Did you notice the difference in response between kid falls in Gorilla pit vs Kid taken my Alligator

My mom the other day was at the store and she bought something that she didn't realize had already expired until after she got home. Who is at fault there? The store for not getting rid of what shouldn't be on the shelf any longer or my mom for not taking personal responsibility by checking to make sure that what she was buying was still good before she bought it?

God bless you and my mom always!!!

A sign saying "warning: alligators may be present in lagoon" would have prevented this tragedy.

Parents would have seen the sign and would never had allowed their child near the lagoon. Being from Nebraska they probably assumed there was nothing to worry about at a Disney park. Surely Disney would make the park safe. Disney is going to lose a ton of money. It's sad and totally preventable.

Yeah, because Alligators in Florida is a new thing that started in 2010

Some people just aren't aware of the danger. Especially when they are from out of state. I lived I Florida for 2 years when I was in the military. I knew there were alligators but was surprised one day myself. Me and a bunch of guys went camping one weekend somewhere in about the middle of the state(been a long time). There was a huge natural spring there where people went swimming. Beautiful place. We got there with about an hour before sunset. We got our stuff put away and ran down to the water and jumped in. Just as we jump in I saw 2 alligators across the spring(about 50 yards) jump in(we spooked them) and go down river. I freaked out and looked around and I could see a bunch of black rocks on the bottom that stood out against the white sandy bottom. Thought I was about to die! Anyways I'm just saying sometimes you're not aware of the danger until you learn the hard way. By the way I don't remeber seeing any signs.

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