluments flowed, violations ignored,
As profits piled up, a reward Trump adored.
Foreign powers lined his pockets with glee,
A president profiting shamelessly, don't you see?

Investigations swirled, uncovering the mess,
From collusion to obstruction, a distressing process.
Yet, Trump declared it all a witch hunt,
His defense a smokescreen, a well-rehearsed stunt.

But the truth cannot be hidden forever,
The threads of justice tighten, never to sever.
As evidence mounts, a tapestry of crime,
Trump's legacy tarnished, a stain through time.

So here we stand, looking back with regret,
At a presidency mired in chaos and debt.
A cautionary tale of power and greed,
A satirical saga of America's need.

Let us learn from this chapter, let it serve as a guide,
To choose leaders wisely, with integrity beside.
For in the realm of politics, we must demand,
A better future, where truth and justice withstand.

A future without Trump.
Does a child born to two illegals in let’s say El Paso actually reside there? The parents don’t reside there. They are there illegally so trespassing at a minimum. Reside seems to be the standard. If you cross into the nation but have no home, no job, no previous time in the country are any of them residing here?

Lots of twists and turns in that "logic"
All of them are residing here.
None of them reside there. Trespassing does not equal residence. If I drive to another state I don’t reside there. If I go to another country I don’t reside there.
IF you take up residence there, even stay in a hotel, you RESIDE there.

Word. Try them sometime.
Among the debate leading up to the Fourteenth Amendment, was an expression that those who wrote it very specifically did not intend to grant citizenship to children of foreign nationals, merely for being born on American soil. It was meant to prevent former slaves and their immediate posterity, from being denied citizenship.

I suppose there is some room, should the right case be brought before the Supreme Court, for the court to rule based on the documents that record this intent. But that's a stretch.

As written, the language of the Fourteenth does seem to grant citizenship to anyone born under American jurisdiction. I think it would take a Constitutional Amendment to correct this.

Anyone reading the 14th with any knowledge of the situation knows it meant former slaves, not people who came here illegally. As in they didn't grant citizenship to ANYONE under the 14th other than former slaves. Anyone doing that is just word parsing. Changing the meaning later based on word parsing is a completely dishonest person. Today called a "Democrat"
obviously not a Constitutional scholar

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Explains why you finf a right to keep arms for self defense. You just make it up just like the current SCOTUS

Obviously you're an idiot. They are talking about people who are recognized, you know, CITIZENS and LEGAL RESIDENTS you stupid fuck. My God you're stupid. If you break in to someone's house, you don't get to eat with the family. If you break into a swim club, you don't get to use the pool.

You're an incredibly stupid fuck.

But kaz, it says if they "reside" here. Yes, L-E-G-A-L-L-Y. God you're stupid
I keep the title of this thread is "On the road to TRANNY..."
But you could also say all Europeans "broke in" and really should not be here.
Those south of the border came across the Bearing Straits, so then ancestors had to have lived in North American at some point.

That's just a word game. We are talking about a country (USA) and our Constitution. We aren't talking about your left wing "you could say" delusions were you hate white people
I keep the title of this thread is "On the road to TRANNY..."

The op is about birthright citizenship. My posts around this were about birthright citizenship. The posts I was responding to were about ... wait for it ... birthright citizenship
Actually, being born in the US meaning automatic citizenship isn't in the Constitution ... anywhere. It's fine to support that, the Constitution doesn't ban it either, but you can't say it's a Constitutional right people have who break in. Nice try but fail. It's like saying someone who broke into your house gets to vote where you're going for dinner, it's pretty stupid to do that
It's in the 14th Amendment.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

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