Did you know?


Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2009
Not all chemicals are bad. Without hydrogen or oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer. :up:
The trouble with jogging is that by the time you realize you're not in shape for it, it's too far to walk back.
Did you know that the following statement is true. the previous statement is false? :coffee:
Not all chemicals are bad. Without hydrogen or oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer. :up:


Yes I knew that...

Do you know you're exposed to lethal chemicals everyday all day.

There are few elements you're not exposed to on an everyday basis that would be classified as lethal poisons in a consolidated dosage.

Environmentalists use this notion to progress their agenda, when in reality its perfectly natural.
Did you know giraffes and rats can last longer without water than camels?

I don't know about the giraffes, but we do it by drinking beer. :thup:
Did you know giraffes and rats can last longer without water than camels?

I don't know about the giraffes, but we do it by drinking beer. :thup:

The funny part is that most people believe that camels humps store water but they don't - those humps are actually fatty deposits...

Ha, 5-6 years ago I was doing a rehab job on an apartment complex and a few blocks away there was a petting zoo (I suppose) and they had a gigantic camel.... Yes, a fucking camel... Those animals are huge... This one had 2 humps and was at least 15 feet from neck to ass.

Easily the biggest creature I have ever seen outside of a zoo.

The last thing you would expect to see in a Chicago burb is a flippin camel..... Yet t here it was..

I was shocked the first time I saw it...

I'd walk over there and feed it crab apples.

I think it was an old camel tho because it would lay down most of the time, kind of like an old dog....
Did you know that the people that seem strongest are usually the most sensitive?

Did you know that people who exhibit the most kindness are usually the first to be mistreated?

Did you know the ones who take careof others all the time are usually the ones that need it most?

Did you know the 3 hardest things to say are, I love you, Im sorry and Help me!~Martin Owens
Did you know that the people that seem strongest are usually the most sensitive?

Did you know that people who exhibit the most kindness are usually the first to be mistreated?

Did you know the ones who take careof others all the time are usually the ones that need it most?

Did you know the 3 hardest things to say are, I love you, Im sorry and Help me!~Martin Owens

I know all of that, all to well.

Did you know that for you health and well being.... one way streets are bad.
Did you know that the people that seem strongest are usually the most sensitive?

Did you know that people who exhibit the most kindness are usually the first to be mistreated?

Did you know the ones who take careof others all the time are usually the ones that need it most?

Did you know the 3 hardest things to say are, I love you, Im sorry and Help me!~Martin Owens

I know all of that, all to well.

Did you know that for you health and well being.... one way streets are bad.

Yes, If you are talking about tunnel vision, or putting all your eggs in one basket
Did you know that the people that seem strongest are usually the most sensitive?

Did you know that people who exhibit the most kindness are usually the first to be mistreated?

Did you know the ones who take careof others all the time are usually the ones that need it most?

Did you know the 3 hardest things to say are, I love you, Im sorry and Help me!~Martin Owens

I know all of that, all to well.

Did you know that for you health and well being.... one way streets are bad.

Yes, If you are talking about tunnel vision, or putting all your eggs in one basket

No, not so much. Though tunnel vision and everything riding in one basked... would suck too!

More like when everything is going one way.... out and toward others. You are always the one helping and never receiving help. You are always the one being kind and thought full and never receiving the same in return. You are always there for everyone and no one is there for you. Doing everything for everyone one and not having it returned.

That kind of one way street.
I know all of that, all to well.

Did you know that for you health and well being.... one way streets are bad.

Yes, If you are talking about tunnel vision, or putting all your eggs in one basket

No, not so much. Though tunnel vision and everything riding in one basked... would suck too!

More like when everything is going one way.... out and toward others. You are always the one helping and never receiving help. You are always the one being kind and thought full and never receiving the same in return. You are always there for everyone and no one is there for you. Doing everything for everyone one and not having it returned.

That kind of one way street.

Oh yes. That describes someone I know very well.
Yes, If you are talking about tunnel vision, or putting all your eggs in one basket

No, not so much. Though tunnel vision and everything riding in one basked... would suck too!

More like when everything is going one way.... out and toward others. You are always the one helping and never receiving help. You are always the one being kind and thought full and never receiving the same in return. You are always there for everyone and no one is there for you. Doing everything for everyone one and not having it returned.

That kind of one way street.

Oh yes. That describes someone I know very well.

one way streets..... a very bad deal.
Did you know that assumption is the momma of all screw ups?

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