Did you know that there is a YouTube channel that is just Tucker Carlson’s show translated into "russian"? He has a large fan base in Moscow

Provide evidence of the Putin propaganda Tucker is spreading.
“Joe Biden is calling for an unconditional surrender from Vladimir Putin,” he said in his Aug. 29 broadcast. “Here’s the weird thing. By any actual reality-based measure, Vladimir Putin is not losing the war in Ukraine. He is winning the war in Ukraine and Joe Biden looks at that and says we won’t stop until you proffer an unconditional surrender.”

Tucktuck isn't respected anywhere...he's a whore.
hahaha….What about that pesky truth getting in the way of your twisted desires?
Tucker has the number one show and has for a long time….even filthy fucked in the head LibTards tune in…hahahah
“Joe Biden is calling for an unconditional surrender from Vladimir Putin,” he said in his Aug. 29 broadcast. “Here’s the weird thing. By any actual reality-based measure, Vladimir Putin is not losing the war in Ukraine. He is winning the war in Ukraine and Joe Biden looks at that and says we won’t stop until you proffer an unconditional surrender.”


On August 29th, what was the status of the war?

I know the missile that struck Poland was from Ukraine and not Russia…as Zelensky stated. The American media spread Ukraine propaganda, we know 100%.

I got your Tucker quote, now explain to me how that is Russian Propaganda?
How is saying Russia is winning on August 29th an example of Russian Propaganda?

If Ukraine was winning, why do we keep sending them billions of our dollars?
Putin doesn't respect Biden
Tucker doesn't respect Biden

Therefore, Tucker must be a Putin pawn. 😂
Tucker explicitly states he supports Russian invasion of Ukraine, do you have any clue wtf are you talking about?
He’s never said such a thing….that’s why you didn’t / can’t link us to such commentary.
Ok I'll correct myself - he explicitly said he supports Russia in 2019, which by extent is stated support for Putin, who is the seat of power in their government.

Why? Because he is a useful idiot (at very least)

He may oppose the invasion itself, but does he blame Putin who ordered it? NOPE, instead he blames America and is spreading bullshit about Putya just wanting to protect his country.
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Maybe people in Russia want the truth instead of lies by the entire US media.

The ”vax” stops the virus.
The virus did not come from the Wuhan lab.
The Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation.
Masks work.
Lockdowns work.
The ”vax” has no side effects.
Trump caused J6.
ANTIFA does not exist.
Paul Pelosi’s attacker is a MAGA PUB.
The “vax” stops the spread.
Russia struck Poland with a missile.
The US did not pay for gain of function viral experiments in Wuhan.
Dobbs decision is a Federal banning of abortion.
The President only controls gas prices when they drop, not when they rise.
Biden has no control over inflation.
Biden is not getting paid from China and Ukraine.
J6 was an “insurrection”.
BLM is mostly peaceful.
Mandate climate change is going to kill us all by 2012.
Jussie Smollet was attacked by MAGA PUBS.
Banning guns will stop gun violence.
Give Dems your money and they will stop the earth from changing.
A panel of 10 black women from the same street in Brooklyn is “DIVERSITY”.
A man can give birth.

These are just among the lies the Dems and the media spreads off the top of my head.

What are Tucker’s lies that he is spreading at the behest of Putin?
Maybe people in Russia want the truth instead of lies by the entire US media.

Russians don't watch Tucker for VAX info you dolt. They watch him to validate their Russian foreign policy propaganda.

That United States is to blame for Russian invasion of Ukraine?

That Putin just wants to secure his borders?

That Biden is just saber-rattling for some sort of political diversion when he was warning of incoming Russian invasion?

That Ukraine is conducting deadly virus bio-research?

What truth?
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What truth moron?

That United States is to blame for Russian invasion of Ukraine?

That Putin just wants to secure his borders?

That Biden is just saber-rattling for some sort of political diversion when he was warning of incoming Russian invasion?

That Ukraine is conducting deadly virus bio-research?

What truth?

Did a Russian missile hit Poland, like the corrupt Zelensky claimed?


Lying cult fucks like you spread war machine propaganda. Congrats, dumb fuck.
Russians don't watch Tucker for VAX info you dolt. They watch him to validate their Russian foreign policy propaganda.

That United States is to blame for Russian invasion of Ukraine?

That Putin just wants to secure his borders?

That Biden is just saber-rattling for some sort of political diversion when he was warning of incoming Russian invasion?

That Ukraine is conducting deadly virus bio-research?

What truth?

You spread nothing but lies that the EXPERIMENTAL mRNA GENE THERAPY SHOT would stop COVID.


You have zero credibility, you tumbling duckweed dumb fuck.

Does the shot stop the spread? No
Did you claim it did? Yes

So fuck all the way off.
Ok I'll correct myself - he explicitly said he supports Russia in 2019, which by extent is stated support for Putin, who is the seat of power in their government.

Why? Because he is a useful idiot (at very least)

He may oppose the invasion itself, but does he blame Putin who ordered it? NOPE, instead he blames America and is spreading bullshit about Putya just wanting to protect his country.
All he’s ever said and or implied is that the U.S. should stay out of the beef between Russia and Ukraine…and he’s right.
Did a Russian missile hit Poland, like the corrupt Zelensky claimed?


Lying cult fucks like you spread war machine propaganda. Congrats, dumb fuck.

Tucker lied on that too:

"With that in mind, it would have been worth pausing for a moment in skepticism when you saw that story on your phone yesterday about how Russia had bombed Poland."

You know who saw that story? No one, because Tucker is distorting what was reported. No one in mainstream media reported Russia targeting Poland.
Russians don't watch Tucker for VAX info you dolt. They watch him to validate their Russian foreign policy propaganda.

That United States is to blame for Russian invasion of Ukraine?

That Putin just wants to secure his borders?

That Biden is just saber-rattling for some sort of political diversion when he was warning of incoming Russian invasion?

That Ukraine is conducting deadly virus bio-research?

What truth?
when did xiden warn of any invasion?

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