Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
I clearly did not claim that you KNEW it then, my point was that you KNOW it now.

I knew with absolute certainty that Iraq was being peacefully disarmed in January 2002 after Colin Powell said SH was cooperating. I did not know that SH was NOT hiding WMD from inspectors until W was forced to admit it in 2004 after told the world that he was disarming Iraq using military force and killing innocent civilians.
Jeeze, maybe if you didn't cut away EVERYTHING, you would know.

Actually if you wrote a coherent question I could answer it. I posted the entire question but if you need to see the fluff and shut you embellish your posts you can click on it to refresh your apparently lack luster memory.
I clearly did not claim that you KNEW it then, my point was that you KNOW it now.

I knew with absolute certainty that Iraq was being peacefully disarmed in January 2002 after Colin Powell said SH was cooperating....

And you were wrong.

Note how I don't use that to pretend that you were not operating in good faith at the time or to invenst some other reason that you must have really had, cause, reasons.

I'm not an asshole. YOu were wrong, but it was what you really thought at the time and your actions based on that belief stand as being based on that belief.

Not something I made up just to be a troll.
Jeeze, maybe if you didn't cut away EVERYTHING, you would know.

Actually if you wrote a coherent question I could answer it. I posted the entire question but if you need to see the fluff and shut you embellish your posts you can click on it to refresh your apparently lack luster memory.

My question was clear. Answer it. Cease the stupid games.
"Forced by what" exactly? By whom?

The UNSC. W was required to give all the evidence he had to the inspectors. Up to the date of the invasion W said they gave the inspectors all the evidence they had. The inspectors found none of it to be credible. Three more months of indirections would forced W abandon if a claim that he had evidence when he announced his final decision disarm Iraq by killing civilians.
"Forced by what" exactly? By whom?

The UNSC. W was required to give all the evidence he had to the inspectors. Up to the date of the invasion W said they gave the inspectors all the evidence they had. The inspectors found none of it to be credible. Three more months of indirections would forced W abandon if a claim that he had evidence when he announced his final decision disarm Iraq by killing civilians.

An interesting assumption. One that I never heard mentioned at the time.

Oh, well, moot now.
An interesting assumption. One that I never heard mentioned at the time.

Its not an assumption. The US was providing intelligence to the inspectors who shot it all down and W said the following when he announced that killing civilians was about to commence.

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

But Mr Bush admits that he was shocked when no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. "No one was more shocked and angry than I was when we didn't find the weapons," he writes.

"I had a sickening feeling every time I thought about it. I still do."
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An interesting assumption. One that I never heard mentioned at the time.

Its not an assumption. The US was providing intelligence to the inspectors who shot it all down and W said when he announced that killing civilians was about to commence.

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

But Mr Bush admits that he was shocked when no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. "No one was more shocked and angry than I was when we didn't find the weapons," he writes.

"I had a sickening feeling every time I thought about it. I still do."

People are sometimes wrong, even when they are very sure. An important lesson to be sure.

Have you ever considered the implications for yourself?
An interesting assumption. One that I never heard mentioned at the time.

Its not an assumption. The US was providing intelligence to the inspectors who shot it all down and W said when he announced that killing civilians was about to commence.

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

But Mr Bush admits that he was shocked when no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. "No one was more shocked and angry than I was when we didn't find the weapons," he writes.

"I had a sickening feeling every time I thought about it. I still do."

People are sometimes wrong, even when they are very sure. An important lesson to be sure.

Have you ever considered the implications for yourself?

Are you familiar with Operation Mass Appeal? The war was absolutely based on a lie and for the benefit of Clean Break Strategy.
YOu were wrong, but it was what you really thought at the time and your actions based on that belief stand as being based on that belief.

What are you saying is what I REALLY thought at the time? I did not KNOW that Iraq had zero WMD until after the invasion when that FACT and TRUTH came out as the body count was growing and growing and growing.

And the clincher was W ADMITTING IT :

"No one was more shocked and angry than I was when we didn't find the weapons," he writes.

"I had a sickening feeling every time I thought about it. I still do."
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YOu were wrong, but it was what you really thought at the time and your actions based on that belief stand as being based on that belief.

What are you saying is what I REALLY thought at the time? I did not KNOW that Iraq had zero WMD until after the invasion when that FACT and TRUTH came out as the body count was growing and growing and growing.

And the clincher was W ADMITTING IT :

"No one was more shocked and angry than I was when we didn't find the weapons," he writes.

"I had a sickening feeling every time I thought about it. I still do."
The Iraqis DID have massive stores of Nitrogen Mustard gas ----AND they were
desperate to get into biological warfare and BAATHIST PIG Saddam did murder
MASSIVELY tens to hundreds of thousands of Kurds and Shiites in Iraq.
IMVO---that's WMD. "didn't find"? he shipped lots of his stuff to fellow
Baathist pig ----BASHAR ASSAD
Corell — unlike the Trump supporters I know and still personally respect — does not give a simple and honest answer to anything. He cannot just say, “Yeah, I was wrong,” and leave it at that.

Most ignorant and then oh-so-easily-led North Americans believed the ‘patriotic’ (snake-) oil-and-MIC profiteering / imperialist lies of Bush & Cheney & Rumsfeld. One need not personally profit from a war to “defend” it as wrongheadedly as Hillary and Biden and the DNC did.

North Americans (and Republicans in particular) supported the illegal and absurd war and occupation of Iraq — at least so long as they thought they could get away with it! Trump more crudely and much later criticized the war, arguing (ridiculously) that the U.S. should have just “Taken the Oil.” This has always been our real and most essential motivation in the Middle East. But Baby Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” turned out to be the boondoggle even Obama warned against. Bernie & genuine anti-imperialists were absolutely right about this war, as about many other American adventures abroad.

IMO, you had to be a naive idiot not to see through the lies that were being told then about “WMD” and “Saddam’s support to Al Qaeda” and the “existential threat” posed by Saddam to the U.S. (or Israel) by our MSM.

Today similar lies are still being told … about Russian “aggression” in Crimea and Syria, and about Iranian “imperialism” in Iraq and Syria. Biden is continuing most of Trump’s international sanctions and propaganda campaigns, trying where possible to make them palatable to our allies. Uncle Sam continues to base troops without even a shred of legality in Northeast Syria. We illegally bomb in both Iraq and Syria. We sanction devastated Syria and prevent it trading normally with its neighbors. Syria — that utterly ruined country we did so much to destroy in the first place by our support to Sunni fundamentalists in its terrible Civil War.

But now that Biden has adopted Trump/Pompeo’s final “Lame Duck” propaganda lies about “genocide” and “slave labor” — in China — patriotic “American Exceptionalist” fervor may prove far more dangerous. China is a real economic competitor and a power that really hinders the U.S. desire for a unipolar world where Wall Street has “full spectrum” dominance. It is an alien authoritarian one party state-capitalist society to North Americans, which makes Biden’s “democratic” pretensions more appealing. Trump Republicans will continue to pressure Democrats for harder policies … that could easily lead to serious warfare in Asia, as well as a new round of proxy wars in Africa and elsewhere.

These are just some of my own passing reflections on this July 4th, 2021 “All American” — ??? — holiday.
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YOu were wrong, but it was what you really thought at the time and your actions based on that belief stand as being based on that belief.

What are you saying is what I REALLY thought at the time? I did not KNOW that Iraq had zero WMD until after the invasion ....

Which is what I said. Your reposting it so you can try to spin it into an attack on Bush is you being a troll.

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