On the road to TYRANNY...

Their Spirit Never Ended

In the year 2024, a haunting sight,
Trump won the race, his power alight.
With a stroke of his pen, he aimed to decree,
An end to birthright citizenship, for all to see.

The Constitution trembled, its principles shaken,
As the path to creeping fascism was taken.
He disregarded equality, justice, and grace,
Embracing division, with a scornful embrace.

No longer a nation of dreams and hope,
But a land where intolerance began to elope.
Families torn apart, hearts filled with despair,
As the promise of America vanished in the air.

The outcry was fierce, voices raised high,
Defending the rights of those who would cry.
But Trump remained stubborn, unmoved by their plea,
His vision of exclusion, his twisted decree.

Yet in the shadows, a resistance took form,
A united front against this brewing storm.
Voices united, hearts filled with might,
Fighting to reclaim what was just and right.

The battle was long, the struggle profound,
But unity prevailed, as truth did resound.
And in the end, the people did rise,
Casting away the veil of divisive lies.

With hope and courage, they sought to restore,
The values and ideals they cherished before.
Birthright citizenship, once again embraced,
As freedom's beacon, not to be erased.

Though the scars may remain, a reminder true,
Of the dangers when power goes askew,
The people stood strong, their democracy defended,
In the face of darkness, their spirit never ended.

Humbly tendered,
Poem by ChatGPT-4 rendered from a prompt by Rumpole

Critique: Hmmm, not too bad for a machine. Not epic or going to win contests,
but good enough to supplement the article, the basis of this thread.
(and if you on the right want to enlist ChatGPT to write you a poem
to counter this one, I welcome the exchange, but know that the Chat
will dutifully fulfill your request, but not a drop more than your request.
So, if it doesn't do as good as job as the one above, that's on you, not Chat.)

Trump pledges to end birthright citizenship on first day in office​

Former President Trump is returning to his calls to remove birthright citizenship, with his 2024 White House campaign announcing Tuesday he would seek to end it via executive order on his first day in office.

Trump announced his plan on the 125th anniversary of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, the Supreme Court case that established the constitutional right to birthright citizenship.

The proposal echoes a longtime demand of immigration restrictionists and a measure Trump toyed with while in office, attracting criticism from both immigration advocates and legal experts.
In realms of thought, where wisdom thrives,
Lies a man named Rumpole, so the tale describes.
Yet, dear reader, heed my humble plea,
For it is unkind to judge so hastily.

Rumpole’s wisdom's flame can flicker low,
In moments when understanding may not show.
But within each soul, a spark may gleam,
Even in Rumpole, his worth may redeem.

Knowledge's paths can twist and bend,
And foolish acts may his story send.
But let us remember, with grace in our hearts,
To cherish his journey, where growth imparts.

For what is stupidity, but a fleeting state,
That may, with guidance, soon abate?
So let us not dismiss or deride,
But seek compassion, side by side.

In Rumpole's tale, perhaps we'll find,
A lesson learned, a change of mind.
For within the human spirit's core,
There lies potential to grow evermore.
  • Brilliant
Reactions: kaz

Fourteenth Amendment​

Section 1​

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

The 14th Amendment says, "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof", which then does NOT apply to temporary visitors, diplomats, or illegal aliens.
I personally do not mind anchor babies, but it is not a clear cut legal matter at all.
Most countries do not allow citizenship for children born of non-citizen parents.

I personally prefer to be generous over citizenship, since actually none of the European settlers were here legally.
Their Spirit Never Ended

In the year 2024, a haunting sight,
Trump won the race, his power alight.
With a stroke of his pen, he aimed to decree,
An end to birthright citizenship, for all to see.

The Constitution trembled, its principles shaken,
As the path to creeping fascism was taken.
He disregarded equality, justice, and grace,
Embracing division, with a scornful embrace.

No longer a nation of dreams and hope,
But a land where intolerance began to elope.
Families torn apart, hearts filled with despair,
As the promise of America vanished in the air.

The outcry was fierce, voices raised high,
Defending the rights of those who would cry.
But Trump remained stubborn, unmoved by their plea,
His vision of exclusion, his twisted decree.

Yet in the shadows, a resistance took form,
A united front against this brewing storm.
Voices united, hearts filled with might,
Fighting to reclaim what was just and right.

The battle was long, the struggle profound,
But unity prevailed, as truth did resound.
And in the end, the people did rise,
Casting away the veil of divisive lies.

With hope and courage, they sought to restore,
The values and ideals they cherished before.
Birthright citizenship, once again embraced,
As freedom's beacon, not to be erased.

Though the scars may remain, a reminder true,
Of the dangers when power goes askew,
The people stood strong, their democracy defended,
In the face of darkness, their spirit never ended.

Humbly tendered,
Poem by ChatGPT-4 rendered from a prompt by Rumpole

Critique: Hmmm, not too bad for a machine. Not epic or going to win contests,
but good enough to supplement the article, the basis of this thread.
(and if you on the right want to enlist ChatGPT to write you a poem
to counter this one, I welcome the exchange, but know that the Chat
will dutifully fulfill your request, but not a drop more than your request.
So, if it doesn't do as good as job as the one above, that's on you, not Chat.)

Trump pledges to end birthright citizenship on first day in office​

Former President Trump is returning to his calls to remove birthright citizenship, with his 2024 White House campaign announcing Tuesday he would seek to end it via executive order on his first day in office.

Trump announced his plan on the 125th anniversary of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, the Supreme Court case that established the constitutional right to birthright citizenship.

The proposal echoes a longtime demand of immigration restrictionists and a measure Trump toyed with while in office, attracting criticism from both immigration advocates and legal experts.
Our economy is horrible now. We need Trump back or RFK Junior.

People don’t like paying high gas prices. Maybe your retired and you don’t have to worry about it others do.
…since actually none of the European settlers were here legally.

Before there were any laws concerning immigration to North America, before there was even a government to make any such laws, how was anyone who came here not here legally? Was my great⁹ grandfather Thomas Blalock (without the Y in the middle of the name) acting illegally when he came here in the 1600s? If so, what laws was he violating?
…since actually none of the European settlers were here legally.
Before there were any laws concerning immigration to North America, before there was even a government to make any such laws, how was anyone who came here not here legally? Was my great⁹ grandfather Thomas Blalock (without the Y in the middle of the name) acting illegally when he came here in the 1600s? If so, what laws was he violating?

Most countries do not allow citizenship for children born of non-citizen parents.

I personally prefer to be generous over citizenship, since actually none of the European settlers were here legally.
/——-/ What laws did the settlers break? Anything specific?

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